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I am a complete coward in this game

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So I was on an adventure to the NEAF, I had my SKS from balota and I was travelling with a friend. We were somewhere north of berezino and decided to go cross country to get to the AF seeing as i knew the land fairly well. We got there, were only off by about 100 meters. We start looting, usual stuff, about 12 m4 mags and no m4s >.>

We go into the last jail and stupidly decided to have our lunch upstairs.

All of a sudden, over the sounds of my mate stuffing his face I hear: *tap tap tap*

someone slowly walking. I tell my friend to cover the stairs while i went behind to look into the computer room.

I see some fellow pointing an m4 at my face, before I can move, BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM

I am unconscious. Luckily my friend had a defibrillator and was able to revive me and i rolled quickly out of the way.

I called out to the fellow, said "We don't want any trouble, just let us leave" He moved under the stairs so I assumed he was acceptable. I told my friend to leg it, and I did soon after.

My friend had to log out shortly so we headed to krasnotav to find a spot.

Logging in again 2 hours later I went back to the AF, the bastard ruined my favourite magnum.

I am in 3rd person and am checking around the jail to see if anyone is there, out of the corner of my eye I see a player crouching at the corner inside.

I start shaking, sweat dripping down my arms, the adrenaline pumping.

I run away.

I am a coward.

I have no confidence in myself in a firefight, i prefer to rely on others.

Then again, not everyone in the apocalypse is a leader.

Some are born to follow.

Once they have bases in the game, you can be my little pet bitch, i will bring you food and water and pat you on the head.

Edited by africanhungergames

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