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Congrats to people who hated server hoppers, but was it worth it?

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I'm not sure if this is a troll post or not, but if they did actually make a time limit on bodies before they go away that is just plain out retarded. If they do that, they FIRST need to fix the fucking bodies not being lootable after you kill them. Sometimes when you kill a person and you spend all that time stalking them, THEIR FUCKING BODY TAKES FOREVER TO LOOT. 


It's because of some stupid ass bug that makes it so you have to stare at their corpse for 5 minutes and look for the tiny little hit marker spot that allows you to give your cursor the look sign. The press button insta loot doesn't work. It's really annoying. Only happens sometimes but most of the time the body doesn't glitch out.

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Next to "You Have my Beans" should be a button to "Nominate for Stupidest Fucking Post of the Week."


I would be pressing it so hard right now.


Gets my vote.

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Here's what I've experienced.

The game is currenly having issues with saving your character at the moment you log out. I got punched by a zombie, ran away, tried to bandage and another zombie ran through a wall and hit me, knocking me unconscious (the zed made no noises either, just ran through a wall and gave me the ol' left right)

I had all this super crazy gear I'd worked very hard to get, so i was pretty upset. I think log out of the server to go to the gym as my character was dead and now I didn't have an excuse to procrastinate. When I finally log back on it's about 5 hours later. I get on a random server and my character is alive, still fully geared and back at the spot where the initial zombie had hit me.

My guess is also that when people die, it becomes a toss up if their body stays or leaves when they exit the server (Respawn button still doesn't always work). So even though they died, when they respawn, the game removes them (dead body). Again, it can't be intentional, because a friend of mine died and he respawned on a different server but his body stayed on the ground for around 45 minutes. He was surrounded by 6 other guys we killed in a jailhouse firefight (yes, 6 guys and only my friend and I were teamed, meaning it was just everyone killing everyone in a CQC frenzy). 2 of them despawned in about 30 or 60 seconds, 2 guys despawned in 10 minutes, my friend didn't despawn for 45 minutes and the last guy was still there 2 hours later before I finally left the area.

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So you guys traded away the possibility to loot bodies, your hard earned trophies, after 60 seconds........ All because you could not stand server hoppers.   Now bodies disappear after 60 seconds its been reported.         So please do me a favor..... Dont ask for more realism because we actually lost realism big time.        


so post in the bug section instead of whining about it.


like really?


would you rather get killed by some douche logging in somewhere else or get killed/kill them in a straight up fight?


the ones i have killed so far their gear is all ruined so no big loss..I won (and yes i have been killed today).


move on princess and find your own stuff.. dont rely on others to bring it to you.

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Next to "You Have my Beans" should be a button to "Nominate for Stupidest Fucking Post of the Week."


I would be pressing it so hard right now.




I'm mashing dat biotch... :D

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its probably when they disconnect after dying- the log out timer makes the body stay for 30 seconds even though they disconnected. No one thought of that?

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Wait... your going to pull out the realism card when bodies disappear? I'm pretty sure this will be fixed in the future. server hoppers, ghosters, and combat loggers are a much bigger problem then disappearing bodies.

But bodies did not disappear before.   So if you spent 30 minutes tracking a bandit, finally shoot him from a distance, you will get no loot from him because it takes more than sixty seconds to get to him and clear the area?


how are you guys not equally pissed about this as you had raging hard ons because one or two guys ghosted you?


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I'm mashing dat biotch... :D

So you two guys are totally fine with not being able to loot the bandits you kill?   I thought Dayz was 95% pvp which 99% of the people here defend, but now there is almost no chance to loot the people you kill....... Rendering the entire pvp component of the game impotent.

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So you guys traded away the possibility to loot bodies, your hard earned trophies, after 60 seconds........ All because you could not stand server hoppers.   Now bodies disappear after 60 seconds its been reported.         So please do me a favor..... Dont ask for more realism because we actually lost realism big time.        


What the hell are you talking about? You're making no sense. 

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The tears of butthurt server hopping douchebags are nourishing indeed.

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The tears of butthurt server hopping douchebags are nourishing indeed.

Jesus christ.   Im not a server hopper.   Listen to what im saying.       All of the bitching about a few guys who ghosted has lead to this awful patch that is reported to make anyone you kill disappear in 60 seconds so you cant get your trophies.   How the hell do you not see the irony and problem of that?

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So you guys traded away the possibility to loot bodies, your hard earned trophies, after 60 seconds........ All because you could not stand server hoppers.   Now bodies disappear after 60 seconds its been reported.         So please do me a favor..... Dont ask for more realism because we actually lost realism big time.

Jesus christ. Im not a server hopper. Listen to what im saying. All of the bitching about a few guys who ghosted has lead to this awful patch that is reported to make anyone you kill disappear in 60 seconds so you cant get your trophies. How the hell do you not see the irony and problem of that?



during alpha, patches will break game functionality. thats common occurance. it is to be expected. linking a certain feature to a certain bug without indepth knowledge of the codebase however is talking out of your ass. please take your nerdrage elsewhere.

Edited by e47

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Hello there


Closing as its essentially a rant and flamebait.


Not constructive at all.





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