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About todem_pol

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  1. I've been seeing a trend where people are spawning their items and also teleporting to/behind friends of mine when they play. it has become nearly a daily occurance and the server i play on has taken a huge hit to retainability of players on it. Would it be possible to either remove these options for hackers to access. or perhaps give them some sinister consequence for using the hack? (say, Hacker A tries to teleport to Player B... A teleports into the ocean. A tries again only this time tries to teleport B to A and summarily teleports himself.
  2. todem_pol

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    i'm sure some of these statistics, such as login, discharge of firearms and logouts, could be used to track these ghosters! oh.. and privately, i would like to know my causes of death and how many times. i remember several deaths were caused by Hacker... having a chopper land on your head and explode... not fun....
  3. todem_pol

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    My idea would completely be separate from shock, that the person when they log into the server would be like they were waking up from sleep. it would discourage people from disconnecting from servers, and 1 minute is a small price to pay to wait joining a server. it also adds that feeling of helplessness you might feel when you do indeed sleep, prompting players to find secure places to sleep, or friends to be at your side when you wake up. the "shock" timer is somewhat pointless, but it would be nice that if it only applied to that server which you logged from, that way should they revisit that same server, they would have issues. To all you ghosters out there either play the game as intended, or keep finding a new server.
  4. todem_pol

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    to solve this, why not have a wake up period? where someone couldnt instantly spawn in and start shooting unless someone jostles them or wakes them up by walking into them? After all, spawning in is already a disadvantage for players who are silly enough to login at say... the nw barracks? so why not encourage people to find a safe place to log out by having that little time of vunerability. It would drastically reduce the feasibility of ghosting to perform pvp.
  5. todem_pol

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I had a run in with 2 ghosters yesterday. it was quite comical even though i was the person that took the bullet (and then acted as bleeding bait.) These two individuals were playing on a server i regularly play on and after my group closed in around them, one person took a shot and killed one of the individuals, his name was Blake, and his disconnect message appeared right after the bullet dropped his face into the grass (he still died, but it was a valiant attempt to disconnect to avoid a death). the other was named Milkasaurus as i watched him disconnect from the server as my shooter friend told me that he just dissappeared (issue with the 5 second disconnect?) and he stayed in the lobby for at least 10 minutes when he returned, and began shooting at my party later on. I wish there was an easier way aside from having fraps running and being in the line of fire to report people like this.. perhaps giving admins some sort of specatating ability. (and prevent people from voting for an Admin for servers. Its become an increasing problem and i'm having to deal with it on a daily basis with my friends.
  6. you're probably getting put in line to get your info. but you're leaving before it can collect it from the server. try on some other servers and let i wait for 5 minutes, it may load in, especially if there arent 200 people doing the same thing you guys are.
  7. todem_pol

    Tired of this

    oh.. and use Six LAUNCHER instead of Six UPDATER it should update your game and launch it when you click on a server to join
  8. todem_pol

    Tired of this

    all of the above issue have fixes in the pipeline. Some things have priority over others. Yes, the game is in alpha. Yes the game has things that need to get fix. YES you will DIE from Random bugs and spawning out in the ocean (snicker) and in the debug forest. YES you will die till they find a fix for Ghosters and ban 'all' the hackers. You know its in Alpha but yet you complain about Rocket not fixing everything YOU want fixed right now. remember Rocket does this for FREE. He is not paid by you, myself or anyone to do this. We are here to provide him with feedback with the bugs and gameplay. Alpha testing FTW. and.. how did the game get harder?
  9. todem_pol

    Player Revival

    I thought about this idea and came up with a medically sound method. Requirements for revival: -Must be revived within 5 minutes of kill shot -AED tool with 3-5 charges to kickstart the wounded -Bandage for stopping the bleeding -Morphine to remove the pain -Epipen to rouse unconscious victim -Blood pack to restore lost blood Not needed items: -Painkillers, victim is unconscious and would choke on them. Having the required items would have the perk of being able to revive a limited number of people, but with the high cost of medical supplies. all materials would be consumed upon use, and could be implemented 5 minutes after "expiriation" making firefights that much more tense when you need to revive a comrade. To prevent the Ghosters from benefiting from this item, make it so that the AED has to "charge" when you log in, as if you were turning it on as soon as you woke up, and if someone logs from a server while they are in the death throes, that they give up on life and expire. Thoughts or concerns that might improve this idea? or perhaps it makes the lone wolves and ghosters unhappy.
  10. todem_pol

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    nice to see you again doc!
  11. todem_pol

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello? Anyone? This is Sari Neruda. I'm a...... oh... it doesn't matter what I was before all this happened. The world is completely inside out from what it was just over a week ago. -pause- *long, shaken sigh* I'm uploading this audio to a web server in hopes someone is listening. Its so dark... and i cant even find my matches. *sound of sloshing water and a gentle swallow* If ANY one has seen Ca-R-r-r -da... t.. *voice cracks* tell him I miss him and.. *long exhale, cough, a sterner tone* tell him his little girl is safe... and she's doing anything she can to get back to him... Surviving like he taught me. *audio cuts*