ImDeafDontShootMe 8 Posted February 8, 2014 (edited) How do I get myself back to life? This damn glitch made me die due to being sick and I have no idea how to get myself back. I'm not unconscious, I'm dead with all the good military gear that I finally got for more than 30 hours. Where can I report this bug?***** UPDATE ON WHAT HAPPENED ***** False alarm folks. This will surprise you and probably make it even more hilarious for some you brain-dead emotionless sarcastic players who posted in my thread. Apparently what happened yesterday wasn't being forcefed magazine rounds. It was an actual rotten food that my "teammate" forcefed me and this person tricked our entire clan last night. This person was someone who had their application denied, then somehow had access to the clan's teamspeak channel. After I died being forcefed rotten food, I moved quickly to the airforce base to gather supplies. I got everything that I needed and waited for 3 other clanmates to join in. The person who betrayed us left the server after I died so he wasn't around when we gathered more supplies in the military base. Then 1 of them left because it was late at night and had to go. Only 2 remained, including me. We have all gathered enough supplies to keep us all going and well-fed, more guns and ammo, etc. You know the drill. The next thing you know, this random guy starts infiltrating the airforce base shooting my girlfriend knocking her out unconscious while I was logging out. I saw the whole thing happen on her screen, logged back on to try to kill the person who shot her and my screen shows up "You are dead". The last remaining clan member survived and escaped while attempting to revive her from unconsciousness. Needless to say I quite was pissed off, after having been killed twice so far and having always been careful enough to avoid bandits & other hostile players. None of us knew that this person was trying to betray us and we were all tricked. I wake up this morning explaining in teamspeak chat how I was shot & killed by this idiot in the airforce base. The person who infiltrated our server revealed himself to us saying that he was the one who killed us all because he had his application denied from the clan, all the while making fun of my deafness and saying how 'unmanly' I am because I wasn't able to communicate with others in the group via voice chat. I proceeded to copy and paste the whole conversation in proposal to the admin requesting an immediate ban which is currently awaiting approval. We were disgusted by the incident last night and even more so based on the latest revealing of the betrayer & his abhorrent immature behavior. He is one of the most obnoxious immature & childish players I have ever come across in this game so far, by spamming "its a game and you're a deaf person go kill yourself" repeatedly without stopping. The rules of the clan were to respect one another and discrimination was prohibited at all costs. This kind of behavior is unnecessary and only promotes hatred & distrust towards other players. I realize full well that this is a game and that banditry is entirely a possibility (it's a Zombie MMO game :) it's to be expected), but to have this type of mentality and behavior all the while insulting someone who has a disability repeatedly on end just shows how immature some people can be on here. I also realize that somebody will come in here and probably make a similar statement or remark saying 'it's just a game' and probably dismiss my claims as moot and my feelings/thoughts unimportant because this never happened to them & just couldn't care less about it but I wanted to create this post as to show you people there's a difference between mere banditry and KoS'ing while insulting an entire clan & their teammates for no reason at all other than for the sake of it. I'll be ending this post for now. Let me know what you think of the situation & what transpired. Hopefully there will be at least some good posts. Edited February 8, 2014 by ImDeafDontShootMe 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gc_stealth 30 Posted February 8, 2014 When you're dead you're dead. Moral of the story don't eat bullets. 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Proper Gander 45 Posted February 8, 2014 What is the bug again? You died from being sick and you want to get back to life? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ImDeafDontShootMe 8 Posted February 8, 2014 The glitch was being forcefed M4A1 frickin' magazine rounds... No rotten food, absoutely nothing except that shitty piece of metal. Which made me die from being sick and unable to be revived again. Now I have to go all the way up to a military base over a stupid glitch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwarfwgaHead 45 Posted February 8, 2014 dude im pretty sure being fed several rounds of ammunition is going to be just as bad for you as eating a rotten orange. it sure as hell aint gonna be healthy 14 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gerbilschooler 229 Posted February 8, 2014 Well... few humans have any enzymes to break down brass,etc. I would bet that if you ate a bunch of 5.56 rounds in real life... you might get a bit sick 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mrs. Zealous 12 Posted February 8, 2014 LOL It seems pretty reasonable to me that eating bullets would make a person sick or even cause death. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Proper Gander 45 Posted February 8, 2014 (edited) Who force fed you 5.56mm rounds? You need to find some new mates! I'm not sure that charcoal tablets will fix that one! Edit: On a side note: I was "force fed" some 5.56mm once in game and died instantly. Of course, they were traveling at 3,000 fps, so that might have been the problem! Edited February 8, 2014 by Proper Gander 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
