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Airfields and military bases are dumb

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As noted already you can arm yourself pretty well without going to a airport/mil base. It makes sense though that your higher chance of getting higher level mil loot will be in a mil base or surroundings lol. This fits with risk reward people know they are there people go to them and the blood shed starts.


So risk head to a place everyone knows is good therefor risk being shot reward better chance of walking away with a mil style weapon.. The formula works......



Military equipment spawning in silly locations like residential areas and stuff isn't very realistic but ofc there is a chance that some random event happened and a person was killed in the area while holding the equipment.. but still, it should be very rare.

The way i see it.. Military stuff should be in bases, shotguns are probably realisticaly found in farmers houses and things like that.

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I've been finding m4s, sks' and mosins in schools, hospitals and that other building that looks like an office building or different school. Recently, lots of them.

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Never really found this to be a problem. Found plenty of magnum, mosin and sks in the piano house, hospitals, school et al.

Only found m4's at the military bases though.

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Yesterday was good day to me as I started with new freshspawn. I ran to Orlovets from beach and finded enough food and drinks and then I continued to Polana. Theres construction site between those villages and from there I finded lots of zombies and magnum and ammo for it and M4 but no ammo to it. And my imagination waked up and I was like what the hell happened in here. Sometimes it is very difficult to gear up your freshspawn and sometimes its easy, and that makes more different stories to characters. Imho, I like it.

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