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That doesn't mean the issue is in any way the Developer's problem. It sounds like you have either a crappy internet connection and/or are connecting to the worst servers with the highest ping. While I do get kicked out of the game more often in the SA than in the Mod I have a really easy work around for it. I find a server with a better and more consistent ping and log into that and the problem goes away OR I check my connection to my ISP and see if my Modem/Router needs a reboot to clear up some issue on my end.


thank you.

I want to be able to "find a stable server" just like you said...without it taking half an hour in five minute intervals.

And my net is fine...since you didn't read the post or you would see that I've been playing WoW and GW2 all day while waiting for this broken game.

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I just find it extremely amusing that lots of one-post-wonders are crawling out of the woodwork, today of all days, making complaints about the new protections. It's almost like they're working.

It's almost like we can't play the game!

What in gawds name is wrong with you?


Edit: I don't troll forums with a cute little purple icon because that's not fun for me.

Maybe having round and round arguments like at the 5th grade lunch table is your thing... I got better things to do.

But I have a problem...and since MY dollars paid for this game just as much as YOUR dollars...I think I'll discuss my problem.

Edited by yardpro

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It's almost like we can't play the game!

What in gawds name is wrong with you?

Like I said earlier, I have never had the "please wait 30-300 seconds to log in" message after being legitimately disconnected from the server if the fault was server-side and not client-side, the only time I have seen those messages is when I died or changed servers within 30 minutes of joining one. You're telling me you had 90 minutes worth of those messages, something sounds suspicious to me. If you genuinely believe you're simply a victim of technology then they might be able to help you in the Troubleshooting forum, otherwise I stand by what I said.

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if you single click a highlighted server in the browser it will reping. if there's a variance of more than 50 move on to the next one. no need to even log into the server to check. find a server that has a stable ping, play there.

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The login/out timers are one of the few things that the PvPers and us 'Carebears' agree on are a Good Thing. But that is immaterial to your OP.


I'm going to say it upfront and get it out of the way.... ALPHA!


Whether you can play WoW and GW2 is not actually relevant. Neither of those games are currently in alpha, and I'd doubt either is relying on third-party servers for their infrastructure.


As to your main issue, I can only say that I'm having no issues with anything similar. If there was a systemic problem then I'm sure that being almost a hemisphere away from the nearest server locale would amplify any problem rather than mask it. As it is the only issue I'm having is that pings are routinely 250+, but the game is still robust enough for me to play longer than the average server reboot times.


I don't think you can blame the Devs for the vaguaries of the internet that you are experiencing. There are too many factors that affect it that are completely beyond their control. You don't mention in your post any information on your router/modem/ISP setup or any steps you've tried to resolve any issues you may have, so I'm not even able to speculate on what may or may not be the cause of your problems.


To steal a metaphor from the great philosopher, Rocket, all you have done in your OP is state 'My boat floats on water, but my car doesn't. Fix my car!'

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Like I said earlier, I have never had the "please wait 30-300 seconds to log in" message after being legitimately disconnected from the server if the fault was server-side and not client-side, the only time I have seen those messages is when I died or changed servers within 30 minutes of joining one. You're telling me you had 90 minutes worth of those messages, something sounds suspicious to me. If you genuinely believe you're simply a victim of technology then they might be able to help you in the Troubleshooting forum, otherwise I stand by what I said.

...round and round arguments like at the 5th grade lunch table...

Superman can beat up Thor!


If all these topics weren't locked immediately because the devs don't want potential customers reading bad news about their game...you might have a better understanding of the issue...so I don't entirely blame you...I've been playing these gams since Ultima...all developers are the same...they make ham-handed knee-jerk decisions and then avoid the crapstorm they create by locking threads and banning posters.

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I lost connection twice last night and had the wait screen while logging back into the same server.  Not a big deal, but I don't think it can detect a disconnect compared to an F4.  Anyone else know the truth?


On a side note, i legitimately logged off in a bush (after sitting for a while to make sure i'm safe), but when i logged back in later my character was not in the bush/tree but a significant distance from where i logged out.  This happened to me three times, anyone else seeing this?

Alt+F4 is treated exactly the same as any other method of disconnection from a server.


There is a known issue ATM where charcters (and location) information is not being updated at logout. If you are able, wait an additional 30 s or so before logout as a temporary work around until they have a fix for this.

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thank you.

I want to be able to "find a stable server" just like you said...without it taking half an hour in five minute intervals.

And my net is fine...since you didn't read the post or you would see that I've been playing WoW and GW2 all day while waiting for this broken game.

I did read your post. I also happen to know the bandwidth for WoW and GW2 is minimal compared to the bandwidth for DayZ:SA and that lag is much less of an issue in most MMOs unless you happen to be a healer. ;)So you could be playing WoW just fine with what most people playing a FPS would consider a shit connection. Finding a stable server should take you about 5 minutes. Here is what you do. Search in the server area and filter by ping. When you see one that has a ping under 40 keep refreshing that one and see if it spikes up over 70, if it does... don't join it. Continue until you find one that doesn't spike hugely for you, join that one.

