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What are some good servers that a new player should visit?

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Hello there! I'm starting this topic because I want to know in the opinions of some experienced players with the stand alone what some good servers are for newer players. I don't want to know servers that are completely dead, but have a reasonable amount of players, perhaps ones that are organized and generally won't kill on sight. I know it may seem like a dream, but if you know of any good servers like that please post them here on behalf of all of us bambies.

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I prefer Internode servers.... only because I'm with adam internet and get unmetered content with them on their servers. They are generally pretty good. In terms of players thoe... can't speak for every KOI a hole out there. Best to stick with the servers listed here by other players and try some out with fewer players. Suggested playing style would be to stay away from major cities and airbases until you get a feel for the game. You risk not having better loot however chances of bumping into someone who will kill you for the hell of it will also be reduced and just starting out it's probably best as it might put you off progressing within the game, have fun and welcome :D

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Every server is as deadly as the other, I really don't see much difference.

You can have friendly encounters on the server you just got axed to death in.


As soon as someone posts a "new player friendly" server here, you can be certain that this will change.

Or they just want to lure you in a trap?

Or you just want to feast on new players?

Who knows?

Welcome to DayZ! :)

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Come to the Karma Clan Server :)


While I can't say you won't be killed on sight at all, if you run into us, there is a chance you MIGHT not be killed on sight. We usually try to talk to people first, ran into quite a few friendly people on there. Feel free to join us on TS as well If you'd like.


Just Filter Karma in server browser. I can give you TS info if you want it.

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