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Guns not casuing bleeding?

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So there have been 2 posts on reddit recently that appear to be about people getting shot, but not bleeding. In my experience getting shot from pretty much any range, even with a vest on, caused bleeding, but maybe not that much damage. Anyone else noticed this?


The posts in question:




The sewing kit post doesn't seem to be any bug related to the sewing kit, just sounds like he was shot and didn't bleed. The lightning post to me sounds like he was maybe shot with the new B95 from long range and the shooter simply didn't come to loot him. Just looking for thoughts or if any once can report similar experiences. 

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Bleeding in general greatly decreased (or accidently removed)? Earlier tonight I got to try out the machete on a group of zombies (dont try it people, stick with the fireaxe), got hit a bunch of times and didn't start to bleed, earlier major arteries would pop open if a zombie even looked at me funny.

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I have been shot twice since the patch today, survived both times but I didn't bleed.. just came a blurry, saturated screen.

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Yeah was gettin hit of a zombie earlier and i didnt start bleeding either

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Thanks for the reply guys, this certainly seems a little strange. I will have to do some testing. Yeah before zombies would usually cause bleeding unless you were wearing military vests or other heavy clothing. But even with a vest and Ballistic helmet guns always did. I am at work currently, but can anyone basically go stand next to a bunch of zombies and see if you start bleeding at all? Ill test this myself when I get home.

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I have noticed zombies don't cause bleeding on me anywhere near as much as they did, but it stills happened once.

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All people that I shot from my m4 were bleeding (8 people so far in new patch)


However I was shot in legs from mosin from 5 meters and I didyn't bleed.

Edited by Frosti

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I got shot two times at an airfield (Pre-patch, so the body of the guy I had just killed disappeared in a flash after bandaging) and I was bleeding. 

(WOOT, 300 posts!)

Edited by AntonioAJC

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So it seems guns can still cause it, so maybe it just doesn't happen as easily. Is it too hard to get you think? I'm not sure I want to post a bug on the tracker, as it almost seems like it could be something done by design.

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I got shot four times in the leg and started bleeding, but only from one source. So maybe bledding has been decreased.

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`Yeah I noticed this earlier, before the patch i was bleeding every time i took 1-hits from a zombie, now I've taken a few whacks and not bled once. If it's an intentional decrease I'm glad, but from what you guys are reporting they may have toned it down a bit too much?

Then again, maybe it's a step towards the bleed system we'll get when there are arseloads of zombies around and they actually become a threat.

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