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Talk about priorities...

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Did you go and make a thread in Troubleshooting yet?

Nope..sorry...been kinda busy here and still trying to play the game between lag spikes...I managed to go a whole 30 minutes with no dc and no superlag.

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also, the engine is very cpu demanding. turn off all non-essential running programs, you could be experiencing system lag not netlag.

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with my isp I've found a few servers that have a stable ping. stable for me is 80-150, but stable only if the variance is +/- 50ish. i've tried some servers which report in the 60 range but they fluctuate too much, causing lag spikes. find something stable.

The central and TX servers work pretty well...or rather they did until yesterday.

See this is the key...everything was fine when I could just relog...but our patch yesterday made that impossible.

I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't 30 degrees outside.

How do you people stand forums...this form of communication is arcaic.

It's like trying to knit a sweater with a power drill and a bandsaw.

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...round and round arguments like at the 5th grade lunch table...

Superman can beat up Thor!


If all these topics weren't locked immediately because the devs have nothing to do with this problem...i might have a better understanding of the issue...so I don't entirely blame them,...I've been playing these games since Ultima but that not important...all games i play are the same...Its their fault, its their fault and then they avoid the crapstorm they get blamed for by locking threads and banning idiots.



If all these topics weren't locked immediately because the devs don't want potential customers reading bad news about their game...you might have a better understanding of the issue...so I don't entirely blame you...I've been playing these gams since Ultima...all developers are the same...they make ham-handed knee-jerk decisions and then avoid the crapstorm they create by locking threads and banning posters.


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Look everyone! A witty reply that only took him 20 minutes to come up with.

Try harder failbot.


edit...cmon people we can make it to four pages


you can reply too africanhungergamesI'msofuckingcleverigivemyselfaboner


too means also...still explaining cuz yer still an idjit

Edited by yardpro

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also, the engine is very cpu demanding. turn off all non-essential running programs, you could be experiencing system lag not netlag.

Just checked that...but my processor never goes over 10%


edit...just reread my OP...it was the carebear comment that got all the panties bunched up wasn't it?

Edited by yardpro

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To be fair, I think OP has a valid point.

At least in my experience... Servers are quite delicate and by that I mean they are having issues.

My internet is fibre optic and very stable, I never have any disconnects on my end.

Now he seems to be suggesting that before you implement a system to punish disconnection, it may have been more fair to stabalise the servers.


Not asking you to agree or disagree, but I hope you can see its a reasonable point to be making.

This was what I was trying to say from the start. Thank you for saying it in a way that office dwellers can swallow.


Edit SEE...skyline has a bunch of posts, a neat icon, and says the same thing I say only he says it all "fake/nice" like people who have no arm muscles!




Skyline! Please be my herald and go forth among the neckbearded men and recluse homosexuals and camel-toed women and share my message!

Edited by yardpro

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This was what I was trying to say from the start. Thank you for saying it in a way that office dwellers can swallow.

You keep calling us stupid but you're still posting in the wrong forum.

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Bought the game. Buggy but fun.

Servers are crappy...sometimes takes half a dozen tries to find a decent server without lag.. but I accept it as part of the dev process.

I hear rumors about measures to prevent server hopping and I'm all for it.

I've been KoS'd more times than I can count and most of the time I don't even see who killed me...just hear "pew" then read "you are dead".

It sucked...but at least I got to PLAY.


But now? LOL.

I spent 20 minutes playing today...and no joke...AN HOUR AND A HALF staring at the "wait" screen.

My crime? Getting repeatedly booted and/or yellow to red lag spikes that last for days.

And it's not on my end...been playing WoW and GW2 while I've been stuck on the "wait screen of death". Both run fine with green latency.


I don't know who prioritizes your workload...but whoever put "appease the carebears" over "fix the servers" needs to wear the cone of shame.

Don't get me wrong. I KNOW server hopping for gear is an exploit and it needs to be fixed...

But for the love of gawd...fix that AFTER you fix the server stability issues.


And it's not just me...every server I log onto has a wall of red text saying "so and so" is booted for connection problems.

I counted at least 50 people who got booted and that was only in the 20 minutes or so that I actually managed to log into a server.


Just my 2 cans o' tuna.


You didn't buy the game. You bought ACCESS TO ALPHA TO HELP DEVELOPMENT. Cry me a river and then build a bridge and get over it. We don't need you complaining, doesn't help at all

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But for the love of gawd...fix that AFTER you fix the server stability issues.


I agree, they need to clean up issues with the servers first and foremost.  <_< 

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I agree, they need to clean up issues with the servers first and foremost.  <_< 

Woot! 59 posts in and 2 people actually get it.

This is NOT about friggin gear people.


Edit 4 pages...who says time on the internet's not productive.

