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wiechers.ws DE 65, 76, 77 | DE 274, 275, 276, 278, 279 | DE 679 | DE 1560

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turns out no. That's the one we have been playing on too (you killed me and a pal, Rymdkejsaren killed your pal... I think we fought you in berez shop too I had a fnfal and a m9sd)

this guy runs DE 77 with a space...

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Which is the correct Location ID Format. Vilayer has incorrectly assigned one of their servers the same ID, sadly. I've already contacted the DayZ team to rectify the issue.

Edited by n156180

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If you somehow get in contact with the server admin of DE77 via Vilayer, could you send me an PM? I'd like to talk to this guy.

turns out no. That's the one we have been playing on too (you killed me and a pal, Rymdkejsaren killed your pal... I think we fought you in berez shop too I had a fnfal and a m9sd)

this guy runs DE 77 with a space...

Dunno about Berez Shop, I killed so many people... also most of these Black-Legion guys, but I definitely killed you guys (3) north of Berezino.

Anyways, I'd like to contact the DE77 admin but I guess that's impossible. Already made a thread to call him out, but nothing so far.

Edited by jahmex/prax

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95054 patch just shuts down my arma every 15 minutes :P

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I don´t know if some players of D77 are reading this but i just want to excuse myself for disconnecting

Today 6. August I was on the NW Airfield for a littlebit loot...

I hade some graphical errors before and restarted the game, then it worked.

Ok, so i came out of the Flightcontrol-Tower and was on my way to one of the hangars when my mate saw another guy...

I hope this guy is reading, because i dunno if friendly or not but i was ready for a fight or to team up BUT

as soon as I saw this guy and zoomed in to see what he has the graphical issue came back

and i am totaly NOT ready to die due to the graphical errors so my mate and i just ran out of the wood and disconnected

simply because it was unplayable!

Sorry for that!

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Hi Jens - tyvm for letting us play on your server! My mates and I just started playing and found DE 77 on our second session. We really like the mercenary settings, the slot availability, the time setting (though your idea with the dusk/dawn thing sounds enticing) and the stability.

Is there any way to help your project?

edit: your ASCII art doesn't show correctly for me btw. Can this be due to my end (e.g. slow loading) or is it the motdinterval?

Edited by Fector

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Hi Jens - tyvm for letting us play on your server! My mates and I just started playing and found DE 77 on our second session. We really like the mercenary settings, the slot availability, the time setting (though your idea with the dusk/dawn thing sounds enticing) and the stability.

Is there any way to help your project?

Not at the moment, but thank you; just need to find some time to rewrite something about the servers. :-)

edit: your ASCII art doesn't show correctly for me btw. Can this be due to my end (e.g. slow loading) or is it the motdinterval?

It never displayed as well as I would've liked, that is, the way it is shown here, but the recent ARMA 2 OA update has changed some font properties and now it really looks messy. I haven't found the time to redo it again, though.

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Hi Jens,

me and my mate were playing on one of your servers (DE279) and after dying and re-spawning I found a Ural truck on the coast full with all the high end weapons 6 SVD camos, AS50's, Bizons, MK 48 Mod 0's, 8 coyote backpacks and even 2 rocket launchers).

Seems likely to me that there are hackers in the server?

Otherwise this server is great, made it our home server as it has reliable restarts, no lag and good daytime hours.


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Hi, awesome servers you've got running. I've been playing on DE 274 for quite a while.

I've noticed you've updated the server to a newer patch, are you going to keep it that way? I was looking a few times ealier today and there was barely anybody on, usually it's pretty good.

I could supposedly update, but as far as i am aware a handful of people having troubles getting banned by BE. Unless it's fixed now (Dont quote me on that)

Either way, any information on it would be appriciated.

Edited by Vertex

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DE 76

please kick your admins butts for being douches, after I shot one of them Fantom (Flost1k disappeared misteriously), your guys decided to shut down server to prevent us from taking their choppers

both names were on the server and as soon as wheater me or my mate connected the server went down again...and again...and again

besides that, I love your servers - smooth and always up to date

Edited by straw

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DE 76

please kick your admins butts for being douches, after I shot one of them Fantom (Flost1k disappeared misteriously), your guys decided to shut down server to prevent us from taking their choppers

both names were on the server and as soon as wheater me or my mate connected the server went down again...and again...and again

besides that, I love your servers - smooth and always up to date

Today, all the 'wiechers.ws' servers went down for a scheduled restart and then immediately afterwards for the update...sure it wasn't those restarts and just coincidence?

edit: Also, I just noticed, that DE 277 is missing in the thread title - is that intentional?

