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Loot vs. server hoppers = main problem in DayZ-SA

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Private servers + loot respawn = Fixes this entire issue


By private servers, I mean available to public but on a personal hive.

Edited by Zifadel
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In the long run, I think loot should be massively more plentiful, but 'guarded' by massively more plentiful and dangerous zombies; then, when it does run low, you have to rely increasingly on crafting improvised equipment and hunting/foraging for food in the boonies. I think that's what they should be aiming for eventually: no respawns at all, except wildlife and berries.


In the mean time, I guess loot scarcity and server hopping is the only viable way to keep people interested and 'playing' in order to test new features and performance. "Balance" in terms of loot availability is very provisional at this stage, and shouldn't be taken too seriously - it's not a game yet.

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