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I don't know about all these theories , me and my friend almost same pc setup , he had 0 fps drops . I had 0 fps drop. Switched servers  , I noticed my fps going down to unplayable without freeze , his fps was stable. ( 1 hour in the same server next to eachother ) . I knew then it wasnt my machine or anything on my side. Tried another server played for over 2 hours with no fps drops ... So I have no idea .

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It is a mem leak dude for sure, usually happens when you get close to a city, the memory climbed to 1.500.000 K after 15 minutes of playing, probably easy fix on the next update. I will try again then :)

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This definitely has something to do with multiple players being in proximity to each other. Tested with six players tonight. If we all entered the same network bubble, frames dropped to the point of crash. When on your own, your fine.

Good new is, you know if your frames go to shit and the game crashes, there's a player close by. Alpha baby alpha, the game is awesome and when these bugs are squashed it's going to be one of the greatest of all time.


well i freeze instantly i log in on my own , i even tried it  on a server with 5 players..... at best i lag very very badly then freeze  seconds after   and have to ctlr alt del to get away


I have friends that have exactly the same problem


all i know is me or any one i know as not been ablee to play a single game since the last little patch

Edited by blueleader

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God for you trying to report and finding a fix.



Hope the team are on the case to get FPS back up.

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Ok guys here is a solution of this Problem!

(at first sorry for my bad english ;) )

Me and my clan g4m3.eu tried out diffrent things to find the reason for this problem. There are some items which has a buggy textrue. They are looking like the items in the picture in the appendix. if these items are lying on the ground and you will approach your fps will drop down! only if you move away from the point where they are lying your frames will go up again.

The same happens if there is a guy who carries items like that with him. if he is in the near of you, your frames drops and if he will go away the frames go up again.

hope the developers will fix it soon!




That solved it temporarily for me. It returned back to the same reduced fps some 2 hours afterwards. Didn't have any other flickering textures, nor had i picked up anything other than food and sodas that I consumed directly.

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Hello guys,


after setting the textures to very low and textures filtering disabled the game is running good, very good.


We tried this and remove all boxes (yellow one) out of our inventory. 

So now we can play






Try this please

Edited by trappa

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checking my inventory i had some textureless beans in a small protector case. removed them and the fps went back to normal.

Ok guys here is a solution of this Problem!
(at first sorry for my bad english ;) )

Me and my clan g4m3.eu tried out diffrent things to find the reason for this problem. There are some items which has a buggy textrue. They are looking like the items in the picture in the appendix. if these items are lying on the ground and you will approach your fps will drop down! only if you move away from the point where they are lying your frames will go up again.

The same happens if there is a guy who carries items like that with him. if he is in the near of you, your frames drops and if he will go away the frames go up again.

hope the developers will fix it soon!



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I can donfirm these things from my play experience with my friends yesterday.


1. Lagg only happened when we were close by eachother
2. I had 2 items in my backpack with bugged out textures (blinking, distorting textures). A box of corn flakes and a head lamp.

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I had massive lag aswell but im in electro now and I have better fps than normal(!?)

Maybe because noone wants to go into the cities since the lag problem..

Yesterday and earlier today it was impossible to play but now it runs fine.. (Have low/medium computer) by fine it still lags but less then normal

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I can confirm that what fixed it for me was:


1) Stacks of 60 rounds 5.56

2) The ruined texture on the baked beans cans. 


I even had worn/damaged items in my inventory and no FPS issues after getting rid of that stuff.


For those that keep saying it... My specs:


i7 3770k @4.2ghz

EVGA 670GTX 4g

16g Ripjaw 2133

MSI M Power Z77 mobo


Samsung EVO 120g

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Me to and all my group, usually running at 40-45 FPS and cant get more than 10 now


Join server and get about 20-25 and it grinds down to 10 in a few minutes


And my computer I bought a year ago was top of the range at the time, usually runs game on high settings at 45 fps


Even on low at the moment im getting basically nothing

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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We gotta deal with the fact that DayZ will be a broken game no matter if it's Alpha, Beta or Final Release (if that ever happens).


There are two key factors about this:


1. Game engine


2. Dev staff



Game engine, metaphorically speaking, is just like a Lada Niva, designed for heavy duty purposes (mainly to support big maps) but doesn't offer other luxuries which can make your experience enjoyable, and most importantly this engine tends to generate infinite little bugs here and there.


About the dev staff, well, firstly they are inxperienced in making AAA games, and secondly, no matter how racist this sounds, but australians have no idea how to make games.


What can be done to fix it? A realistic approach since the game engine cannot be changed but it can be alot better, if the Mastermind of DayZ comes to his senses and stop calculating the currency between american to australian dollars, and hire some intelligent, experienced programmers from outside the kangaroo land.

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For me had to replace my ballistic helmet, shoes, pants, shirt and I noticed by Blue Mountain Backpack flickering... dropped it and ran aways, once i got so far, my FPS shot right back up to perfect, ran back to get my stuff and fps dropped too poor again. That's my fix. Oh and I dropped my acog scope on my m4 but for sure my backpack caused me issues.


I have read if you get near someone with buggy equipment it will effect you also. I believe people have narrowed it down the items and textures being bad or something.

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it is happening to me after the newest patch 

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seams like towns are the worst for me, im getting 2-6 sec lag spikes and im appearing in buildings and walls.

startet last night been good before.


Most of my group are reporting the same problem and wont touch the game until its fixes

Edited by Sierra01

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well i freeze instantly i log in on my own , i even tried it  on a server with 5 players..... at best i lag very very badly then freeze  seconds after   and have to ctlr alt del to get away


I have friends that have exactly the same problem


all i know is me or any one i know as not been ablee to play a single game since the last little patch


Try hiding your current gear and killing your character. I think it's certain characters who are carrying gear from before the patch.

Edited by Dr. Goner

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Finding it hard to believe that the gear you were carrying prior to the latest patch is causing the issues.  Up until this latest patch, my friends and I have hardly ever had to trade out any of our gear.  Granted, I've been killed by some serious glitching that threw me through walls and dropped me off buildings and through the floors.  I will try to see if I have any gear with outdated textures in my bags but I do believe it has something to do with the new weather effects.  Ran around with no problems while it wasn't raining, then, the rain came in and I couldn't move.  Had to log out before I got killed by a Zombie because it glitched through a wall while the rain dropped my frame-rate.  I will gladly wait until the the next patch to see if there are any improvements but until then, I'm going to hang it up.  Maybe leave these patches on the experimental servers a bit longer before they introduce them.  I realize that this fixed a bunch of issues for some people, but now we have a new host of problems which might keep people off for a while.  Might be hanging it up for a bit until this issue gets resolved.    

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My fully equipped Regular mode works fine. Just logged into my fully equipped hardcore and it's unplayable. Only difference between them is main gun and helmet.

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Does this method work as i dont want to kill my self with the gear i have but i will if it helps ?

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I also experienced this fps drop problem. On top of that i started getting graphics glitches (artifacts) from trees and grass ond sometimes some part of the character. They all disappear when I hit Esc button (the menu comes up) but are back when I resume game.

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Guys before you do kill you're self because you are getting fps drop check you're settings,Due to the new update the may have changed your settings to high

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Guys before you do kill you're self because you are getting fps drop check you're settings,Due to the new update the may have changed your settings to high

It has nothing to do with video settings.


It's a game issue.


i have :


i5 4670k @ 4.2Ghz

MSI G45 Gaming
8 Gig DDR3
Sapphire Toxic R9 280x
Samsung 840 Pro SSD.
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I have typed this before, but more people need to see it.

Solution : Remove any "flickering texture" items in your inventory.

Me and my friends have tested this over and over and over the past two days, and it works every time.

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PLaying with highest settings.


My PC:


GT 780. i7 4770k, 16GB Ram



Fps drops when:


  • being in a bigger town (Svetlo drops me in the teens)
  • when it rains
  • other stuff

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It is a memory leak that starts as soon as you fire up DayZ and anyone claiming that it is bugged gear or anything like that is high on paint thinner.  Don't be idiots and dump all your gear because it is not the problem.  Watch your task manager processes and once DayZ gets over 1GB of memory it starts lagging and you lose FPS.  Someone at Bohemia fucked up, that is all.  Just wait until the next patch if you can.

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