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Dayz Fight Club

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So me & a buddy were killed last night, so we ran around Berezino, got healthy, got some raggedy clothing and I found 2 SKS's. I had one and I gave one to my buddy.


I said lets head down S on the road and see if we can have a fight club.


Ran for about 10 minutes, found a bambi- I pull out my SKS and start yelling "STOP! We're going to have a fight club. If you win, you get all his gear. If you dont, you die."


So this has probably been done a million times, but he went for it. My friend is ridiculous at knocking people out (he's knocked me out several times) and knocks the guy out after about 20 seconds. The guy was laughing and very cool, so we gave him a bunch of food, soda and bandages.


Right before he starts to take off, I said "know what the best part of this whole thing is?" pointing my SKS at him.


"What?" he asked nervously.


*click click click click click*


Everyone laughed and took off.


Who says you need ammo to have fun?


KOS now bores me, but these interactions are fun.


We were both gunned down by 2 douche canoes about 2 minutes after, but hey, we had fun.


PS- you're right, cool story bro!



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Love having fight club. Love it even more after getting murdered, then running back naked to chase down the fuckwit that killed me. Almost nothing as fun as taking out a fully kitted dude with nothing but your fists.

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