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Moving out people when they log out/in towns/airports

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Hello guys, 

first of all I have to say sorry to everyone that will read this for my bad english, I'll try my best. 

I will try to explain what i mean without doing a WOT. 

I am grateful that the devs listen to the community, implementing a sort of system to prevent server hopping, ghosting and camping, with the penalties of the 30 secs CD on logout and the CD for the server switches. 

The number of people that does this is reduced and i'm happy but i think that there can be a very easy system to definitely put an end to this, the solution i was wondering about is to move out the people that log out into towns and airport zones.

If they log out and then log in before a CD of 30 minutes, they will be teleported in a random place close to the city but outside of it, so they can't camp the buildings where weapons spawns or places like roofs and so. 

I think that if this feature can be implemented will give a great improvement to the gameplay and there aren't any bad aftereffects when this will work properly without bugs !! Also this could make useless the CD timer for switching between servers, or you can still put it on, it's the same, it's up to you, but really, this is needed.

I hope that devs will look into this and will use this idea as a prevention system !! Thank You for your consideration !! 

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Eh, normally I'm against these types of preventions but in this case it doesn't seem too bad. It doesn't punish anyone, and it won't cause any problems, it could even be helpful for people stuck inside a building for example. However, I would ask that it doesn't count some of the none main towns in this, perhaps only the airfields, berenzino, electro and cherno.

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A problem with random spawning around some city, is that you might end up in the middle of an open field between 2 sniper hills. Nobody wants that. Obviously you could make sure youre well away from these places before you switch, thus avoiding the above mentioned problem and nullifying my entire post.


Well done..

Edited by mgc

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It would not nullify the timers at all.  It would actually make them more crucial as this is essentially making ghosting a function of the game.  I have also heard some suggest that what about when a survivor gets disconnected, but is with a group.


The solution, imho, is more about making it so that players choose, with their own free-will, not to log off in these places (sometimes it cannot be helped, d/c or rl situations), because it is in the best interest of their survival.

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I think this would cause a problem for people when a server restarts or a connection drops. I never intentionally log out in a town or military area but sometimes it can't be avoided. I wouldn't like not knowing where I was going to be after a restart.The only major improvement to the server hopping problem, will be when loot respawning is added. We just have to wait it out, I don't see much point in implementing temporary solutions, to something that is already being worked on.

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I think that when you try to log out in certain areas, like a military base you wont be able to. 

The "exit" option would be grayed out like the "respawn" option is when your not dead or unconscious.

Wont fix anything, but is simple and should help a little, and a little is better than nothing.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83

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It would be wise to experiment with certain restrictions regarding spawnlocation when switching servers before aboveground bases are implemented. For the time being, we could pretend high-tier-loot-spawn-locations are player bases that need to be protected from ghosting.

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It would not nullify the timers at all.  It would actually make them more crucial as this is essentially making ghosting a function of the game.  I have also heard some suggest that what about when a survivor gets disconnected, but is with a group.


The solution, imho, is more about making it so that players choose, with their own free-will, not to log off in these places (sometimes it cannot be helped, d/c or rl situations), because it is in the best interest of their survival.


I agree with you about the timers, they are crucial and needed for sure, i wouldn't delete the timers, I also understand what do you mean that the "game make ghosting a function of the game" but in the worst case it's a random ghosting, that may put you in a worst position than you were before or in a useless one, so it's too risky and you just bet on your good luck to be moved in a place that is better for you, also the enemy could be tired and just move, honestly i see the solution much more positive than negative !! Of course players choose if it is convenient to log off in certain places or not, but remember that the "moving you out solution" will apply just if you log in before 30 mins, if you log in after 30 mins are passed you'll stay where you are. 


