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About Julli123

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Julli123

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    I was playing stable branch today with my friend, and he recorded our gameplay: So, the guy was shot in the back, many times... what happened? was it because of the improvised backpack or was it just the crappy netcode? Where did the bullets go? No blood, no sounds of anything being hit... Hopefully will be fixed soon. Had a nice run though, nice patch otherwise. Funny. :)
  2. Julli123

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Love the zombies. No tame-ass puppies anymore.
  3. Excellent idea! I approve. : ) Beans.
  4. Hello everyone! I give my vote for adding more randomly placed weapon spawns, with smaller probability. The game feels too predictable (at the moment). would be nice to find a shotgun from a toilet, or a pistol from a house under the bed.. I personally have done server hopping a few times, simply because getting tired of being shot without a weapon every too often after been running around through towns that always have doors open to the houses that you know spawn guns.