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R Lee

Bandits and Self Defense

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Being a bandit isn't punishment at all though. It is actually more rewarding since you get camo.

Desert Camo in a Woodland enviroment... Sir you must be a genius...

It represents the desert of his bandit soul' date=' man.



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Bandit skin' date=' survivor skin, it's all the same really. You still get shot at if you are spotted, doesn't matter which you wear. Despite the Humanity rating, there isn't any humanity left in Chernarus. The only people that ask "friendly" are the ones who are worried you have the drop on them. The rest of them just shoot as soon as they see anyone. Best not to get spotted, and be in voice chat with friends if you are spotted.


That's such a sad way of thinking -.-

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What about making it so that to pvp you have to activate the option to harm others or else you can only shoot bandits. if your not a bandit you can shoot @ other players all you want and you just waste ammo.

People that want to pvp get the bandit skin and can be assured that they will be shot at on sight. They can kill with impunity though. If they don't want to stay as a bandit they might need to get their humanity to a set point then they can disable the bandit/pvp option.

That way people could inherently trust anyone but bandits and zombies.

It's not perfect, but it removes the issue of becoming a bandit due to self defense.


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What about making it so that to pvp you have to activate the option to harm others or else you can only shoot bandits. if your not a bandit you can shoot @ other players all you want and you just waste ammo.

People that want to pvp get the bandit skin and can be assured that they will be shot at on sight. They can kill with impunity though. If they don't want to stay as a bandit they might need to get their humanity to a set point then they can disable the bandit/pvp option.

That way people could inherently trust anyone but bandits and zombies.

It's not perfect' date=' but it removes the issue of becoming a bandit due to self defense.



That would completely destroy the whole concept of this game.

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I think a simple forgiven state for the first murder of your character would do. I've played quite a while and have only HAD to kill one guy. I have seen many survivors and just went prone till they left the area or steered the other way.

At least it would be something for the rare occasion where you can't flee and are forced to kill an attacker.

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Whenever i see someone i tell them, that i will shoot them if they don't leave this area right now, and inform them that i am aiming on their head and will shoot them if they do anything other than run away in the wilderness. Mindlessly trying to find me and rotating around counts as a provocative act. After they leave i just pick my stuff and leave the area too. Assuming i see them first and they didn't see me yet. If this is not the case, i will find some cover and wait to be shot at first. If shots aren't fired i just keep aiming at him from my cover, until he leaves. Though only if range is long enough that he could not headshot me with a single shot. If really short range and someone jumps on me (without firing) i will most likely just shoot him on gut reaction the second my brain processes his image. When in town i never go too far away from cover and walk in way that i can immediately sprint to cover within seconds if needed. If i have low humanity i usually flee when i see someone.

I would NEVER let anyone i don't know outside of the game just wander around me and do his thing. If you are near me; you are gonna have a shotgun pointing at your face at all times.

Bandits i tell them to leave, if i see them and they didn't see me yet. But on a standoff i just shoot them without warning.

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When my group runs into another group, we're taking no chances, it's as simple as that, because even with the jump there's a huge chance with a firefight, we're going to lose some people.

If I'm alone and I run into someone, I'll always ask if they're friendly first, if they don't respond and aren't going in the opposite direction, I'll kill them. If I get surprised and run into someone, I'll usually only fire if they're a bandit. If in the previous situation, the person I ran into was a bandit, I'll likely have less patience in waiting for a response, I think if you are a bandit you should be leaving populated cities and instead looking for ways to raise your humanity, otherwise you are playing as a bandit and will get treated as such.

I have run into many situations where I have become a bandit, when it happens I don't hang around Cherno or Elektro waiting to get shot, I look for people to give a transfusion or something along those lines. At most I'll stock up on blood packs near a hospital and then leave the area.

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That would completely destroy the whole concept of this game.

@RKO, you´re sooooo right. I dont want to see any modified action to bandits at all. bandits are bandits and are supposed to be considered "bad guys"...if someone killed someone else by accident or in some way of selfdefense, so he´ll get back to a survivor after a time of playing...that´s the game as it is...I dont want to see it changed.

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I think it's perfect the way it is! Also, when you kill someone in real life, selfdefence or not, it's going to have consequences.

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I agree. Only thing that they could imo do would be to make getting the bandit skin somewhat harder. This way you would still need to really fear survivors (even more than now) and you would know that people with the bandit skin are serious murderers, for 99% certainty. Unless someone had to "self defend" himself against 6 bandits who all were infact in survivor skin. I would argue that if you are still alive after 6 survivors ganging on you, having the skin won't be a problem for you since you are quite unstoppable killing machine anyway. Having bandit skin should be more about being an actual professional bandit, and less about showing "who are the bad people to shoot at". If bandit skin is harder to get, then only the most hardcore bandits have it, but your regular junior bandits do not have it; making survivors even more less trust worthy.