I think this would cause a problem for people when a server restarts or a connection drops. I never intentionally log out in a town or military area but sometimes it can't be avoided. I wouldn't like not knowing where I was going to be after a restart.The only major improvement to the server hopping problem, will be when loot respawning is added. We just have to wait it out, I don't see much point in implementing temporary solutions, to something that is already being worked on.

it's true that if the server restarts or there is a connection lost this could be annoying, but at last you won't be too fat away from where u were, so you can reach the place you were standing in few mins, also it could be a kind of protection in this circumstances, because it's better to re-log in outside than in the middle of the city without knowing who can be around you !! For example, you're in berenzino, server crash, you login at the same place inside the city, you're on an open road, there is a guy walking there, he see you and bam you're dead and it wasn't your fault but server ones, with this solution it won't happen, cuz you were far away from the "hot spot" !! 

I don't think this as a temporary solution but more likely a definitive one. 


I think that when you try to log out in certain areas, like a military base you wont be able to. 

The "exit" option would be grayed out like the "respawn" option is when your not dead or unconscious.

Wont fix anything, but is simple and should help a little, and a little is better than nothing.

As the other guys said, in certain situations you can't avoid to log out in towns or ariports, so it's bad and nonsense to not give the possibility to log off at all. That's why i suggested to put a timer for this, I mean, for example if there is something you have to do in that very moment in real life and you have to log off, you can do it and not going afk leaving the char there, after you're done you can login just where u were if the matter that make you log off takes more than 30 mins, if you do what you have to do before the 30 mins expires, well you could just wait the remaining time to login in the same place or login and reach the place in few time, cuz the game moves you not too far away !! 

In the end i have to say that i thought for 30 mins but it could be 20 or 15, it's up to the devs to decide this, of course i think that lesser than 15 mins and more than 30 are a bad solution !! 

Edited by Tulk4s

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After this idea is implemented:


Player A (does everything that is socially unacceptable, server hopping, combat logging, ghosting, pinching babies) is in the barracks hoping to grab some shiny new hardware to pwn some newbs with, when he spots Player B and C heading his way.  Feeling trapped, he goes with his (go-to and probably) best move and logs off (or he just ends process if the devs have disabled manually logging off in airfield barracks at this point).  He sends up a prayer, that they will not get to his lifeless body before it vanishes in thin air; however, he is quite confident he gave himself sufficient time, he is now an expert at knowing how much time/space he needs, to combat log safely.


Now either there are no timers or the current timers are still implemented, he waits those out theoretically they could be at the minimum.  Log back in to the same server, and instead of needing to run a safe distance and find cover and then disconnect and wait out the now increased timer, he only needs to figure out where he is and head toward a point where he has LoS on the barracks point of entry (because given this scenario ghosting is now essentially a function of the game).  The game has saved him a substantial amount of time, he can now use that to find his bearings and prepare a strategic assault. Players B and C are ambushed, despite being very skilled and putting up a good fight, the game rewards cheaters, and now cheaters can indeed prosper.

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After this idea is implemented:


Player A (does everything that is socially unacceptable, server hopping, combat logging, ghosting, pinching babies) is in the barracks hoping to grab some shiny new hardware to pwn some newbs with, when he spots Player B and C heading his way.  Feeling trapped, he goes with his (go-to and probably) best move and logs off (or he just ends process if the devs have disabled manually logging off in airfield barracks at this point).  He sends up a prayer, that they will not get to his lifeless body before it vanishes in thin air; however, he is quite confident he gave himself sufficient time, he is now an expert at knowing how much time/space he needs, to combat log safely.


Now either there are no timers or the current timers are still implemented, he waits those out theoretically they could be at the minimum.  Log back in to the same server, and instead of needing to run a safe distance and find cover and then disconnect and wait out the now increased timer, he only needs to figure out where he is and head toward a point where he has LoS on the barracks point of entry (because given this scenario ghosting is now essentially a function of the game).  The game has saved him a substantial amount of time, he can now use that to find his bearings and prepare a strategic assault. Players B and C are ambushed, despite being very skilled and putting up a good fight, the game rewards cheaters, and now cheaters can indeed prosper.

 You are right, now the thing is, this feature would bring more benefits or bad things ?? It's better how the things are now, that people can still camp etc. or that campers could save and go in again as you've said ? Which situation is worst ?? And which one has more probabilities to happen ?? 

Edited by Tulk4s

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