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Up Hills/Slopes

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Should I be able to sprint up a hill with a full pack on my back? No.


Should I be able to sprint for 10km straight with a full pack on my back? No.


If I'm fit enough to sprint forever with gear then I should be able to sprint up a mild hill. Either buff hill running or nerf regular running but it's idiotic that I can literally sprint without stopping for 30 minutes but I can't climb a 3% grade at any pace faster than a walk.



Need we state, "Alpha"? You are not supposed to be able to sprint forever and probably won't be able to in the end. In addition I am certain they will work on tweaking how much slope decreases your speed. I'm pretty sure there are other priorities right now. 

The Mod handled it slightly better so I assume part of it is the changes in animations from ARMA:II to DayZ:SA. I'd bug report it and move on since a 3% slope obviously isn't supposed to bring you to a crawl... unless you consider jogging and not sprinting a crawl that is. 

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If/When there is some sort of energy/endurance/etc in play, Id be fine with the uphill speed being increased a bit at the cost of loosing said energy/endurance/whatever at a faster rate.

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