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Dayz Full Of Hackers! NOT FUN

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this was happening last week bigtime. of course he waits for the BI to go to sleep on friday nite to grief us NA players

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Ironically, last night a group of four cheaters were banned off of the server I play on, and today, the DayZ servers are being attacked. I think the angry Russians that got caught last night aren't happy about it.

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I still haven't seen a single hacker or died under strange conditions (other than dying to geometry but hey that's why it is an alpha)

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Blacklisting regions counter-productive and will hurt sales.

Writing security modules and check procedures based on known exploits is needed.

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Your all seem to be assuming all hackers are Russian? WTF lol, not even gunna touch this thread, moving on.

EDIT: That video...."Death brought to you by Le Reddit" ....lol, that's why I never go to Cherno. Also...the giant turd that replaced the debug monitor...I did not need to see that.

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If BattleEye simply checked for debuggers/memory editors during gameplay sessions a large portion of hackers would be removed. As it stands, there's nothing stopping people from basically telling the game that looking at the player list shouldn't actually bring up the player list, but execute one of their scripts. And the game happily goes "LOLOKAY" and executes whatever is given to it. It's not so much an issue with rocket as it is with the incompetence at BattleEye, whoever runs that (I don't think it's BI).

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Rocket needs to sort this out' date=' every server we play we get killed by a script we get nuked we die, we die all the time by scripters everytime we get good guns we die. This is so irritating


Define good guns.

Edit: Something happened here, but I'm not sure what.

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Rocket needs to sort this out, every server we play we get killed by a script we get nuked we die, we die all the time by scripters everytime we get good guns we die. This is so irritating

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This has happened to me a few times as well. Some russian guy joins the server, spams chat and then everyone dies. Weird eh?

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