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A must have building in DayZ Standalone.

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In my opinion, if Dean and Bohemia are going to add anything new to Chernarus and its terrain, this is a number one must have. I will give a few reasons why and also show why it could add some new experiences to the gameplay.

First of all, it would be cool if the police station was located in every major city, just like the fire station but I am ok with having atleast one in Chernogorsk. When you think about it logically, the police would be the first ones to respond to a zombie outbreak even if there is a lot of military compounds located in Chernorus. You would obviously find them in the bigger cities. I think if you happened to be in a zombie outbreak, the police station is one of the most wanted places to head into because of the chances to find armed people who know how to shoot a gun and because of the loot so it makes sense to me. 


I think the police station should be about the size of the fire station but maybe just a little bigger. The gear that would spawn in there should be semi-military or something along those lines. No double barrel shotguns, ww2 rifles etc. but also no high grade military stuff (m4's, high damage sniper rifles, other assault rifles etc.). I will list the things that it should have below.




The Makrov pistol: A well known gun from the mod, the thing you would usually associate with Russian weaponry. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makarov_pistol


The TT pistol: Older pistol used in WW2 that have been upgraded over some time: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TT_pistol


And the fairly new MP-443 Grach pistol: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MP-443_Grach


Submachine guns and carbines:


The AKS-74U carbine: Ah, i remember seeing one of these in real life hanging on a police man. They are usually present in a lot of Russian criminal movies. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AKS-74U#AKS-74U Small idea: idk what its called but the belt that the police man wears that allows him to have the weapon hanging on his chest, that would be a nice item to have. http://goo.gl/fKt1CX


The PP-19 Bizon: This was also present in the mod but if i remember correctly it was only found in the rare helicopter crashes and nobody used it. A fairly new-ish weapon used by the FSB ( the russian equilevant of FBI).


Last submachine gun being PP-2000, i could add more but that would be too much i think. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PP-2000.




A Saiga, maybe.


Btw, since Chernorus isn't exactly Russia, western weapons would be cool too.


The pistols would be easy to find, nothing too rare. The submachine guns and the shotguns would be a lot more rare and harder to find, hidden in some good places too. The thing that would balance the submachine guns and the carbines would be that they are not as accurate and don't deal as much damage as the assault rifles. They are good in cities because of their fire rate and mobility but they pretty much suck on longer distances and won't penetrate harder material.


Moving to clothes. I think normal police clothes would be nice. But what would be even nicer is some OMON gear (OMON translates into Special Purpose Police Unit which is something along the lines of SWAT). Some typical anti-riot armor you see on the news would be interesting. The funny thing is that Dean actually had one of the bulletproof wests with OMON or the words POLICE written on the back of the west on him in on of his dev blogs:


Last but not least, it would be nice to have a small garage with one vehicle spawning very rarely in it. That being the GAZelle which is a common Russian police van. I will show what could make it interesting below after i am done talking about vehicles. The last thing that would be cool would be a small parking lot near the police station where some typical police cars would spawn, nothing unusual.


I think that the garage with the big van in it would create some epic situations. When the van had spawned, it would be in a bad condition with wheels and engine broken etc. So it would basically stand there in the garage and there would be no way to move it because of the condition it is in. This would make the die-hard clans with a few people search and repair that thing, because who doesn't want a van that can fit in multiple people? It is a pretty good vehicle for a small squad. The vehicle is located in the city and the place it is located in being a police station would make a lot of tense moments. If you decide to repair it, people basically have to hold the police station from all zombies, looters and incoming bandits that will try to take you out. That will force you to take big risks which could be pretty cool in my opinion.


Well, if you actually survived thru this thread, i am suprised lol. I think the police station is highly important in a game like DayZ. If any of the people that work on the game read this, a small response would be great. Thanks for reading.



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i didnt read too far in braheem but there are police stations i ran across one in the new town above NE airfield.  Had a bunch of wrecked european cop cars outside with *some* quality military loot (fnx45 m4 and a mosin) i say some because this is after countless loots of the new discovered town.  The inside of the station is pretty cool too i suggest you trapes up there and check it out. also man you gotta search before you post stuff im sure someone other than my 40 hours logged dumbass knew about the police stations

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@Danhell Haven't seen any police stations in the game at all. Could you describe the "police station" you saw? Even if it is in the town above NE airfield there should be one of them in every major city.

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It is not in every town because the map is not even slightly finished yet. And yes there are already police stations in the new towns. Also the loot will be about the stuff you suggested.

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As said, there is a police station in Svetlojarsk. It doesn't spawn anything as far as I remember, it's a yellowish building with two entrances and plenty of rooms + a tower. And it has several wrecked cop cars parked in front which you can open.

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@yogi92 Haven't been in Svetlojarsk yet, but stil, i won't delete this post because this is how i would like it to be and this is kind of my opinion on the subject.

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Btw, the police station looks kinda "weak" and weird to me. I am not really a fan of cells and rooms around a clunky tower. But thats just my opinion. I think what would be nice is that they made different sizes for the police stations. They already have smaller hospital in Svetlojarsk which is nice.

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