apollovulcan 93 Posted February 8, 2014 (edited) The glitch was being forcefed M4A1 frickin' magazine rounds... No rotten food, absoutely nothing except that shitty piece of metal. Which made me die from being sick and unable to be revived again. Now I have to go all the way up to a military base over a stupid glitch. A glitch? Dude you were forcefed ammunition, I'm pretty sure the ingredients of bullets don't bode well for the human digestion system. I didn't even know this was an option available in game, so kudos to whoever was sick enough to think of trying it. And yes, now you have to start over because you were killed. That's how the game goes. No matter where you spawn in game, getting to the NWAF, sans any of these food flucutations, takes less than an hour. There's plenty of gear along the way, by the time you leave, espeically with the new server hopping prevention, you should be just about where you were. Edited February 8, 2014 by McG2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ImDeafDontShootMe 8 Posted February 8, 2014 (edited) Thanks for the sarcastic responses. How do I report this damn glitch? You're not supposed to be forcefed gun rounds in this game..there's no option for it. Only rotten food has that option.It was through a clan member helping me in the game while he was giving me ammo. The game misinterpreted it as force feeding me m4a1 rounds.. Edited February 8, 2014 by ImDeafDontShootMe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwarfwgaHead 45 Posted February 8, 2014 who's said youre not supposed to be able to force feed ammunition? they should really be able to force feed you anything that will realistically fit down your throat. if you were fed them, it's not a glitch, thats just a new way sickos have to kill you. admittedly i think it's pretty imaginative and kinda awesome/ 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrJoeDirty 34 Posted February 8, 2014 Thanks for the sarcastic responses. How do I report this damn glitch? You're not supposed to be forcefed gun rounds in this game..there's no option for it. Only rotten food has that option.It was through a clan member helping me in the game while he was giving me ammo. The game misinterpreted it as force feeding me m4a1 rounds..I didn't even realize there was any other way of giving people things, aside from dropping it on the ground or as Proper Gander stated, recieving things at 3400 fps. So maybe your buddy just read it wrong? Maybe he mistakenly read forcefeed ad "give"... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SxeDave 7 Posted February 8, 2014 You should have ate and drank so much you vomited. That works for stuff like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Facetentacles 92 Posted February 8, 2014 Now I feel I should test out other things to feed people. Rags, boots, a defibrillator... Oh the possibilities are endless! 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gerandar 212 Posted February 8, 2014 Thanks for the sarcastic responses. How do I report this damn glitch? You're not supposed to be forcefed gun rounds in this game..there's no option for it. Only rotten food has that option.It was through a clan member helping me in the game while he was giving me ammo. The game misinterpreted it as force feeding me m4a1 rounds.. your not getting your character back, bugs/glitchs happen learn to deal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Death By Crowbar 1213 Posted February 8, 2014 You can be force fed bullets? OMG LOL that's awesome... hahahahaha... that's a way worse problem than my simple apparently low bood issue! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Torinx 36 Posted February 8, 2014 (edited) Fair enough, getting force fed bullets and dying is kind of funny for those of us it didn't happen to, but you could at least of answered his question. If you go back to the main page of the forums, there is a Bug Tracker sub section, that's where you want to be to report this, and where you will find out if it is a bug, glitch, or intentional. Best to search there to see if it's already listed though. Here's a link Edited February 8, 2014 by Torinx 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ImDeafDontShootMe 8 Posted February 8, 2014 (edited) You're not helping guys... Where and how do I report this bug to the devs?Edit: Thank you fellow user. I'll use that link. Edited February 8, 2014 by ImDeafDontShootMe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
excitable1 157 Posted February 8, 2014 (edited) ummmm.... did you NOT see the message telling you someone was feeding you? try moving next time.... and if your dumb enough to get force fed ammo you deserve a coastal trip. sry. and this should not be a bug as irl you can be force fed anything as long as it fits in your mouth. Edited February 8, 2014 by excitable1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hrki 94 Posted February 8, 2014 (edited) sick comes for wounds. wounds heal with alcohol + bandage (white one) or bandage with alcohol (green one) and also a lot of food/water + timeyour grey view heal after you get rid of sicknes with saline bag (somoene must give it to you 1 or 2 depend of your blood lost) and with time + also a lot of food/water or without saline bag a lot of food/water + time also food posioning - use antibiotics (it cure your sickness instantly) + to be sure take one charcoal Edited February 8, 2014 by HrkiGV 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sidwulf 69 Posted February 8, 2014 This thread was incredibly hilarious to read. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raezion420 97 Posted February 8, 2014 This thread was incredibly hilarious to read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hells high 676 Posted February 8, 2014 Seems to me like you are more upset about dieing and losing your gear than anything. Frankly I think its awesome that someone was killed this way. Shoving some 5.56 down a restrained guy's throat surely wouldn't be good for him. I wonder what other inanimate objects we can shove into people's guts... might be a job for the DayZ Medical Division! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KnightFall1856 24 Posted February 8, 2014 Howd they taste? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted February 8, 2014 I didn't even realize there was any other way of giving people things, aside from dropping it on the ground or as Proper Gander stated, recieving things at 3400 fps. So maybe your buddy just read it wrong? Maybe he mistakenly read forcefeed ad "give"...This is exactly it. As far as I know there is no "give" option. Well, at least he got his bullets B) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites