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Can doors open correctly

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Why is it that the doors have been made to open onto the street, it is very annoying trying to go into a building when the door just pushes you around a corner doors should always open into the house this makes is easier to enter and less clumsy. it also makes closing the door behind you easier since it will be right there and not open onto the street. The only exception should be a barn or warehouse.

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All *business* doors open outward. This is because of major fire incidents where patrons, or workers, were trapped inside of burning buildings and ended up piling against the doors. The outward force would keep the door from opening. If you weren't trampled/crushed to death by the other patrons, you were destined to burn to a crisp.


Laws in almost every country shortly thereafter changed to ensure that doors opened outward, preferably with push-levers.


Source: Former firefighter and EMT.

Edited by carcinovich
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As i said Barn's warehouse large buildings is fair enough to have doors opening outwards but a house does not and since most of the buildings in the game are houses my point/suggestion is still valid.

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Architect student:  Doors open that way for a reason, as stated above its part of the fire code.  Really the only time doors open into a room is if it's a hallway (such as a hotel/apartment and it's not an egress point/meeting space) as a means of not blocking the hallway.

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Where do you live are you really trying to tell me that home doors open onto the street i live in the UK and i have never seen it the exception being double french doors but all standard doors on a house open into the house.

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I have to agree, house doors open into the building. It bugs me as well when I approach a door and it pushes me back because I am so used to real life where the door would be pushed in. It is ok to have the outside doors open out on to the street in office buildings or apartments but not for houses. 

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Im the same i live in the uk and iv never seen a domestic door that opened outwards,odd but it is what it is i guess :)

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