Since it seems to be "all servers" you are having an issue with we should look for a common cause. Let me see... what is the one thing that doesn't change. All the servers are in different data centers in different cities hosted by different companies... so... the common thing... would be... You and your connection to the internet. You have proven to yourself that it isn't the servers since they all don't work and they are all different so it has to be the one thing you haven't changed.

Okay, I suppose it could be your computer but I'm leaning towards a bad connection with a lot of dropped packets which would be less likely to interfere with something like WoW and GW2.

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Actually Thor would tottally hose superman for no other reason that lolDC. ;p

You didn't pay to play this game, per say, you paid to participate in the alpha and test it.

Again, I'll reiterate:

Your mpbs?
Are you joining servers with low ping?
Are you sharing bandwidth with other people/devices?

You want the help, or do you want to keep whining and attacking people?

Edited by Rudette

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If all these topics weren't locked immediately because the devs don't want potential customers reading bad news about their game...you might have a better understanding of the issue.

I don't see any of that, but hey if at first you can't succeed then dream up a conspiracy theory and insult the developers! And you call me childish.  :D

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The login/out timers are one of the few things that the PvPers and us 'Carebears' agree on are a Good Thing. But that is immaterial to your OP.


I'm going to say it upfront and get it out of the way.... ALPHA!


Whether you can play WoW and GW2 is not actually relevant. Neither of those games are currently in alpha, and I'd doubt either is relying on third-party servers for their infrastructure.


As to your main issue, I can only say that I'm having no issues with anything similar. If there was a systemic problem then I'm sure that being almost a hemisphere away from the nearest server locale would amplify any problem rather than mask it. As it is the only issue I'm having is that pings are routinely 250+, but the game is still robust enough for me to play longer than the average server reboot times.


I don't think you can blame the Devs for the vaguaries of the internet that you are experiencing. There are too many factors that affect it that are completely beyond their control. You don't mention in your post any information on your router/modem/ISP setup or any steps you've tried to resolve any issues you may have, so I'm not even able to speculate on what may or may not be the cause of your problems.


To steal a metaphor from the great philosopher, Rocket, all you have done in your OP is state 'My boat floats on water, but my car doesn't. Fix my car!'

I agree with you 90%.

The WoW reference was to show that my internet connection is fine.

The red wall of text I see when I get lag spikes in MOST servers shows I'm not the only one being disconnected...

I'm not blaming anyone...

I agree with implementing anti hopping measures

Again repeating everything you could have just read in the OP.

It still takes me 3 tries to find a stable server...and then 10 minutes in I get red latency and need to relog...then wait five minutes and on and on...

I refuse to believe it's just me...Just this morning I read a dozen threads on this topic and they all disappeared.

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Alt+F4 is treated exactly the same as any other method of disconnection from a server.


There is a known issue ATM where charcters (and location) information is not being updated at logout. If you are able, wait an additional 30 s or so before logout as a temporary work around until they have a fix for this.

I will try this.

I have never pressed ALT+F4

I press escape and exit then refresh the server list...am I doing it wrong?

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Just my 2 cans o' tuna.


Your two cans of tuna are ruined sir, and I cannot use them. 

Edited by DeatHTaX
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Actually Thor would tottally hose superman for no other reason that lolDC. ;p

You didn't pay to play this game, per say, you paid to participate in the alpha and test it.

Again, I'll reiterate:

Your mpbs?

Are you joining servers with low ping?

Are you sharing bandwidth with other people/devices?

You want the help, or do you want to keep whining and attacking people?

I have attacked no one!

This is why I avoid forums like the plague.

Everyone responds...no one reads.


I posted a topic.. I got smartass answers from people who clearly didn't read my post. So I replied in kind.


I pick low ping servers. I have a 20mbps cable connection. Just right now did a speedtest.net. I'm the only one using my network right now...no other devices.

These connection issues were minor when I could just relog when I got lag...but now I'm punished for having lag.


I was on these forums this morning 8 hours ago and there were DOZENS of posts like  mine...where did they go?

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Thing is, people did read.

Rather you meant it or not, your post came off snarky and whiney. Snarky was met with snarky!

Then your issue is freakish! Seek a proffessional on the tech forum as prescribed by others.

Edited by Rudette
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Thing is, people did read. Rather you meant it or not, your post came off snarky and whiney. Snarky was met with snarky!

Then your issue is freakish! Seek a proffessional on the tech forum as prescribed by others.

Wow...then I really am a sad case... I thought my OP was rather polite.

I'm sorry tho...I work outside in the elements with my hands and I actually sweat at work. So I never got a good grasp on passive aggressive office politics.

If you smell I tell you to take a shower. I don't buy you a deodorant gift basket for your birthday.

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I agree with you 90%.

The WoW reference was to show that my internet connection is fine.

Fair enough. The main problem may be that currently DayZ is using 100~140 kb/s up/download. That's around 5MB/min, 300MB/hr *sustained* throughput. Doesn't seem a great deal but can be impacted by many things.


