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Radio and playing music

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Hi guys! :)



I have another idea, and even though I'm not sure if suggestions are even being recognized by the devs at the moment, I'd really like to share it with you. Maybe someone likes it and will remember it and we can bring it up again when the game has advanced.


I'm one of those guys that actually likes listening to music while playing. Not like pop music, but real "classic" music that fits the settings. Not too loud, you still need to be able to focus on environment noises, but "in the background".


Now as you might have noticed, there are radios in some of the lootable homes and houses. I'm not talking about radio-telephones or Walkie-Talkies, but Radios to play music, those ones:




I thought it might be a good idea to turn those radios in lootable items (4x4 Slots?).


You then can combine the radio Item with a battery to make it work (same as the defibrillator).


Now obviously there won't be any radio stations playing, since everyone is dead. :o


But there is a simple solution: Casettes.




We already have over 150 public domain books in game, there is also plenty of public domain music available. One could select a couple of tracks that fit the setting (classic rock, country, maybe folk, "campfire-guitar-music"?) and add casettes with them.


If a player has the 3 items (radio + battery + casette) he can combine them and turn the radio on and off from the inventory. He can also drop the playing radio or carry it around with him while turned on. Other players would of cause be able to hear the music around you when you have a running radio in your bagpack. Just remember how scary it would be to enter a home and you find a radio playing music there - and you know there must have been a survivor here not too long ago?

Also, you could take out the radio if you and your group stay at one spot for a while. The scenario: You just returned to your camp from a hunting trip in the north, bagpacks full of raw meat. One of you prepares a campfire to cook the meat and one takes out the radio and you can relax and listen to something while you celebrate your happy return?


What do you think? :)




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I love the cassettes. They could be a great collectible, like the books.


I miss cassettes.

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I love this idea,also there is so much music free from copyright strikes to use,that it's not a problem :)

I suggest the ability for the survior to be able to raise/lower the volume of the radio.If the volume is on maximum it could attract other dangers including the nearby survivors who hear it.I suggest we make zombies to react to the radio sound/music,opening new possibilities for player made traps(example from a survivor diary:A horde was passing the other night and i grew nervous,so i placed my anti-personel mine in the room of the nearby residence,i turned my radio on,and left it there playing some classical with maximum volume,the dump fuckers went inside the room and....it was beautifull....it reminded me of 4th of July)

Edited by Damnyourdeadman

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