Edited by yardpro

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While is may be a valid point, it may not be practical.


Im no programmer so any comment I make would be partly guess work.

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You didn't buy the game. You bought ACCESS TO ALPHA TO HELP DEVELOPMENT. Cry me a river and then build a bridge and get over it. We don't need you complaining, doesn't help at all

I know what I bought sweety.

My mommy didn't buy me the game.

Go do your homework...you need to work on your reading.

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You keep calling us stupid but you're still posting in the wrong forum.

Quote where I called anyone stupid who wasn't rude to me first?


Or is being called a fraud, a whiner, a complainer, etc...your idea of a compliment?


I've been politely replying to posts...if people write me I write them back...it's called manners.


If they are rude I assume it's their language so I speak as they speak.


Even in your posts I get snippy when you get snippy.

Edited by yardpro

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Quote where I called anyone stupid who wasn't rude to me first?


Or is being called a fraud, a whiner, a complainer, etc...your idea of a compliment?

It's just ironic, this thread shouldn't even be in this thread if it's about fixing connection issues that most people don't seem to be having. Samuri_Bake_Pie also had a point in that you were warned to expect things like this before you even bought the game, I quote:


Jog on and get your smart-arse to Troubleshooting.
Edited by DarkwaveDomina

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It's just ironic, this thread shouldn't even be in this thread if it's about fixing connection issues that most people don't seem to be having. Samuri_Bake_Pie also had a point in that you were warned to expect things like this before you even bought the game, I quote:




I...unlike most of the posters on this thread...Can indeed read hon'...but thanks for the refresher.

Now..once your fellow forum dwellers are done insulting me...I might stop replying...but that doesn't seem like it's going to happen.

But why don't you got away for another hour then come back with another reason I should cease to exist...as that seems to be the only reason you post on this thread.


Honestly...I think you're crushin on me.

If you're female I'm married and if you're male...ew.

Edited by yardpro

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It's just ironic, this thread shouldn't even be in this thread if it's about fixing connection issues that most people don't seem to be having. Samuri_Bake_Pie also had a point in that you were warned to expect things like this before you even bought the game, I quote:


Jog on and get your smart-arse to Troubleshooting.


I'm the smartass...your first words in your first post were "Nice try" yeah that's a nice starting point for friendly communication.

This forum has mods does it not? They can move threads can they not? If it were so imperative that every post be in the exact forum it belongs in then why have I been here almost three hours now typing?


edit: still think yer crushin.

Edited by yardpro

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Bought the game. Buggy but fun.

Servers are crappy...sometimes takes half a dozen tries to find a decent server without lag.. but I accept it as part of the dev process.

I hear rumors about measures to prevent server hopping and I'm all for it.

I've been KoS'd more times than I can count and most of the time I don't even see who killed me...just hear "pew" then read "you are dead".

It sucked...but at least I got to PLAY.


But now? LOL.

I spent 20 minutes playing today...and no joke...AN HOUR AND A HALF staring at the "wait" screen.

My crime? Getting repeatedly booted and/or yellow to red lag spikes that last for days.

And it's not on my end...been playing WoW and GW2 while I've been stuck on the "wait screen of death". Both run fine with green latency.


I don't know who prioritizes your workload...but whoever put "appease the carebears" over "fix the servers" needs to wear the cone of shame.

Don't get me wrong. I KNOW server hopping for gear is an exploit and it needs to be fixed...

But for the love of gawd...fix that AFTER you fix the server stability issues.


And it's not just me...every server I log onto has a wall of red text saying "so and so" is booted for connection problems.

I counted at least 50 people who got booted and that was only in the 20 minutes or so that I actually managed to log into a server.


Just my 2 cans o' tuna.


Well said ! It fine when all the cry baies complain about combat loggin or server hopping ( which is down to the fact the loot system is fucking terrible ) its ok but complain about anything else and you get hit with ' ITS ONLY ALPHA ' from the fan boys

Edited by calabam

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why don't you got away for another hour then come back with another reason I should cease to exist...as that seems to be the only reason you post on this thread.


Honestly...I think you're crushin on me.

Don't flatter yourself. As for why I am here my last few posts have been directing you to the right forum, I am trying to be helpful (and also pointing out the irony).


This forum has mods does it not? They can move threads can they not? If it were so imperative that every post be in the exact forum it belongs in then why have I been here almost three hours now typing?

You are simply more likely to get better help directly aimed toward your connection issues, surely that's what you want.

Edited by DarkwaveDomina

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Bought the game. Buggy but fun.

Servers are crappy...sometimes takes half a dozen tries to find a decent server without lag.. but I accept it as part of the dev process.

I hear rumors about measures to prevent server hopping and I'm all for it.

