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Server named "Dayz server for french only and FUCK ROCKET"

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Why is the server name in english ?

Seems stupid :/

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lol wtf says i created the thread, forum and master server borked?

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Title says.

Am french and just fucked to read this.

We really need mature and respectfull community in a survival/pvp game like this one.

Am not a Rocket Fanboy, i just don't care but name like this or others disrespectfull should be banned.

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I'm french too... and believe me I'm not proud to say it, usually I hide it, cause the french gamers are the most annoying and disrespectful people I've met in my "gaming life".

Everytimes I meet some french people in a game, it turns into flaming and childish behavior...

A friend of mine told me about this server this afternoon, and I wanted to report it too, but forgot.

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Hey guys,

I'm french too and i totally agree with "TheMossyMoth". I can see that everyday in my mailbox. I receive many mails for recruiting and many of them are trully fake. Immature and foolish they are.

A chance on our server, we have european gamers and not just french :)

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I play everywhere and the only messages i got are to say me "you're an asshole"


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