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Player speed and spawn points

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Two questions.


How fast does the player move while walking/jogging/turboing?


What are the possible spawn points?

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Spawn points are all along the coastal cities. Usually (at least in my experience) you are more likely to spawn on the East as opposed to the West, although I like it that way personally.

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This reminds me of a funny moment between me and a clan friend, we bolth got killed so we meet on the coast, near Kamyshovo so we came from north Solnichniy half way he remenberd, taking is shoes to see if it runs faster...

So i dunno if it was is connection, or what was it, but the guy was running faster lol....now this is not telling to take your shoes of that you run faster so.

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I believe players should be able to spawn near houses anywhere on the map. If in large cities with zombies then inside of houses. Most realistic from my point of view and makes a respawn not so much annoying and actully would open up the west/north to more players. 

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I believe players should be able to spawn near houses anywhere on the map. If in large cities with zombies then inside of houses. Most realistic from my point of view and makes a respawn not so much annoying and actully would open up the west/north to more players. 


That would be abused massively though, many players would just keep on suiciding until they spawned near an airbase or mil base.

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I believe players should be able to spawn near houses anywhere on the map. If in large cities with zombies then inside of houses. Most realistic from my point of view and makes a respawn not so much annoying and actully would open up the west/north to more players. 


I've always thought it would be cool to wake up in a random house in a few select cities, preferably the central ones to avoid spawning next to an airfield.

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