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A suggested list for starting gear....... Mods, please read.

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So we all miss the Makarov (who thought we would?).

And lately the game is a tad difficult for newcomers, here is a list I put together, complete with items that could be added in to make life easier. This would not make the game noob friendly or anti-game, just help get newbies the hell off the coast.

New characters spawn with:- A Makarov with no ammo. This means that they'd have to find some.

A can of beans, and a water bottle. This would make traveling a bit easier.

Two bandages like in the old days. Currently zombies can give you an arterial bleed with a single bitch slap.

A pack of painkillers. Obviously.

One shot of morphine. Some players are coming in from CoD/L4D and think they can jump from the top of a building and survive... in ArmA 2, jumping from the rafter in a barn on to the stairs can break your legs and bleed you out. This would prevent, or make less likely, hospital bandits, camping hospitals to kill newbs trying to get morphine or other things.

A compass. To help people find North. Believe me, once I went south to Balota instead of north to Stary Sobor.

A Coyote Patrol Pack, to carry more items.

Thanks for reading, this should help all those joining the game.

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I like the current system just fine.

However, spawning with a Makarov and no clips is a bad idea, it's only going to get new spawns killed more often because other players will feel threatened (even though no threat actually exists).

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Not really, all it would take is one glance at the announcements page/forums/changelog to see this. Currently the chance of finding an actual gun is low except in barns, ammo is plentiful though.

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Not a big fan of those suggestions except for the mak with no mags, allthough not too sure about that either.

I'd rather see zombies not breaking bones or making you faint so easily, considering how hard lag or weird twitchy zombie movement makes it to hit them when not in buildings.

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You are missing the point. You can't holster the pistol. So this guy is going to run around with his Makarov out but no ammo but no one else knows this = Shoot on Sight.

The beginning is rough. Very very rough. But it makes graduation all the more nice.

(It also makes killing bandits all the nicer as well)

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I would say some sort of melee weapon would be a good. You don't need a compass to find north if you just pay attention to the area you spawn in at. It tells you in the bottom right of the screen. Then you use a map from internet to find what way is north. Besides, it's so rewarding when you finally do find your first compass. If everyone spawned with one, it would kinda ruin that.

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I think that if we're striving for some kind of realism in DayZ that there are some items that are reasonable to start with as they are readily available to most people from their own homes;

A small backpack/bag (current one is fine)

A watch (let's face it, most people have one)

Painkillers (Aspirin, Ibuprofen etc.)

A bandage or two ( don't you have a first aid box at home?)

A drink (Water bottle, can of soda are all fine)

An item of food (can of beans, pasta, pilchards, Franks & beans are all fine, or a new item could be simply "sandwich"!)

And a knife (doesn't have to be a hunting knife, could simply be a kitchen knife. Again most people have access to these. But it should be capable of being used in some kind of melee)

+ A box of matches

& A torch

Just my tuppence worth.

To the OP wouldn't this thread have been better placed in the Suggestions sub forum?

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I think that if we're striving for some kind of realism in DayZ that there are some items that are reasonable to start with as they are readily available to most people from their own homes;

A small backpack/bag (current one is fine)

A watch (let's face it' date=' most people have one)

Painkillers (Aspirin, Ibuprofen etc.)

A bandage or two ( don't you have a first aid box at home?)

A drink (Water bottle, can of soda are all fine)

An item of food (can of beans, pasta, pilchards, Franks & beans are all fine, or a new item could be simply "sandwich"!)

And a knife (doesn't have to be a hunting knife, could simply be a kitchen knife. Again most people have access to these. But it should be capable of being used in some kind of melee)

Just my tuppence worth.

To the OP wouldn't this thread have been better placed in the Suggestions sub forum?



This list is perfect.

I would suggest bringing back the Makarov with only one clip, but this isn't America... It's the Czech Republic. Not every other household has a gun in it.

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Sorry folks, I forgot to add one other item... (incipient alzheimers warning :)

A box of matches. (again readily available to most of us)

Oh no... it's happened again..

A torch.

Last one honestly.

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This list is way too expansive. Matches, knife, compass. These are all things you should be striving to find. They are very important and starting with them is not a good idea imo.

However, I am not a huge fan of starting with nothing either. I think a good list of starting equipment would be:

Makarov + 1 clip, 1 can of beans, 1 soda, 1 bandage, 1 morphine, 1 painkiller. And that is it (notice the lack of backpack as this adds a reason for the Czech Vest Pouch to even exist in the game).

Alternatively remove the pistol and replace with a melee weapon (crowbar, or baseball bat).

You are already a survivor (you can tell because you are alive and everyone else is a zombie), so it can be assumed that you we a little better prepared than everyone else. This list would give you the basics, just enough to survive until you find your first loot spawn, but still leaves off the most important items that will require exploration and risk.

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Not really' date=' all it would take is one glance at the announcements page/forums/changelog to see this. Currently the chance of finding an actual gun is low except in barns, ammo is plentiful though.


Yup shit tons of ammo no guns honestly the loot makes no sense i find military ammo in residential and farm areas....ya w/e though

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Please don't misunderstand me... I have no objections to starting as we do now. I've managed to do quite well as things are. I'm even happy to start without a pistol. I can find one. But there are some basics that wouldn't be out of place to equip a starting character and wouldn't change the starting game too significantly.

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I love how it is now. Makes it way better and keeps the noobies and bandits in the big cities in the south.

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I would suggest the following gear:

- Beretta M9 (You can't find ammo for this thing right away. Would be perfect to give 1 clip to use wisely until another gun comes around... besides, it's weak.)

- empty water canteen

- one can of beans\food

- road flares

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As my friend says, "These survivors are retards, bringing a bandaid and a flashlight and expecting to survive the zombie apocalypse".

Starting out with a Makarov isn't a great idea, but a simple box of matches, maybe a knife or hachet, would be awesome. Water canteen would also be cool, but that's a moot point. Maybe a can of coke.

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wrong section this should be in the suggestions forum

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I like the system except a few things...

I feel like there should be loot outside of town for "junk" (cans, bottles, etc).

I think any way you cut it, if you were to survive until the whole world was infected with some serious disease.... you'd at LEAST have something to carry water in.

The lack of water carrying is a major hindrance...

A gun? I hate to say it but having a gun is just as much a liability as tool. Maybe a melee weapon (I'd like to see "wood 2x4" or "Metal pipe" items...makeshift weapons. This is how real people survive.

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I like the current system. Yeah, it is pretty harsh and unforgiving starting out with such meager rations, but this is supposed to be a harsh and unforgiving game.

my only suggestion: get rid of the backpack. no one carries around an empty backpack in real life, what reasoning would all these survivors have for carrying one in the game?

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Again, if they survived beyond the infection, they probably have some ability to carry things. A backpack is one of the more benign and expected things (flashlight, water carrier, some food, imprvised weapons would be the other)

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