I've been KoS'd more times than I can count and most of the time I don't even see who killed me...just hear "pew" then read "you are dead".

It sucked...but at least I got to PLAY.


But now? LOL.

I spent 20 minutes playing today...and no joke...AN HOUR AND A HALF staring at the "wait" screen.

My crime? Getting repeatedly booted and/or yellow to red lag spikes that last for days.

And it's not on my end...been playing WoW and GW2 while I've been stuck on the "wait screen of death". Both run fine with green latency.


I don't know who prioritizes your workload...but whoever put "appease the carebears" over "fix the servers" needs to wear the cone of shame.

Don't get me wrong. I KNOW server hopping for gear is an exploit and it needs to be fixed...

But for the love of gawd...fix that AFTER you fix the server stability issues.


And it's not just me...every server I log onto has a wall of red text saying "so and so" is booted for connection problems.

I counted at least 50 people who got booted and that was only in the 20 minutes or so that I actually managed to log into a server.


Just my 2 cans o' tuna.



I too am getting just horrible desync post patch to the point where I cannot interact with anything in my menu or even raise my weapon.


Repeatedly and over most servers.  The escalating wait times make a bad situation worse. I too agree with the need to curb ghosting and combat logging but as you eloquently stated, where are the priorities?


Server infrastructure would be at the absolute top wouldn't you think?


Has opened my eyes to the dev teams real intentions here. 


Have to laugh at the "legit" players so concerned with KOS exploits and not the overall stability of the game. If I had a dollar for every tard on this forum talking tough about their "kill-streaks" I would be a rich man.


On the off chance that Rocket actually reads this :  Love your game man, just having a hard time actually playing it. No problem with getting ghosting under control, just need a more stable product so I can enjoy the fruits of your labours.  Please fix the horrible de-sync.

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Please address the topic from the OP and stop arguing.


Here I can sum it up, and my sum up has been agreed with the OP.


"To be fair, I think OP has a valid point.

At least in my experience... Servers are quite delicate and by that I mean they are having issues.

My internet is fibre optic and very stable, I never have any disconnects on my end.

Now he seems to be suggesting that before you implement a system to punish disconnection, it may have been more fair to stabalise the servers.


Not asking you to agree or disagree, but I hope you can see its a reasonable point to be making."

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Anything under 100...but as soon as I click most servers the ping jumps to a gold number that's in the 100-200 range...but that happens on EVERY server I click...so I'm not sure.

Definitely not claiming to be a tech expert.

Wow... Okay... I have played on 100+ ping servers but my connection hasn't always been stable to them. It sounds like you are picking the lowest one and still over 100.

BTW, BI doesn't host these servers. These servers are rented by individuals like yourself and myself from providers scattered across the world. So ranting at BI will get you absolutely nowhere. If EVERY server on your list is over 100+ ping and spikes regularly then either they are too far away from you or your connection to the internet is not stable enough to play the game. If it is the former you could try renting a server closer to you yourself but they are expensive or wait and see if anyone sets one up. Otherwise it is a matter of dealing with your ISP or personal network and fixing whatever is slowing you down there.

BTW, a 20MB download means very little. It means you can download files speedily but most of those have limited upload speed and games like DayZ are a two way street where what matters is the slowest point. You could have a really low upload speed and so have nothing happening because of that. It also doesn't mean the connection is stable and not dropping packets. If your connection is dropping packets then it ends up like this.

"Suzy was a very #### girl. She spent her days ##### for a friend." and your computer has to send the request again sometimes to get "Suzy #### a very lonely girl. She spent her days #### for a ####." if it is really bad. Actually the computer is asking for "What was the firth word you sent?" and getting back "Lonely" and plugging it into the sentence, so to speak, but you can see how that would make the game run like crap and crash when the server and game are going back and forth each asking what the other is doing right now.

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Don't flatter yourself. As for why I am here my last few posts have been directing you to the right forum, I am trying to be helpful (and also pointing out the irony).

I don't think you understand the meaning of irony.

Talking about a problem in general discussion as opposed to troubleshooting would not really be considered irony.

Irony would be if by talking about the problem in general discussion instead of troubleshooting...and thereby made my problem worse...that would be ironic.

Also...I get that you think I'm in the wrong forum...but unfortunately what you think and what actually is...are not the same.

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also, the engine is very cpu demanding. turn off all non-essential running programs, you could be experiencing system lag not netlag.

This too... if you don't have a Quad Core the game tends to run poorly.

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I don't think you understand the meaning of irony.

Talking about a problem in general discussion as opposed to troubleshooting would not really be considered irony.

You calling people stupid and posting in the wrong forum is irony, I strongly urge you to go there if you actually care about getting any help.

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