Now bandit skin shows anyone who has killed someone ever.

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That would completely destroy the whole concept of this game.

Not really! The auto bandit aspect breaks things worse than my suggestion. If people want bandits to be a valid option forcing bandit status on anyone defending themselves breaks things more. Frankly I'd prefer Bandits to not be an option as me killing Joe out in the middle of the forest should not change how others see me. It's like the telepathic guards in Oblivion. Steal a piece of bread, all the guards in town instantly want you dead. That breaks immersion more than forcing the player to pick their faction as it were.

Another option would be to allow players to "flag" others as player killers. As the global chat rumors etc come and go... as you meet up with roguish players etc, you could select players and flag them yourself. Then when you see them again something can be done to indicate your personal aversion to them.


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Perfect the way it is.

Killed a guy in selfdefense and my humanity took a dive, had been a carebear for a good while, so I didn't even change skin and it didn't take long till I reach max at 2500. The most of the encounters I've come acrss, I put myself in a position where I can either avoid contact or fornard people comming too close. Killing a single survivor hardly affect your humanity or you can atleast recover it fairly quickly. Getting yourself into "selfdefense" situations too often, you earned your permanent bandit skin.

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Just my thoughts:

-Make it a little harder to earn the bandit skin. One kill should not do it.

-Make humanity reset upon death.

-Enable different skins based on your humanity level.

-Make earning humanity points a curve, in both directions. The "Red Berret" requires you to be a saint (by transfusing blood or something, not just sitting around) and an uber bandit skin requires you to be the next Pol Pot. 80% of the players would then fall into the middle somewhere.

That way, if you want to be a backstabbing plant, you have to earn your position by not murdering everyone in sight.

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I agree with the multiple skins idea. What about like, as your humanity drops/goes up, you go through various skins. So that way it would be in like "levels". So you could decipher more easily who was in self-defense.

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Well if everything keeps going the way it seems soon everyone will be a bandit out of choice or self defense.. Life is hard in the zone.

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That would completely destroy the whole concept of this game.

Not really! The auto bandit aspect breaks things worse than my suggestion. If people want bandits to be a valid option forcing bandit status on anyone defending themselves breaks things more. Frankly I'd prefer Bandits to not be an option as me killing Joe out in the middle of the forest should not change how others see me. It's like the telepathic guards in Oblivion. Steal a piece of bread' date=' all the guards in town instantly want you dead. That breaks immersion more than forcing the player to pick their faction as it were.

Another option would be to allow players to "flag" others as player killers. As the global chat rumors etc come and go... as you meet up with roguish players etc, you could select players and flag them yourself. Then when you see them again something can be done to indicate your personal aversion to them.



This, I like the idea of flagging people. My thoughts are some sort of Wanted List in certain towns..I think that might be a bit difficult to implement though. But definitely get rid of bandit skins.

Also does anyone who says "Soon everyone will be bandits" actually have a look at the front page stats? At the time of writing there are 33655 alive characters and only 4591 of them are bandits. Which means that 13.6% of players are bandits...quite far from "everyone".

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Well, vast majority of that "33k alive" are noobs who played the game for 45minutes and logged off. More interesting stat would be that how big % of more advanced players are bandits.

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After starting the game, two of us we're just getting used to how to move around. We had found some small goods and killed a Zed or two.

As we exited out the back of a house, this guy in a mask popped out from behind a shed and shot us both.

After that, I found out what bandits are and decided that I will kill them if I can.

Just today, I was watching a small group of buildings for a hillside, seeing what was going on down below. Here comes a survivor. Foolishly, I thought, he was runniing very close to the outskirts. Just as he passes a large, barn-like building, out pops a bandit and a gunfight ensues. The unsuspecting survivor was killed.

That made me angry. I know that PKing is part of the game, but one good turn deserves another. I startedto slouch down the hillside as the bandit was busy looting his kill. I was certainly lucky. I hid for a moment behind a concrete wall, watching him through a window. Just as I was running around, charging him in hopes of a kill, around the far corner came not one, not two, but three Zeds. They fell upon him as I aimed for his head and fired a couple of rounds, raking my pistol down as I did so. He didnt stand a chance. I backed off as the Zeds descended on his bleeding form. I shot each one carefully from a moderate distance and then swooped in, looting his rifle and other gear.

I liked it. It felt good to do to him as he had unsuspectingly done to another player. My humanity didn't suffer the tiniest bit. If I someone kill another player like that, I will do what I can to kill him in return. Call it a mission.....


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If you kill someone who is not flagged as a bandit that is it. No second chances whatsoever. Don't get into that type of situation or deal with it!

