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The Enclave [ENC] DayZ Epoch |Wanting Mature Members| Hosting Own Server |

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Well, apparently the admin has no sense of humor, either that or he took my comment the wrong way. I joined the TS server requesting to join and had difficulty hearing him. I said: "i'm sorry, all i heard was squeaking". meaning that the noise from his chair was making it difficult to hear what he said. I was then quickly banned from your TS server followed by "fuck off". Please respond. 

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Age: 14

Timezone:GMT +9:30

Experience in DayZ/Arma: 1 Year

What rank do you see yourself at: Sergeant

What operational specialty would you want to be: Sniper

I want to join the clan because i want to be apart of a group.

i want to join because i want to play dayz with strategy. 

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Well, apparently the admin has no sense of humor, either that or he took my comment the wrong way. I joined the TS server requesting to join and had difficulty hearing him. I said: "i'm sorry, all i heard was squeaking". meaning that the noise from his chair was making it difficult to hear what he said. I was then quickly banned from your TS server followed by "fuck off". Please respond. 


Yeah the leader (DarkPhenox) is an uptight nob head with his head stuck up his arse, I told him the honest truth of the situation and got perma banned xD

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Yeah the leader (DarkPhenox) is an uptight nob head with his head stuck up his arse, I told him the honest truth of the situation and got perma banned xD


You began being disrespectful when I had a different opinion then you. I had tried to stop the argument but you became a stuck up little fuck and kept it going. Instead of being disrespectful, you couldve dropped it like I tried to do. On the other note, I misunderstood the conversation. Also, the community is going down due to inactivity. So please dont make any more applications.

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Age: 14



Timezone: US Standard Mountain Time



Experience in DayZ/Arma: 1 1/2 Years



Past Groups: If any why did you leave: Couple Groups... Left due


to immaturity mostly.



What rank do you see yourself at: Not sure, that's up to you guys to





What operational specialty would you want to be: Preferably sniper, but


anythings ok.



Why do you want to join (2 or more sentences): I want to join mostly


because i'm kinda sick and tired of the drama, bs, and immaturity. I'm


also looking for people that I will spend the next couple months with.


Also I'm looking for a group that doesn't necessarily care about age to


much but more maturity. I've seen to many times someone younger


than me that can handle himself better then the clan leader.


Thanks -Victor


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You began being disrespectful when I had a different opinion then you. I had tried to stop the argument but you became a stuck up little fuck and kept it going. Instead of being disrespectful, you couldve dropped it like I tried to do. On the other note, I misunderstood the conversation. Also, the community is going down due to inactivity. So please dont make any more applications.

lol another clan your to much of a lazy cunt to handle because you dont understand the concept of waiting and advertising for members, and like i said: "Members dont just come out of your fucking arsehole".

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lol another clan your to much of a lazy cunt to handle because you dont understand the concept of waiting and advertising for members, and like i said: "Members dont just come out of your fucking arsehole".


Yeah totally, so why dont you tell them all your failures as a leader. Also, if your going to be a cadet in the UKAF, get some fucking respect like your supposed to portray. But then again you actually portraying good morals and ethics is something that would never happen. 

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Age: 21


Timezone: EST


Experience in DayZ/Arma: Couple months mostly played epoch i can also fly Helicopters but i am a beginner at it

Past Groups: If any why did you leave: I was part of a clan for a while but it became inactive


What rank do you see yourself at: Well private to start off but then something higher after proving my worth and loyalty  

What operational specialty would you want to be: Sniper / Scout i prefer being the last thing they never see but i am no stranger with a assault rifle

Why do you want to join (2 or more sentences): I wish to join you guys because you seem like a well tight nit group and thats what i am looking to be a part of. a group that will take care of there own not every man for them self that is what i want to join

Edited by craftykalon

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time zone: England gmt

experience: little but fast learner  

past groups: couple friends but looking for something more serious

rank I see myself at is: private first class

what operational specialty would you want to be: light/heavy machine gunner, sniper

why do you want to join: I like to be with a team and work as a team

Edited by tom amstrong

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Experience in DayZ/Arma: About 1 year

Past Groups: If any why did you leave: USMC,TWM and I left them because they weren't organized and never got anything done.

What rank do you see yourself at: Sergeant

What operational specialty would you want to be: Sniper

Why do you want to join (2 or more sentences): I would like to join because I love Epoch and this clan seems organized and well made. This clan seems perfect for me with the Ranks and Classes and I really love Strict Clans!

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Timezone:eastern standard time (Canada)

Experience in DayZ/Arma:couple weeks (but I'm a fast learner)

Past Groups: If any why did you leave:none

What rank do you see yourself at:some low rank right now.

What operational specialty would you want to be:sniper or light machine gunner.

Why do you want to join (2 or more sentences): iv just been looking for a clan to play with and you guys seem like you know what your doing. I'm tired of playing in servers full of 10 year olds I'd like to start getting alittle more serious in the game.

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Age: 15

Timezone: -5:00 GMT

Experience in DayZ/Arma: I have quite a bit but, I am rusty since I haven't played for a couple of months.

Past Groups: If any why did you leave: Yes, I had one that I left because no one played DayZ too often.

What rank do you see yourself at: Sergeant

What operational specialty would you want to be: Heavy/Light Machine Gunner or Sniper

Why do you want to join (2 or more sentences): I want to join because playing DayZ Epoch in a group is a much better and more enjoyable experience when played in a group. I've been looking for a group to take me in and teach me their ways of DayZ.

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