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Tired of this

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First of all. Calm down :p This is a ALPHA mod. It's not meant to be the easiest of things to install. Specially now you need to be running the ARMA II: OA beta patch.

Download the BETA from Here then do what it says on This Thread

If you're still having problems, post and we'll try to help :)

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This must be the 2,157th thread made that occurs around a central theme that can be answered with the phrase...it's an alpha.

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all of the above issue have fixes in the pipeline. Some things have priority over others. Yes, the game is in alpha. Yes the game has things that need to get fix. YES you will DIE from Random bugs and spawning out in the ocean (snicker) and in the debug forest. YES you will die till they find a fix for Ghosters and ban 'all' the hackers. You know its in Alpha but yet you complain about Rocket not fixing everything YOU want fixed right now.

remember Rocket does this for FREE. He is not paid by you, myself or anyone to do this. We are here to provide him with feedback with the bugs and gameplay. Alpha testing FTW.

and.. how did the game get harder?

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It's kind of hard for the Devs to get back to people when there's THAT many people all asking for help, most with different problems. I think it's that the newest version requires the ARMA II Beta patch that is messing people around the most.

Now what's your problems? How are you running the game? STEAM or retail? You kind of make it hard when you don't put exactly what the problem is in your post.

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oh.. and use Six LAUNCHER instead of Six UPDATER it should update your game and launch it when you click on a server to join

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