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Couple of questions and my opinion

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Been playing for few hours now and although i am well aware its still in alpha stage,i have few questions which need answering.

Zombies- what is triggering them, sight or distance, as i have seen them attacking me from very far away but then again i have been few meters away and they did nothing?

- i have a bat and it seems 90% of my swings end up missing from close range, is this an alpha glitch or am i doing something wrong? Closing doors doesnt help as they go through them.

My screen at the moment is completely black and white, is this due to my health or the game glitch? If its health how can i improve it, because the chances of me finding a health pack are none.

What is the shortcut key for map, M doesnt work?

Is there a global inventory in this game, where can i store my items, if i cant fit them in the bag. Since there is a shortage of loot, dropping that can of tuna due to lack of space can cost you dearly later on.

Now for my opinion , i like the fact that there is no health bar or thirst bar. Or even zombie detection bar, it adds to realism, but inventory is a slight mess atm. Vicinity doesnt work all the time but lets hope they resolve this issues in the near future, as at the moment its a very good walking around game.

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My screen at the moment is completely black and white, is this due to my health or the game glitch? If its health how can i improve it, because the chances of me finding a health pack are none.


Your blood level is low. Eat as much food and drink water in equal amounts.


Check this thread for more info: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159251-merinos-in-depth-video-guides-feb-11th-updated-to-034115106-new-status-indicators-rebalancing-of-hunger-thirst-stomach-blood-and-health-reg/



What is the shortcut key for map, M doesnt work?

Well, there's no any integrated map, but you can finds map for certain areas (SW, SE etc) and you need to place them on hands and then press F.


It's simplier to open your in-game browser and go this address:http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus  This is the full map with loot, water ponds and other useful info.



And no, there's no global inventory. Once tents and bases implemented then you can store you staff there safely.

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And no, there's no global inventory. Once tents and bases implemented then you can store you staff there safely.

Not so safe, people can still rob you :b

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Zombies- what is triggering them, sight or distance, as i have seen them attacking me from very far away but then again i have been few meters away and they did nothing?

Sight. They have a  cone of sight, so you can walk up to them if they turn their back to you, but they will spot you from some 100 metres if they look into yopur direction.


i have a bat and it seems 90% of my swings end up missing from close range, is this an alpha glitch or am i doing something wrong?

The Mele system is terrible at the moment, especially for some weapons, which do not hit where you aim, like the baseball bat.

Use one of these...they hit where you aim at:

a fire axe (one-hit-kill) or a splitting axe (2 hit kill). If you don't find one of these use a fire extinguisher...looks silly, but it hits where you aim at and you can kill Zombies with it if you get used to it (aim slightly above the head - Zombie goes down - keep hitting, when the Z stands up again, one more hit to the head should kill it).


Is there a global inventory in this game, where can i store my items, if i cant fit them in the bag. Since there is a shortage of loot, dropping that can of tuna due to lack of space can cost you dearly later on.

No global inventory. Eat everything you find immedeatly until you get the "energized" or "stuffed" status.


Edited by LaughingJack
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Thanks everyone, best weapon i was able to find was a fire axe, which is quite effective.

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where can i store my items, if i cant fit them in the bag. Since there is a shortage of loot, dropping that can of tuna due to lack of space can cost you dearly later on.


Look for clothing with extra gear slots. Cargo pants, vests, larger backpacks, and some shirts have gear slots as well.

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