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Just had a sour death. This game can make you feel really bad sometimes!

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No more fail death stories?


OK - one more.


Much later in my DayZ experience - after actually learning to drive - I was leading  a mini convoy of myself in a damaged tractor and my 3 other friends in a GAZ (civilian car).  I was the only one with a map so was navigating our way to Electro late at night.


Unbeknownst to me the driver of the GAZ was running without headlights on a fair ways behind me. I was happy to take point as my character was not fully geared and the loss of a tractor would be - well - no loss at all.


So I make it to a switchback in the road that is a sharp right turn. I proceed past it and continue on giving directions to my friend in the car. Just as I am nearing a hard left turn I casually mention to him that he needs to turn right hard at the BOTTOM of the hill.


He takes that as instruction to turn right hard... RIGHT NOW. He drives directly into the pond that is at the inside of the switchback, killing everyone but the new guy that has never played DayZ before. He's like what the hell just happened to you guys?


I am distracted by the shrieks of distress in TS and just as I'm asking WTF happened turn right instead of left - at full speed of course - and head on into  a giant stone at the side of the road.


Good game - well played.



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I got a convoy one. We had a bus and a uaz, uaz was following the bus out the back of NWA. But the driver was getting really close pushing his luck. The guy in the bus stops to check his map and the uaz goes into the back of the bus.


Meanwile the bus driver gets out just in time to see the uaz explode and kill me, but the uaz driver survived. The bus driver now drags the injured uaz driver to the front of the bus and starts healing him.


But the secondary explosion for the uaz hits the back of the bus ...right in the engine, that goes up and kills the both of them :)

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I got a convoy one. We had a bus and a uaz, uaz was following the bus out the back of NWA. But the driver was getting really close pushing his luck. The guy in the bus stops to check his map and the uaz goes into the back of the bus.


Meanwile the bus driver gets out just in time to see the uaz explode and kill me, but the uaz driver survived. The bus driver now drags the injured uaz driver to the front of the bus and starts healing him.


But the secondary explosion for the uaz hits the back of the bus ...right in the engine, that goes up and kills the both of them :)



Laughed pretty hard at that one.


Vehicles will add so much to the equation in SA. 


New players - be afraid - be very afraid.

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I see what you mean. To be honest I don't think it's neccesary but It's an interesting concept. The thing I currently don't like about it is that a slight touch of the mouse gives huge turn speeds while rapid movement of the mouse gives super low turn speeds. It doesn't make much sense even in terms of the system they have in. 

It's all in favor of authenticity and realism.  It's likely here to stay, but will be improved.  Hell even the mod controls better than SA at the moment.

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OP I believe your mistake was the standing up part, like you said in the post. Very nice story though!


That split second of over confidence and lack of concentration is one of the greatest things about Arma and DayZ for me. It's killed me numerous times, and it's killed others numerous times too. My most recent being me and 2 other mates got into a firefight with 6 other people, yet we didn't know the full number till the very end, at the military base SE of Vybor . The engagement went on for 45mins or so from our first initial sighting of us spotting them to me dying as the last guy on our side. My friends managed to kill 3 between the two of them before both dying. I then managed to kill another 2, one with an axe and the 2nd with the axed guys M4.


Thinking that was it, 5 dead on their side, 2 on ours, I started looting the bodies when I took shots from the military compound. Fortunately for me, they all missed and hit the tree just next to me. I managed to get into cover and basically spent the next 10mins waiting for him to appear and also flank on a rough position of where I thought he would be. Eventually I made it to the wall and knew there was a gap in the bottom of the wall part of the way along on the East side. I didn't dare take the front entrance with the main gate, as thats where the shots roughly came from and thought that that is where he would be. So I crawled under the wall and lead there for about 2 seconds and looked both left and right. Seeing nothing I then got up into a crouched position thinking it was all clear and immediately took fire from very close to my right and died. 


I recorded the whole thing, and looking back at the footage afterwards, you could see a man crouched and moving in the bush to my immediate right. In the moment I completely missed him because I wasn't careful enough, and wanted to get over to a couple of dead bodies, but in the footage, he's pretty easy to spot. 

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I looked for the post, but couldn't find it. Some guy said it very well, I can't quote but I can paraphrase. Basically he made a great point that some "clunkiness" in the controls is what makes this game different and exciting. We don't want people to be able to "master" the weapon controls, that way decision making, communication and movement become more powerful skills to try and master. Some people will be better shots than others because they have good wasd skills and lots of playtime, but If we stay on a relatively even playing field with weapon controls, most players will need to be good at other things to find advantages over other players.

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I looked for the post, but couldn't find it. Some guy said it very well, I can't quote but I can paraphrase. Basically he made a great point that some "clunkiness" in the controls is what makes this game different and exciting. We don't want people to be able to "master" the weapon controls, that way decision making, communication and movement become more powerful skills to try and master. Some people will be better shots than others because they have good wasd skills and lots of playtime, but If we stay on a relatively even playing field with weapon controls, most players will need to be good at other things to find advantages over other players.

Interesting. To some degree I agree with you. But i believe we can still be at an even playing field with the mouse controls and still have it slightly differently. I'm in favour of having a system where it depends on different variables, but as it is now with the acceleration issues I'm having where you pull the mouse fast, it does barely anything and if you do it slowly it will go nuts as I said earlier, it just goes against everything you learn as a PC gamer kind of. 

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Interesting. To some degree I agree with you. But i believe we can still be at an even playing field with the mouse controls and still have it slightly differently. I'm in favour of having a system where it depends on different variables, but as it is now with the acceleration issues I'm having where you pull the mouse fast, it does barely anything and if you do it slowly it will go nuts as I said earlier, it just goes against everything you learn as a PC gamer kind of. 

Right, and what's nice is that they aren't exclusive ideas and can live together in the same game. I've heard Dean mention on one of his streams or Sacriel's stream that they are looking to fix some stuff like that down the road. I think they will smooth out some of the controls and movement while maintaining the philosphy of "critical thinking>wasd skills." The wasd skilled players can have some advantage in game, while not dominating the game if they are making poor decisions, etc...

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...it just goes against everything you learn as a PC gamer kind of.

As a PC gamer I learned long ago that all games play differently and the controls are often different. I learned that I would have to get used to each game. What did you learn?

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As a PC gamer I learned long ago that all games play differently and the controls are often different. I learned that I would have to get used to each game. What did you learn?

I learned that when I pull the mouse slowly, it goes slowly. And when I pull the mouse quickly, it goes quickly. Did you not learn this? Hurr. If I get good in a certain sensitivity in any FPS, that can translate to another. For example Counter strike, Team fortress, Battlefield, Cod. But I am not saying I want this to be an arcadey twitch mouse shooter. I just want simple mouse logic to be present. 

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currently the way the cursor works is based on a large number of factors including gun, health, tiredness, encumbrance (clothing), and probably other factors.  I am pretty sure this will never change.  It may get more intuitive and a bit less clunky but in general this is kinda working as intended.


If the current mouse configuration is working as intended, that's laughable. It's the least realistic movement you could possibly imagine. I don't know if you've ever shot a gun, but if you have, there's no plausible argument for the current implementation of "shooting". At the very least, the mouse acceleration needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

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once you've played enough DayZ, the mouse thingy isn't really noticable. At least to me.

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when I log out with a LRS and log back in to the "character cannot' be loaded" bs message. I just turn off the game for that day..ugh...has happened twice now.


I rarely if ever die in the game by player deaths, the alpha bugs have claimed 90% of my characters..lmao..

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