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Ruined Gear Upon Shooting People

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So, today a few of my buddies and I were playing some standalone. We were in the midst of gearing up and all of us had gotten at least a pistol, we came upon two fairly kitted survivors, we had first sight and we told them to stand down. Our group made it clear that if they were to move we would shoot (in fear that they would pull out their guns as well) they ran away around a corner, we fired and killed one and the other got one shot off that hit a member of our group. When we wanted to go and loot the bodies we found that all of the loot was ruined and also the member that was shot had his gear completely ruined. I believe that this feature is very interesting and i do think it should be in the game, however not to such an extreme extent. This should damage items slightly and not right down to ruined. I do realize that this game is in its alpha and I apologize if there was plans for the future that implemented the nurfing of this feature.

TL;DR: The ruining feature that happens when you get shot is too extreme and needs to be nurfed.


Anyways, Thanks and have fun survivors!

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I put 4 rounds close range from a .45 into the chest of another player. My lesson was learnt. But I do believe it'll be tightened up in the future.

Edited by beno_83au
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There will be tweaks coming to how damage affects gear. It's currently modeled after Arma 3 and there is some secondary damage being spread to other boxes which can lead to gear being damaged in the wrong areas. Getting shot in the leg may damage gear on your chest for example.

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Ruining everything the guy you're shooting at has is not only fair, but necessary in this kind of game. Right now It's the only way to discourage the kill on sight behavior and even that doesn't stop them from doing it. At some point realism should be overlooked in favor of gameplay.

Edited by Corto

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Ruining everything the guy you're shooting at has is not only fair, but necessary in this kind of game. Right now It's the only way to discourage the kill on sight behavior and even that doesn't stop them from doing it. At some point realism should be overlooked in favor of gameplay.

But that's because most people KoS for fun or out of fear, they don't give to fucks about the loot they get. I'd rather have it be realistic than have some marginal and terrible feature for people who kill "validly" (not saying KoS isn't valid, but still). 

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Yeah, right now all the kos is because there isn't much to do and everybody is geared up to their teeth. Still, if I had to choose, I would choose to allow the items to remain intact as along as you manage to strike a headshot. Force players to think and place their shots before going human hunting.

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While it's annoying, it is an attempt at 'balancing' the kill on sight mentality (not possible and not necessary, in any case, with how the finished product is likely to wind up) and it is possible to repair most clothing with a sewing kit. Sure, it's effort you won't want to have to put in just for the sake of a new shirt/pants, but if the item has more slots than what you're wearing - and is significantly more rare than common clothing, which I imagine they will be in the future - then it's going to be worth investing the effort to make it usable again.

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I feel things like scopes, sodas, canteens, and anything solid but not bullet proof should go right from its current state to ruined when hit, but there should be a random % chance for all the items to take damage, bigger ones have more chance.

Fabric styled items should always take a little bit of damage.

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Hi , I think if your backpack take a bullet only, one to three objects should be damaged, not the whole backpack  and all his objects.

You shot 1 time and it's like you shot 100 times to the backpack leaving all ruined.

Maybe shotguns should deal more damage to the equipment.

Same when you fall off a cliff for example, all your objects become ruined, I don't think a 5 m fall would ruin a pistol or a bullet among many things.

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Instead of getting a pristine t-shirt ruined after a single shot It would be nice if the t-shirt becomes worn (a single little hole doesn't ruin a t-shirt) and the t-shirt becomes full of blood instead.

Wearing cloth full of blood maybe will cause you to have more chance of being infected, not sure about this.

You will be able to clean the blood on your clothes in the sea, lake or similar.

You should be able to see a t-shirt full of blood while other player is wearing it, right now the clothes appear clean of blood while ruined after a shot.

Edited by Wili
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