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If you get shot at what do you do?

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In situations where you get shot at and you don't see the shooter what do you do? Do you run in a building and wait for him to come out? Or do you flee and go as far as possible? I'd like to see other peoples points of view on this.

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Depends. My loadout, the range the shot sounded from, and the type of weapon that was fired will drastically affect my reaction. In the most general terms though, I'd sprint to cover and return fire if possible.

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Reaction depends on distance. Far, move to cover, force them to close the distance or reposition. Near, unload and move to cover, press the attack.


But really, ambushes play out well for the ambusher. Surprise often helps ensure there is no counter attack.

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Hardcore or Normal? What gun did it sound like? What is the terrain? Which location of the map? What gear do I have?

My normal reaction is to get out of that area. Why? because obviously they can see me and know where I am. So my best bet is to get away and into a thick set of trees/bushes/cluster of buildings so I can break their line of site and then either keep on going, or circle around and hope I see them before they see me.

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It would really depend on the situation, I don't know about anybody else but I certainly don't have a single response to being attacked by somebody I can't see.


Ideally my immediate response would be to find some sort of safe cover or concealment so that I can collect my thoughts and deal with any injuries I might have sustained, only then will I worry about trying to find the person responsible and shoot back if capable (or run if not). One thing I most certainly would not do is run in to a building, even if I knew for sure it had multiple exits I think it could easily become a siege.

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I will run away dodging until I locate the shooter then engage. If I can't locate, I run until the shots stop then circle back.

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Find a cover and alt+f4

Seriously? "Hi, when I am at a disadvantage I just give up and cheat." :(

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Hit the dirt and pray he misses again. Try and see if I can return fire effectively. If not, I run in an S pattern, and scream zoidbergs "whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop" over my mic.

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I die. So far I've only been killed twice and both times from a sniper headshot, so I died instantly.

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If I hear fire I first determine if it has the potential of being at me.  If I am in the middle of a town and it seems far off, it is probably at another target.  I will get into a safe position and try to figure out where the shots came from.  


The main thing is changing the setting from you reacting to shifting to safe so it is your forcing the response.

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If I'm in a town, I run into a house and watch a chokepoint.

If im in a forest or field, I zig zag and make for trees.

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Log out immediately.
Nahh Just Kidding. I stand still in the open looking for the shooter.
Nahh Just Kidding. I run/sprint back the way I came. Zig Zaging as much as I can.
No really.

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Wouldn't know guns don't make sounds.

And when they do they are wrong

Edited by BL1P
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In situations where you get shot at and you don't see the shooter what do you do? Do you run in a building and wait for him to come out? Or do you flee and go as far as possible? I'd like to see other peoples points of view on this.

Advance to contact. Wait out.

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In situations where you get shot at and you don't see the shooter what do you do? Do you run in a building and wait for him to come out? Or do you flee and go as far as possible? I'd like to see other peoples points of view on this.

I will make it look as if i am sprinting off and then double back on my self as far around the edges as possible and retaliate.


Surely that's what everyone does.

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Try and hear where the shots are coming from, take cover, wait out. 


The easiest way to win alot of dayz confrontations is to find a place where you're safe, and wait for them to make the first move. I've killed quite a few people simply by waiting for them to make a mistake. If you wait long enough and your enemy is impatient, they'll end up in the open, and ripe for the picking. 


It's really hard to be patient, and a lot of guys start chomping at the bit to make some kind of assault/kill. Usually this puts you out in the open at some point, and that's when you end up dead. All the guys saying they flank, they aren't wrong, but so many times I've had squaddies die on me during the flanking maneuver. Flank to a position where you have a view of your target's general location, and sit still. 


Enjoy getting kills and feeling like you're about to have a heart attack. 


Of course if you don't have a gun, try and hear where the shots are coming from, take cover, and then retreat using the cover to block their view of you. Do it quickly, before they can relocate and you don't know where they are anymore. 

Edited by Capo
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Wouldn't know guns don't make sounds.

And when they do they are wrong



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solo - double back and try to flank


squad - breakdown in communications and we all die

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