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Can't respawn, stuck in the "You are dead" screen

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Ok I searched in the forums for help with this problem but didn't find anything at all. I was killed on a public hive, got the "You are dead" screen then hit respawn. It gave me a 30 second countdown then went right back to dead screen. I tried logging into different public hives and still came up with the same problem. 


Does anyone have any clue how I can fix this issue because it is a major pain in the buttock!

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I found one afterwards and I would try harder if I wasn't so PISSED OFF with a major game breaking bug. I get it.....it's Alpha, but it shouldn't make the game this shitty. From what I read I might not be able to play for a week or two. fml

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I found one afterwards and I would try harder if I wasn't so PISSED OFF with a major game breaking bug. I get it.....it's Alpha, but it shouldn't make the game this shitty. From what I read I might not be able to play for a week or two. fml


You do realize the whole point of the Alpha is that it happens pre-release? It's not actually a game, this kind of bug is EXACTLY why you are here, if you didn't want to participate in the Alpha, and only wanted to play the game, you should have waiting for the release of the game...

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I cant seem to put my finger on it but for some reason i hate people with rick images

You should respect a Rick Grimes with a Nintendo Zapper. I see what you did there and I'm digging your style. ;)

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