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Suggestions thread number 667 and thoughts.

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Now let's try to keep this short.


Gaming should be fun am I right? This game should stay as intense as it is now but some servers should allow you to spawn to your friend if these conditions apply.


- Timer the player you're spawning can't move and should be sitting perhaps?

- In a building ?

- Hasn't been engaged in a firefight in (some time) Or aggroed zeds (or being shot at in a long time)

- Has allowed a friend to spawn

- Hasn't been shot at



Now you're saying finding your way is part of the game.


Let me tell why this would be good to have (At least add a option to servers)


- More fights with groups of people working together?

- Easier to gather a group and do stuff instead of spending time running

- Less suicide runners going from city to city, people with +30 hours under their belt know the coast inside out, are you really saying it's fun to run +20 minutes just to see your friend and "start playing?"

- Is committing a suicide to get a good spawn fun?

- Rewards you with backup if you successfully escape from a bad situation you can strike back with your friends.



My point is that this simulates the fact you might have friends waiting somewhere (in a house) and you can go there and ask them to help you out.


Somebody might argue that people use this to teleport to places without all the work, but does it really matter? They would run there anyways or just keep server hopping...


Shouldn't this actually increase the activity on the northern side of maps and help people work together?


Spawning to a friend shouldn't be fast or easy (should be slow) but at least you shouldn't have to run all the time. Think about it how much of your gameplay is just running, and how much is actually interacting and running for cover.



Tell me what you think.



Also we need to have a megaphone in-game, imagine coming to cherno and yelling "We're here to see you burn!" And it would carry your voice for a long distance :D

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Also I know rocket should do the game he wants to do. My idea is just to keep the gameplay intact but decrease the time spent doing a chore "running" or doing suicides to get to your friend faster.

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Maybe some system where you can buddy up your characters in the server menu, then join together on the same part of the map?

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My suggestion is to use the suggestion forum and not the general discussion with a threadtitle that says nothing about the topic.


I known where you are coming from, and I also have lost hours of searching and meeting up...but this would just be another exploit for server hoppers, who don't mind the waiting timer. (sure they can do that now as well if e.g. 3 people on three different positions always loot hop the same server) , but they can't a) both visit both places to hoard everything and b)can't trade items so easy

...and now make that with 5 or 6 players in skype or TS...boy, will the servers be empty ;)


BUT: Join together when both are spawn fresh (e.g. Char alive < 10 minutes): No problen with that. "Join together" activated" leads to a spawn point somewhere in the middel of the map for both (player one that is joined by player 2 gets automatically reconnected) - not the best thing, but might be ok...

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i dont really like the spawning thing, but the megaphone sounds awesome

Edited by kawa_

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