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So I tried Hardcore..

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Just thought I'd share my experience with Hardcore servers (I've never played hardcore for a minute before - unless I joined HC server accidentally).

So the first person view... hmhmhm, I must agree that it does create this unique climate and you feel more immersed BUT gameplay-wise imo it plays like shait. Probably mainly due to Alpha status of the game but Regular is way more enjoyable while travelling and looting.

Other than that I haven't noticed any differences between the two - on both types I am fully decked out.

I am playing on maxed out FoV.

What is your opinion about HC vs Core? I'd like to know.


Edited by Miquinei

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I personally love Hardcore and play it when I want to get the visceral survival experience that DayZ is.  Also it allows for fairer player vs. player encounters, where keeping your head on a swivel actually can save your life.  I only play third person when I have friends on who don't enjoy Hardcore, or when I just want to mess around.

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on third person cam, you can see over walls when you are not tall enough. Take a look from corners without getting spotted. Which is silly when considered from perspective of reality.


I like playing from first person view no matter which type of server I am on.

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For me, hardcore is the way to go. Third person is plain cheating for me personally. Hiding in the corner of a house and see who is coming in the street isn't fair and not realistic. And realism is really important in this game, that's pretty much what makes it so nice.

Edited by Mosuke
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I only play on hardcore servers. The whole 3PP-1PP thing has been beaten to death so I won't try explaining why I prefer 1PP lol.


I'm not sure what's difficult about looting in 1PP besides not being able to see on top of certain objects? Everything else on floors or shelves is easy, just get close and hit tab, no need to go through convulsions trying to line things up :D


Also if your having a hard time looking around, remember the 'Alt' key is your friend.



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Since i tried Hardcore the first time i never wanted to play on regular anymore. It is so much better! Some examples:

  • You can't look over 3 m high walls, or around corners etc. which highly increases supprising encounters but also makes you harder to spot
  • You have a much smaller field of view which makes using the function to turn your head and look over your shoulder more necessary
  • You can't lie in high grass and shoot in third person with perfect view! If you ever tried shooting in unmown grass in real life you would know its not possible except shooting down a hill or something
  • You don't have to look on a guys ass all the time
  • You can see small things like speedloaders, snaploaders, pistol-reddot much more easy
  • People in generall seem more mature
  • ....
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I just don't like the fact that on a regular server someone could be standing behind a wall looking directly at me, waiting for me to walk by so he can pop one in my head, and I would have no idea.  Also opening doors of high-loot areas (like the airfield buildings) and just sitting in third person waiting to see someone.  At least in HC you have to actually show yourself to see anything.  Much more realistic.  Also leads to better encounters with other people.  I play on HC so often that if I'm ever on a regular server I completely forget that I can go into 3rd person.

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The whole 3PP-1PP thing has been beaten to death so I won't try explaining why I prefer 1PP lol.



Yeah this has been beaten to death, though I still cant see why anyone would want to risk loosing everything because someone is peering over a wall while not revealing themselves. 3PP seems to only level the playing field for people with no situational awareness. Harcore ftw

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Miquinei thanks for you in-depth review. :P


I play both; 80% hardcore, 20% regular.


The only thing i prefer in regular is it is nice to watch yourself running through beautiful countryside.  And its nice to have two characters' one you care about and one you don't.


The whole looking around objects, corners, lying prone on roofs and watching for someone to go past etc etc is a massive negative IMO.  I don't want to play that way and am therefore at a massive disadvantage. Hence i only play 'regular' for messing about and exploring in a more carefree way.


Playing 'hardcore' when you know other players are close to you is much more rewarding and exciting for me.  I also find it more natural and easier to not get caught up on objects and my view blocked by foliage.  


Thankfully many other feel the same as me and i never have a problem finding a full low ping hardcore server! :)

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Yeah this has been beaten to death, though I still cant see why anyone would want to risk loosing everything because someone is peering over a wall while not revealing themselves. 3PP seems to only level the playing field for people with no situational awareness. Harcore ftw


because most of them just do the same and use their special ability aka "the look around corner magic view". Maybe they are just afraid to walk into someone by accident?

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Yeah recently started playing hardcore myself, while the last patch was having some major issues I decided to wait for the smoke to clear and played Skyrim for a good portion of the weekend.  when I logged into DayZ again I just decided to play a hardcore instead, and I actually like it a lot the only thing is I can't look at myself cos I'm vain like that.

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because most of them just do the same and use their special ability aka "the look around corner magic view". Maybe they are just afraid to walk into someone by accident?

yeah but how can anyone balance that with the fact as soon as they get an M4 someone axes them in the face because they've been 3PP'ing them over a wall?

