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Th1z G4m3 B4DD N33D R3FuNDZ PLzzz

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Th1s g4m3 1z s00 b4d n00t wat i xpect

g1mm3 munies back naow d1dnt reed d1scla1m3r cuz 1t w4sn't in l337 speek. 1m l337 g1mme munnies.


That is like half of the forum right now.

I didn't get to play it too much yet but I'm frickin' loving this patch. I'm not sure what they've done with rendering of light sources, but towns are actually navigational even in the pitch black.


I kinda feel like splinter cell moving through Cherno. I'll tell you though I'm not used to seeing that much light, I probably spent 30 minutes hiding in houses thinking they were flashlights.


Then I realized I'm one of the only idiots who doesn't do the gamma exploit because I have some integrity.

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I was actually about to call you an 10 year old kid ETC. Because I though you literally posted this to say Th1s g4m3 1z s00 b4d n00t wat i xpect. Please rename the post cause it is so fishy.

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I too clicked on thread prepared to read the hilarious flames. Pleasently surprised and I will also have to revisit night time to see how it goes without the gamma exploit (which is silly and kills the idea of playing at night).

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"Hail forum, see how I am not like the average scum and deserve beans. behold."
->this topic.

Edited by ploulaf
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hehe, nice eye catcher there OP.


Thing is... the product is not released... therefore out of bounds of refunds.... except in very specific case or at Publisher discretion.

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hehe, nice eye catcher there OP.


Thing is... the product is not released... therefore out of bounds of refunds.... except in very specific case or at Publisher discretion.


Dude he wasn't being serious.  You read?

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Dude he wasn't being serious.  You read?

Or he did and is trolling us. o.O

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Naw I frickin' love this game. Medication makes me enjoy commenting on funny topical events.

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Well to be honest, people took a risk when it came to buying this game.

It's in Alpha for God's sake and it literally give a warning "This game is in early Alpha" before you even start playing the game!

It's bullshit. Rocket shouldn't do anything about it, if you buy a game then you gamble simple as that.

You may like the game or you may not but you do not come crying to the developers because of that.


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as an actual |33† ɱ0₣0 who roamed BBSes when telnet was the shite, and who instagibbed n00bz in q3a when CoD kids werent even born yet, i take real offense at that misrepresentation

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