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Rabbitz' Adventure to Rify

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I'll keep this in like a list man, more easier right?
Spawned in on the South East shore
went up North towards Rify
met a guy with a sweet red hard hat, some random dude attacked me with a baseball bat
random guy was all like "oh I heard a gunshot and I thought you were shooting him" or something
I didn't even have anything but my pink beanie
they went on their way, I left with some bruises cus the asshole hit me, what a dick, maaan
went around the towns close to Rify, couldn't even find any food or water fountains
met some dude with a motorcycle helmet, same shit happens again man! Baseball bat to the gut

except the motorcycle helmet guy chased the bat guy, don't know where they went, fucking hate bats now...
decided to venture over to the wrecked ship without any food, I was starving at this point
whole place was deserted, I was the only one there in a 25/30 room, lemme share what I got, bro
1. kickass canvas shorts, they were gray, wish they were the picnic ones
2. blue poofy jacket, completely useless when it comes to holding stuff, 3 slots, takes up shirt and vest area, still looks cool

3. red children's suitcase, it had a turtle on it dude!

so I went back to the closet towns to see if I can find any food, cus I was dying at this point man
then out of nowhere, this fresh spawn comes up to me saying hello and stuff, asking what I was doing
told him I was dying of starvation, dude freakin hands me tuna, I couldn't even find anything in that town
saved me from starvation and gave me enough time to get to another town and get food, faith in humanity restored man

found a kickass cowboy hat in some house with a pc in the corner later, made my day.

Now I'm going to head north to check out those roads that lead to nowhere, underground enterances dude!... probably I don't know man... Beans :beans:

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