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Pachenka (DayZ)

Standalone Mac Release

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Will the Early Access Standalone be coming to Mac via Steam or Mac App Store in the future? I remember reading that Dean Hall had plans to release the game to mac and was just wondering if there is any news on this topic. And if the Early Access DayZ isnt coming to mac will the alpha and beta be available for Mac.

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Maybe in the future. At the earliest, it would be around 2 to 2 1/2 years, since the Standalone will be moving into beta in one year, and it will probably take a bit to reach full release, then that's even mentioning the porting process.

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Yeah, I kinda doubt the standalone will be making its way over anytime soon.


Other really promising titles like Star Citizen are probably in the same boat (and most Macs don't have good enough hardware to run it anyway). You're better off just buying a PC if you really want to game, since you can put together something that outright demolishes everything Apple offers for about $1000-1500, and done right it'd play most games on max settings for years to come. Big initial investment, but it might save you a lot of headaches down the road.

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