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[Day Z: Standalone] Controller Default Layout

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Let me preface this thread by addressing those who do not prefer to use controllers for most PC games: This thread isn't for you. Please ignore this thread unless you'd like to contribute constructively.

To those who prefer a controller, I do have a warning you've probably heard. Day Z (Mod and SA) are not very controller friendly, despite having default schemes in place and allowing controller mapping. Namely, you can't navigate the inventory screen at this time without a mouse. I understand you have your preference, and that is why I provide this information.

I have begun testing what the default control layout for Day Z: Standalone with a Standard Controller. I'll use Xbox 360 controller terminology since that is the most common controller used on PC. Be aware that you can use a non-Xbox controller, but if it doesn't support Xinput, the default scheme won't apply and you'll have to map every action individually in the game's option menu.

I haven't figured out all the controls. Possibly some of the controls may be mapped for certain gear or situations I have not or cannot encounter (ex. Vehicles, entering and exiting). I haven't used a loaded weapon yet in DZSA, so I'm not sure which button is "Reload". Please feel free to contribute any knowledge you have about missing and existing controls.

Default Layout:

Left Analog - Move (Analog sensitivity enabled)

L-Stick click - Crouch (Toggle)

Right Analog - Aiming

R-Stick click - Unknown

D-pad UP - Interaction menu scroll up

D-pad DOWN - Interaction menu scroll down

D-pad LEFT - Unknown

D-pad RIGHT - Unknown

X Button - Unknown

Y Button - Unknown

A Button - Interaction / Confirm

B Button - Go Prone (Toggle)

R Bumper - Map screen

R Trigger - Unknown (I had an Axe and it didn't swing, so it might not be "Fire")

L Bumper - Unknown

L Trigger - Zoom

Start - Game Menu (ESC key)

Back/Select - POV toggle (First and Third person)

Just like the Mod, you can choose to disable the Xbox 360 controller default scheme and map buttons as you like to the controller. You cannot edit the game's primary controller scheme. You have to map every input individually, but the analog sticks will automatically register analog input for movement and looking.

There are also Third-party applications you can download to your computer to create more sophisticated button mapping layout on controllers for the game. You can see other threads for more information on those.

Let me suggest an alternative to those of you who prefer controllers that could help you immensely when trying to play this game. The game recognizes controller, keyboard, and mouse input simultaneously. Being the weirdo that I am, I use a hybrid control layout. I utilize the LEFT SIDE of a controller for movement, while using a gaming mouse as my RIGHT SIDE controller, and spread out useful commands between them. I turn off the default controller scheme in order to map everything correctly.

Here is my personal custom layout for the left half of the controller...

Left Stick - Movement

L-stick click - Vault/Jump

D-pad UP - "Up" (Toggles standing and crouching, or moves you to crouch from prone)

D-pad DOWN - "Go Prone" (Puts you into prone from any position)

D-pad LEFT - Toggles Raise/Lower Arms and Weapons

D-pad RIGHT - Map (Doesn't toggle. You have to push another button to exit the screen)

L Bumper - Inventory Screen

L Trigger - "Look" (Swivel head without changing movement direction)

Back/Select - POV toggle

I map other common useful commands to my extra mouse buttons. Everything that is combat related is at my finger tips. I only ever have to use the keyboard for non-combat actions. I understand I could be in danger at any time. I take responsibility for my own bad judgement if I put myself in danger.

Hope this helps some of you :)

Edited by IncrediBurch

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I really hope they can do some sort of controller option, I injured my left hand up in the Marine corps and its difficult for me to use that hand!

Good thing i'm right handed ;)

Edited by Thorison

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I'll most likely be using my gamepad controller or my joystick when the eventual day that vehicles/aircraft get ingame. Haven't tried it yet with the current build.. might have to play around with it for the heck of it and see what comes of it.

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 I utilize the LEFT SIDE of a controller for movement, while using a gaming mouse as my RIGHT SIDE controller


That is weird. I suggest to everyone that they use a third party tool (like JoyToKey) to play this game. The x-input is messed up, and pretty much unplayable. Using JoyToKey, I can set advance key commands or switch controller mappings on the fly.


I tried mouse and keyboard, and the controls felt awkward, which is strange because most games I play I use the mouse. I setup the gamepad, and now the game feels intuitive. Yes a mouse is more accurate, but with the ability to change dead zones and sensitivity, you can get pretty close to mouse like accuracy.

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As of today 6/27/14 my XBOX Controller no longer works in SA, I can use it fine in Arma 2 DayZ and It was working fine in SA, did updates change something, when I select Devices it is not listed, nothing is :(  I have issues due to shell fragments.


Does anyone else have controller issues after the update?



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For anyone wanting desperately to play with controller, I recommend Pinnacle Game Profiler, it's got a free trial and full version is on sale at $9.99.

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@Wabid Wabit I have the exact same problem. The controller isn't being recognized in the settings menu. I'll attempt to report it as a bug.


@OutsideTheBoot You shouldn't have to run third party software to use your controller. DayZ SA has offered full controller support since launch.

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@OutsideTheBoot You shouldn't have to run third party software to use your controller. DayZ SA has offered full controller support since launch.


Debatable. For starters, controller support has been disabled/broken for two patches now. It's unclear as to whether or not this is a bug or intended. And, in ARMA II and DayZ SA, the controller scheme is fixed... meaning you can't configure/map things by default.

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I'm not trolling here I use a xbox pc controller a lot for any vehicles in lots of games but how in the hell do you guys aim with a controller. I just can't seem to be worth a damn. I'll have it sitting on desk and as soon as I jump into a car or helo I'll grab it and go from there. I find there is nothing better for that than the ol xbox controller. I hope they get cars and Helos in this game to be fun... Not sure having to scrounge parts to get one working only to loose it in a flash would be fun and cars should be all over the place so.... Sorry got a little off topic there. 8)

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@Wabid Wabit I have the exact same problem. The controller isn't being recognized in the settings menu. I'll attempt to report it as a bug.


@OutsideTheBoot You shouldn't have to run third party software to use your controller. DayZ SA has offered full controller support since launch.

 i already reported this issue please vote up or duplicate it here http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=12762

Its been broken ever since 0.45 experimental, we wrote it in the experimental discussion so Im not sure how it made it to stable. I haven;t seen any feedback from Devs, so I dont even know if the bug tracker has been seen or works.

Edited by AgentNe0

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wanted to bump this again as vechicles are coming soon and controller support is still broken. I much prefer driving or piloting with G13 joystick/ Xbox controller. Please can the dev's look at controller support when possible

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