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It happens to me two times since I wrote my last post in this thread, that I´ve got shot by survivor who hasn´t had any actual reason to misstrust or even fear my presence.

The first one met our little group of 3 players on a certain point on the map (I wont tell the place where it happens). We made sure for each other that we dont want to kill for the gear, so he moved on and didn´t cared about us anymore.

A short while later we met him again with someone else nearby him, as he startet to attack us. I immediately went prone (after he wounded me)and put a whole Makarov Magazin into him, (which hopefully killed him). I was heavily injured and wanted to move away to take cover as his friend finally killed my.But he was shot then by the last guy of my group, which survived that attack.

The second situation happened near the respawnpoint after I died a very earned death....another story :D.

Someone got attacked by a horde of Zeds. I intended to help him, as he got attacked by a crawler, so I shot on the Crowler and killed that beast...as an answer of the guy I saved his ass, I recieved a bullet straight into my head...That was the by far most sensless death ever.

Now I ask my self...how to behave on the next contact? Shoot first, be friendly or become paranoid?

Actually this is the deepest part of the game...one does not know what happens next, isn´t it?

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Meh, once you're a bandit, unless you're a coward you're never going to be a survivor again.

When i was still new and was a survivor my biggest wish was for me to find a group to travel with, some other survivors. But every single one i met killed me.

Later on i managed to kill 2, yes 2 survivors that were both shooting at me. I became a bandit.

Now since i'm a bandit i have to "afk" or just stay away from cities/other players long enough to return to a survivor again. I was like "fuuk that!!". I still kept going into the cities, and now EVERYONE was shooting at me at first sight, i learned how to play better and i came out winning in almost every fight i came into. When i was down all the way to -10.000 humanity i thought to myself that i will NEVER wait long enough to return to a survivor again.

So i made killing survivors into a sport. Now i kill every person i see, cause they will 98% of the time kill me if i dont kill them first.

I'm down to -120.000 humanity now. But i don't give a fawk, i gave up hope of returning to survivor skin at 10k. imo it's literally impossible for me to return to a survivor, unless i dedicate HOURS of my time to just, staying away from everything, or spamming blood bags on my IRL friend or something.

The system made me into a hardcore bandit. :)

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I would just embrace the bandit life if I was you.

My story is similar so I will spare some of the details, basically I defend my life and because of that I became a bandit.

The skin is nothing more then a curse, nobody will trust you, and the borderline bandit survivors who still retain some restraint will shoot you on sight just to PK.

It only gets worse from here, because nobody can trust you, you really can't trust anybody (The fact that killing a bandit doesn't make you lose humanity multiples this)

I saw 3 people running form a horde of zombies last night, they ran into a building.

Being a bandit myself, I try to stay to the woods, but I decided to help these people, one of them died to the zombies... after we had cleared out all the zombies I was still at a unease state and asked if they were friendly and if I could come in the building, one of the guys replied and said "yes, thanks for the help" as soon as I walked in the door I got shot down by the other survivor he had with him, he then immediately said "He was gonna kill you if I didn't shoot him"

Its just a sad vicious cycle, I now trust nobody and try to go alone, avoiding almost everybody because I am sick of being killed for nothing other then the skin I wear, today I made my first true kill, I was in a barn at the top and a guy came rushing up the stairs not knowing I was there, I shot him down because the odds are as soon as he saw me he would of done the same.

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Even nice guys become bandits once in a while, perfect blanace, if you shoot first, you pay for it. While you save your life, you must atleast avoid damaging otherplayer for a while, unless you want to maintain your free for all status. :D

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That's a hardly fair position. I want to play extremely smart' date=' befriend players, spend weeks gathering a friendly group of traveling companions, and then, I want to take them all apart from the inside.[/quote']

This is the killing joke right there! Bwahahahahaha. All the pomp of a psychopathic mastermind with only 10% of the cunning and control needed to be amongst the likes of Hannibal Lectur and, going by your forum name, the Joker.

This playstyle, while certainly acceptable, is a hard one to pull off and is hardly realistic to attempt from the start. Take things in stride man... you say you want to play extremely smart... then own up to that and DO IT. Be patient and never go for the throat until you'll achieve the maximum effect.

Its laughable how arrogant you are and how much you whine when you aren't smart enough to play the way you want to.

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Bandit skin' date=' survivor skin, it's all the same really. You still get shot at if you are spotted, doesn't matter which you wear. Despite the Humanity rating, there isn't any humanity left in Chernarus. The only people that ask "friendly" are the ones who are worried you have the drop on them. The rest of them just shoot as soon as they see anyone. Best not to get spotted, and be in voice chat with friends if you are spotted.


This, so this, I can't stress enough how much this.

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