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Yo, Seriously fix the F***ing tents...

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I am tired of nudging left and right to get a tent non the ground. Plus half the time no matter where I am even in the middle of a perfectly flat road with nothing around the $hit still doesn't work. There is no way the tents can be that difficult to place. I can use barbwire/tank traps/sandbags just fine but when I go to place a tent my character scratches his a$$ and says, Uh I don't know...:huh:??? Give me a break man.

So much for tent cities, I can't even place one of these pieces of crap. Waste of space!

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nudging left and right to place one isn't difficult.

Use vehicles to store stuff. If you can't find/hide them, then pack light and only keep what you can carry. You'll know this principle well if you've ever had a motorcycle.

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The game is in a broken and almost unplayable state at times, we definitely should prioritize dem tents. Especially with dem hackers around. Fixing tents would solve everything.

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you're doing it wrong

you can move while you have your "G" inventory menu up. so what you do is right click the tent, hover your mouse over the pitch tent button, then spam left click as you move around. if you move like 10 feet from your original place you'll need to open up your inventory again.

this also dupes tents(maybe fixed?)

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