Have you done a traceroute to any of the problem servers? Would be interesting to know ping, latency, packet loss data if you have. Does your ISP use load shaping. They may be inadvertently delaying critical packets.

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Fair enough. The main problem may be that currently DayZ is using 100~140 kb/s up/download. That's around 5MB/min, 300MB/hr *sustained* throughput. Doesn't seem a great deal but can be impacted by many things.


Have you done a traceroute to any of the problem servers? Would be interesting to know ping, latency, packet loss data if you have. Does your ISP use load shaping. They may be inadvertently delaying critical packets.

Waaaaaaaay over my head.

I has a router!

Seriously... I thought of doing some digging...but when I logged on to one server after another and all I saw was red text after red text saying players were getting dc'd...I knew I wasn't alone.

Then I came here at 6AM and read post after post about lag and dc's and wait times then I KNEW I wasn't alone...then 2 hours later...All the posts are gone.

Then my conspiracy theory side took over and I remembered all the other patch-tastrophies in other games and the way devs try to hide facts....thought I would rake some mud.

But as far as recording which servers I log into...nope...just refresh and click on the one with the lowest ping.

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I pick low ping servers.

I have to ask, "What is considered "Low Ping" by you?" A few weeks back my friend was looking for a server to join and I went, "I don't see any with a low ping for me. What do you see?" He replied most of his list had a low ping. We are on different ISPs but both go out from this state on the same backbone so it shouldn't be THAT much difference for us. So I was like, "What? I've got nothing under 60." and he was like, "What? No, it's all about 80 but that is a low ping." To which I came back with, "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? 30 is a low ping and 60 is tolerable." He came back with "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?"

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I have to ask, "What is considered "Low Ping" by you?" A few weeks back my friend was looking for a server to join and I went, "I don't see any with a low ping for me. What do you see?" He replied most of his list had a low ping. We are on different ISPs but both go out from this state on the same backbone so it shouldn't be THAT much difference for us. So I was like, "What? I've got nothing under 60." and he was like, "What? No, it's all about 80 but that is a low ping." To which I came back with, "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? 30 is a low ping and 60 is tolerable." He came back with "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?"

Anything under 100...but as soon as I click most servers the ping jumps to a gold number that's in the 100-200 range...but that happens on EVERY server I click...so I'm not sure.

Definitely not claiming to be a tech expert.

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I'm sorry, but that's simply not true. I get the login timer every time for any reason. And yes I include the times I log into a server where I have red latency and simply can't play. Why is this even up for debate...if people are complaining don't you think it might be because it's an issue?

People are not complaining. You are, i and everyone else have none of these issues you describe.


Now if the maximum time is five minutes wait time and you spent 20 minutes playing and you were waiting for an hour and a half, doing the maths i calculate you tried to swap servers 18 times, now if that is all down to your internet connection then there is nothing this game can do to help that. But if it was you switching servers then it is your own fault.


You sir are a fraud.

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People are not complaining. You are, i and everyone else have none of these issues you describe.


Now if the maximum time is five minutes wait time and you spent 20 minutes playing and you were waiting for an hour and a half, doing the maths i calculate you tried to swap servers 18 times, now if that is all down to your internet connection then there is nothing this game can do to help that. But if it was you switching servers then it is your own fault.


You sir are a fraud.

You sir are moron...so I will speak to you like one.

I log into a server...the one that's on top when I click refresh and click the lowest ping.

I log in. I immediately get the red lag icon. I disconnect.

I pick another server.

Edit: I wait five minutes thanks to broken game.

I log in. I play for 10 minutes and get a huge lag spike where I can't even draw my weapon.

I relog...wait five minutes...log in.

Sometimes I play fine for half an hour...then dc.

Repeat...ad nauseam.

Ad nauseam means "til it makes you sick"...I had to explaine that because you're an idiot.

edit...almost forgot to add the two times where I log back in to find myself dead because one of your fellow sophisticates with woohoo 250+ forum posts KoS'd me while I was lag dancing.

that's my favorite.

Edited by yardpro

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I log into a server...the one that's on top when I click refresh and click the lowest ping.

I log in. I immediately get the red lag icon. I disconnect.

Did you go and make a thread in Troubleshooting yet?

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To be fair, I think OP has a valid point.

At least in my experience... Servers are quite delicate and by that I mean they are having issues.

My internet is fibre optic and very stable, I never have any disconnects on my end.

Now he seems to be suggesting that before you implement a system to punish disconnection, it may have been more fair to stabalise the servers.


Not asking you to agree or disagree, but I hope you can see its a reasonable point to be making.

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Anything under 100...but as soon as I click most servers the ping jumps to a gold number that's in the 100-200 range...but that happens on EVERY server I click...so I'm not sure.

Definitely not claiming to be a tech expert.

with my isp I've found a few servers that have a stable ping. stable for me is 80-150, but stable only if the variance is +/- 50ish. i've tried some servers which report in the 60 range but they fluctuate too much, causing lag spikes. find something stable.

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