Edited by Marstiphal

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 I play on HC so often that if I'm ever on a regular server I completely forget that I can go into 3rd person.


^ Same thing happens to me when I inevitably have to go on Reg servers because some friends don't like HC.


I prefer HC alot more, and not because it doesn't have the 3rd person advantages, but because it feels alot more immersive.

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I've recently been playing on Regular (but using 1PP anyway), but I generally prefer Hardcore due to forced 1PP and knowing that no-one can gain an advantage on me by exploiting 3PP. I've currently got some pedals from a steering wheel set up used to lean left/right and I'm planning on building my own TrackIR system too.

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~I'm planning on building my own TrackIR system too.

Planning to build your own?? you sir, can have my beans! But dont play 1PP on 3PP servers or you'll just loose them all to a monky ;P

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I have ditched my down jacket in Hardcore.  It is impossible to see anything!


I will say, I play quite a lot of Hardcore.  I still contend it isn't any more difficult, just different.  It does however make you realize just how little the lean actually helps you.  The guy doesn't hardly get any extra look while leaning and in many cases, if you shoot while leaning, you will bore a hole in the wall you are hiding behind.

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^ Same thing happens to me when I inevitably have to go on Reg servers because some friends don't like HC.


I prefer HC alot more, and not because it doesn't have the 3rd person advantages, but because it feels alot more immersive.


I must agree, level of immersion is much higher on HC - it's very exciting too. But getting stuck in doorways, looting buildings and general movement feels a bit off. I keep bumping into things and it's hard to go around thing because you need to lead with your camera. 


Anyway, I'll continue playing and see what happens. I haven't actually encountered anyone yet (well I did, I spawned in the barracks after server restart and some random just happened to be in the same building so we got into gun fight - I made it out alive (trusty M4) and fortunately he didn't (SKS)) but I like the idea of not being observed from 3PP by someone who I have no chance of seeing. 


Keep owning guys! Peace!

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The main thing I don't like about first person is not being able to look over window ledges unless you have a gun raised...this should be an option. just press arrow key up or something, it will be similar to lean, but it raises your view a little higher.

That being said, I prefer hardcore. I'd rather not be able to look over windows than have people see me when they aren't even looking at me.

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1st person is the only way to meaningfully pvp.. if you don't want to be seen when you can't see your opponent..


they really should call 1st person regular and 3rd person hardcore because on 3rd person you're spotted much easier therefore killed.. i don't think people realize that

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Since i tried Hardcore the first time i never wanted to play on regular anymore. It is so much better! Some examples:

  • You can't look over 3 m high walls, or around corners etc. which highly increases supprising encounters but also makes you harder to spot
  • You have a much smaller field of view which makes using the function to turn your head and look over your shoulder more necessary
  • You can't lie in high grass and shoot in third person with perfect view! If you ever tried shooting in unmown grass in real life you would know its not possible except shooting down a hill or something
  • You can see small things like speedloaders, snaploaders, pistol-reddot much more easy


Let's be honest here, if it was real life we'd be able to use a mirror to look at places our eyes can't reach. Considering most households have multiple mirrors. Otherwise it wouldn't be too hard to craft a basic mirror from other household materials. Or you could stand on your toes to look over a fence that is taller than yourself. Many inventive things aren't possible ingame.

And if you're shooting from the grass, you're not limited to only 3 poses. It's better surely. But I still feel that being locked to first person feels more clunky than it should.

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The main thing I don't like about first person is not being able to look over window ledges unless you have a gun raised...this should be an option. just press arrow key up or something, it will be similar to lean, but it raises your view a little higher.

That being said, I prefer hardcore. I'd rather not be able to look over windows than have people see me when they aren't even looking at me.

Have you tried raising your weapon, then pointing it down towards the ground, then (alt) looking over the ledge?

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Hi, I don't really know why are they calling it hardcore, no game has called hardcore because first person view before, it sounds confusing.

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I've only just started playing on Hardcore but not having the 3pp cheat option makes me much more patient and I do feel the need to take my time that little bit more. But, even on regular servers I spend 80% of time in 1st person anyway.

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Hi, I don't really know why are they calling it hardcore, no game has called hardcore because first person view before, it sounds confusing.

On that i agree it probably shouldnt have been called hardcore....


The only reasoning i can think of and this is pure speculation is the title makes people want to try it (met very few Dayz players who didnt think they were a little hardcore for playing Dayz in the first place)


The part thats not speculation is the dev team feel it has the best immersion value so like i say the hyped name is a ploy to get you to play it the way they wanted you to play it ( they would never get rid of 3pp to many people are use to and enjoy playing in that view it wouldnt make sense financially to upset the majority of your player base as 3pp is was and probably always will be the most popular way to play .


But i for one am happy to be playing in um first person...

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