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Give something else to 'achieve' in game.

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There's a quite a few problems with DayZ, and i'm not making this forum to moan, i'm generally wanting opinions.


At the current state of the game, which might change, they is only 4 things you can basically do which are prior to the aspect of the game these four things are Kill, Loot, Survive, Die these could not be the only things, but these are the main things in my opinion...


They should be an end-goal mission in the game, not a quest, just something which you really would like to achieve, something special, something hardly anyone gets, like an rare weapon or something..


The point i'm making is they should be more to achieve in the game, i don't know what, i don't know what kind of item it'll be, but i can just feel something missing...


Right now all you have to do is take a simple trip to the airfield and loot it and you'll be geared within 1 hour, maybe 2 hours at max, All you need is some medical supplies, few cans of soda, a canteen, and food, and ammo, easily found in one airfield, and obviously a gun and you could practically live forever, and that's basically the game done.


I really hope they will be like a big thing to achieve in this game, but like i said, i don't know what, but just something EVERYONE wants, and it's really hard to achieve.



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That's what you get from a game that is stated to be 20% done.


I'd love to know what Rocket has up his sleeve...

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As MadTommy said, it's because the game is nowhere near done. It's probably going to be a while until there's even as much to do as there is in the mod.


What I like to do is set myself challenges. If I die I might say "this time I am only going to use civilian clothing and items" or "this time I am going to restrict myself to handguns", one of my friends recently came up with a plan to do a "backpack-less run" which I imagine will be very difficult in the beginning stages.

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Like i said, if you read it..



At the current state of the game, which might change, they is only 4 things you can basically do which are prior to the aspect of the game these four things are Kill, Loot, Survive, Die these could not be the only things, but these are the main things in my opinion...



It might change, i'm just looking for opinions, not people who brag and moan and make unnecessary comments like that :)


Not meaning to be rude but.. ^^

Edited by TedZ

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I can't wait for more crafting recipes. I already love the crafted backpack, it perfectly matches my low profile sniper gear and is a fun item to craft whenever I respawn. I can only imagine what they're working on, but the throwing system, craftable explosives (out of rare household chemicals) and molotov cocktails that you can throw in those nasty fire station camper buildings.



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That's what you get from a game that is stated to be 20% done.


I'd love to know what Rocket has up his sleeve...

Arms? :P

I do like the direction so far though.

Crafting and weapon system so far looks really promising in the long run.

Now lets fast forward a year so we can get veichles and bases :D

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Vehicles should fix that. I never had that problem in the mod, cause of them.

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For me scoreboard with survived time per life would be enought.

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personally i really hope they put in some sort of player construction...as in building structures and or fortifying existing structures...i think it would be fun....teaming up with a group to gather resources to build a base and then defending it to the death...that and vehicles will make this game much more fun....seems like i read something about underground construction somewhere...that would be pretty cool as well...also would be cool if you can make a underground structure and then build a above ground base on top of it....maybe make a second entrance/exit  for the underground bunker for an emergency escape route....things like that would kick all sorts of ass....

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There's a quite a few problems with DayZ, and i'm not making this forum to moan, i'm generally wanting opinions.


At the current state of the game, which might change, they is only 4 things you can basically do which are prior to the aspect of the game these four things are Kill, Loot, Survive, Die these could not be the only things, but these are the main things in my opinion...


They should be an end-goal mission in the game, not a quest, just something which you really would like to achieve, something special, something hardly anyone gets, like an rare weapon or something..


The point i'm making is they should be more to achieve in the game, i don't know what, i don't know what kind of item it'll be, but i can just feel something missing...


Right now all you have to do is take a simple trip to the airfield and loot it and you'll be geared within 1 hour, maybe 2 hours at max, All you need is some medical supplies, few cans of soda, a canteen, and food, and ammo, easily found in one airfield, and obviously a gun and you could practically live forever, and that's basically the game done.


I really hope they will be like a big thing to achieve in this game, but like i said, i don't know what, but just something EVERYONE wants, and it's really hard to achieve.

It's a sandbox.  You shouldn't need hand holding for a goal. MAKE ONE if you have an imagination.


1.) Save some room in your backpack for tuna extra can openers and bandages. Go help people.

2.) Skip the above and go steal some pants

3.) Been to every city? Why not check them out http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus

4.) As a new spawn see how quickly you can run naked to an airfield and a.) survive getting out with stuff or b.) avoid death cause you got nothin'

5.) Anything else you want. 


I agree the game isn't done yet and I am going to skip copying the obligatory ALPHA warning we all clicked and agreed with when playing.

Point is right now you can still make up your own fun.

Edited by DoctorWhy

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