Edited by Fector

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@ factor - tbh I woudnt be suprised if it was "coincidence", since everytime I was about to steal a chopper servers restart lol. why would the server restart 3 - 5x.....but whatever I'm over it and also used to it

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Hello everyone,

I just added IPs, so people can join manually/add the servers to their favourites, since GameSpy seems not to want to list the servers anymore. :-(

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DE 76

please kick your admins butts for being douches, after I shot one of them Fantom (Flost1k disappeared misteriously), your guys decided to shut down server to prevent us from taking their choppers

both names were on the server and as soon as wheater me or my mate connected the server went down again...and again...and again

besides that, I love your servers - smooth and always up to date

That has been a coincidence.

I am the only admin -- and leaving aside the restarts today, I don't usually restart the server manually -- the only restarts that happen are the automatic restarts at 0600, 1200, 1800 and 2400 UTC and restarts when updates are applied/released. Sadly, the recent betas have tended to sometimes crash the servers, too, after which the server auto-restarts and sometimes loses the vehicles until it is synched again at 2400 UTC. :-/

Edited by jwiechers

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yeah, I noticed the vehicles and that they reappear after legit server restart......got me scared there once or twice...btw, you want to take a look at the log files since the two guys stated above were spawning chopper and weapons. Also one guy teleported himself behind me

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Yeah, I've been looking through the log-files regularly and the ban-list has been growing steadily whenever someone was caught. :-)

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Hello everyone,

I just added IPs, so people can join manually/add the servers to their favourites, since GameSpy seems not to want to list the servers anymore. :-(

Thanks, I consider setting up a home in DE 275. Actually, the obfuscation works in my advantage, less risk of invasion ;)

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If the heli owners on DE 277 are reading this...could you please provide the coordinates to the hiding place? A simple pm would do. Look at it as a shortcut to the inevitable, thus saving time for all of us.


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hallo jens after you rolled back 76 I cannot get on the server anymore :( any suggestions? - stuck on loading screen....

- now it shows again....oh well

- works well, but as usuall no tents or vehicles on server until server hits 1200 i guess

- now the server shows again but it is #it is a bug in dayzcommander ^^ (I guess nothing wrong with the server besides the unscheduled restart/crash around 10:00 server time which removed the tents/vehicles....

Question: Does the tent/vehicle disappear bug appear on the other servers aswell?

Edited by straw

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Well, our newly placed tents seemed to disappear, too. But they tend to return every other server restart. Also, we haven't yet managed to have any content in it reappear after a restart, ever.

Anyway, I doubt these phenomena being server related.

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Well, our newly placed tents seemed to disappear, too. But they tend to return every other server restart. Also, we haven't yet managed to have any content in it reappear after a restart, ever.

Anyway, I doubt these phenomena being server related.

How do you know your tents havent been raided and then saved ?

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My servers were amongst the first to be updated to because we field tested the new hive on them to make sure it booted on the "mainline" servers. What you saw must have been a bug in DayZ commander and its caching of server lists.

As for the tent and vehicle bugs, those are currently affecting all/most servers in an erratic manner.

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How do you know your tents havent been raided and then saved ?

1) Because we only put one item in each tent respectively. I highly doubt, that someone would steal the single can of beans/road flare/epi-pen. Ofc, It's still possibe.

2) Tents tend to dupe. Even if someone raided it, I'd still expect the item to be there after the next server restart. They allegedly save only the first save (variation: first save before/since and reload that from the next restart onward. Maybe they got raided before the first restart, though. Also, we found several tents of other players already, that definitely replenish themselves after each restart.

3) As mentioned in an earlier post, our tents often failed to load after the server restart (or restarts) following the placement of the respective tent.

4) A sizable amount of other players report similar experiences with tents.

5) Trying to get tents to work is our main concern atm (next to finding vehicles ofc).

Each point on its own might not be too convincing (not 100% sure on the buggy mechanics yet), but in combination, I think it is safe to say that the tents being bugged is the more probable answer.

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