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OldGreg (DayZ)

Explaining the nature of "Killing on Sight": A Sloth Insight

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Hey guys. 50% of what I see on general discussion is what appears to be a debate about KoS, or "Killing on Sight. Here, in short, I will attempt to help people understand what it is and why people do it - and ways in which we can all enjoy the game without "banishing" KoS. Please note that most of the stuff I'm about to write is in the context of the game. Let's begin.

1: What is Killing on Sight?

Killing on Sight, or KoS as it is sometimes abbreviated, is when one player kills another, showing no reasonable motive or justified reason. When someone is killed on sight it more-often-than-not happens without them knowing the killer was there, however there are other occasions when a player has attempted to make friendly contact with another, and in turn killed "on sight".

Please do not mistake killing on sight with similar things such as betrayal, banditry, and KaW, or "Killed after Warning", where the player is warned (not) to do something, and killed after not following instruction.

2: Why do people get angry at KoS, and is their anger justifiable?

Essentially, yes, their anger is very justified. Many people believe that if someone is to play a "mean" character, they must at least do so with the attitude of someone who has an element of mercy.

From what I can see, it is the lack of chance that players are given before being killed. As I said, it is not rare that the player killed via KoS does not know they are being pursued, thus they have no means of defending themselves/reasoning with the killer.

Most of the people you hear questioning KoS are those who try to be friendly - I can only assume that it is anger at the fact that the trust they bestow in other players is so easily taken advantage of, and that they feel like people do not appreciate their attempts at helping, or even saying hello, to other players.

To cut it short, people get angry at KoS not because they've died, but moreover because they've died in circumstances that could have easily been avoided, they weren't given a chance, or because they were attempting to be kind to the killer beforehand.

3: Why do people KoS, and are these actions justifiable?

Again, essentially, yes. KoS is mostly justifiable. Here are some reasons I have formulated as a means to explain why people KoS:

A: Threat. If a player shows threat, whether it be approaching with a raised gun, they are more armed than the person, they've been seen shooting another player before, or what have you, someone may be compelled to kill that player before meeting them. If your life is in danger, it is instinct to protect it, and sometimes killing is the immediate subconscious response.

B: Loot. If a player is seen to have more loot than another, or to be possessing something that another player wants, it is not rate that the jealous player will kill for that item. I, personally, disagree with this as there are many more ways of going around this, such as holding that player up. However, the thought of things going wrong for the thief usually lead them to find comfort in the simplicity of shooting them immediately, and reaping the rewards.

C: Lust to kill. Some people are just plain annoying, and enjoy the idea of killing other players. This is quite a simple thing to understand, however it is almost impossible to accept. Some people, if given on other real reason, will kill for the sake of killing. Needless to say, many disagree with this, including myself. This is the only reason in this list that I do NOT define as justifiable, unless role played carefully and with great thought. It is needless.

I will face you with this conundrum: if a player armed with an M4 sees another with a baseball bat on his back, at a distance, is the player with the M4 justified to kill him? As this is quite a regular occurrence I've witnessed, and even been subject of in my time on DayZ, I will leave this to the community to ask itself.

4: How can one go around not getting KoS'd?

I will not give any advice of my own here, as amazing a player of DayZ as I am, however I would suggest researching into solo survival guides. Following certain tactics, such as looping around to ensure you're not being followed, approaching other players with certain precautions in place, and even staking out a town before advancing, are all a few examples of things people can do to stay alive with such avid KoS around.

I hope I have she'd some light on the topic of KoS. I ask all those who do not KoS to rest assured in the knowledge that there ARE friendly people out there. However, it takes a naive mind to wish all were friendly, as it will simply never be the case.

- Sloth.

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4: How can one go around not getting KoS'd?



Dont trust anyone and if u see someone point your weapon on them and hide and try to comunicate to him if he hides his weapon and normal talk to you you can gamble your luck and hope he is only one there (maybe his m8 is covering him from somwhere) and then come to him. Also any sing of strange movement shoot :D

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Hello, I added a couple options to this section of your post.


3: Why do people KoS, and are these actions justifiable?

Again, essentially, yes. KoS is mostly justifiable. Here are some reasons I have formulated as a means to explain why people KoS:
A: Threat. If a player shows threat, whether it be approaching with a raised gun, they are more armed than the person, they've been seen shooting another player before, or what have you, someone may be compelled to kill that player before meeting them. If your life is in danger, it is instinct to protect it, and sometimes killing is the immediate subconscious response.
B: Loot. If a player is seen to have more loot than another, or to be possessing something that another player wants, it is not rate that the jealous player will kill for that item. I, personally, disagree with this as there are many more ways of going around this, such as holding that player up. However, the thought of things going wrong for the thief usually lead them to find comfort in the simplicity of shooting them immediately, and reaping the rewards.
C: Lust to kill. Some people are just plain annoying, and enjoy the idea of killing other players. This is quite a simple thing to understand, however it is almost impossible to accept. Some people, if given on other real reason, will kill for the sake of killing. Needless to say, many disagree with this, including myself. This is the only reason in this list that I do NOT define as justifiable, unless role played carefully and with great thought. It is needless.
D: Potential threat: anyone on the island is a potential threat, taking them out early is less risk then letting them gear up. justifiable: Yes, i pays my money i can do what i want.

E: Fun: fun to kill people in a game, fun to hear their crying on forums etc etc, justifiable: Yes, i pays my money i can do what i want.


Edited by Skyline-GTR

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Hello, I added a couple options to this section of your post.

Thanks! I feel I should note that by "justified" I mean to ask whether it's "morally justifiable", and whether it should be seen as okay. Regardless of whether people pay money or not, I'm sure the community would rather ask people to NOT do something if it is largely found to be ruining the experience for other playing the game.

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Thanks! I feel I should note that by "justified" I mean to ask whether it's "morally justifiable", and whether it should be seen as okay. Regardless of whether people pay money or not, I'm sure the community would rather ask people to NOT do something if it is largely found to be ruining the experience for other playing the game.


So when you say morally justifiable, you actually mean morally justifiable in a roleplaying sense ?

This would suggest that roleplaying a psychopathic killer is simply no longer an option ?

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C: Lust to kill. Some people are just plain annoying, and enjoy the idea of killing other players. This is quite a simple thing to understand, however it is almost impossible to accept. Some people, if given on other real reason, will kill for the sake of killing. Needless to say, many disagree with this, including myself. This is the only reason in this list that I do NOT define as justifiable, unless role played carefully and with great thought. It is needless.



Some people just want to see the world burn and people die. simple as that (even though it's frustrating)






Lets face it. Given the opportunity in a video game it WILL bring out the worst in Humanity no matter how much it frustrates you beyond belief.

Know the KoS'r is out there. Always Watch your six.  

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So when you say morally justifiable, you actually mean morally justifiable in a roleplaying sense ?

This would suggest that roleplaying a psychopathic killer is simply no longer an option ?

Had you read my post, you'd see that I wrote, "This is the only reason in this list that I do NOT define as justifiable, unless role played carefully and with great thought." on the topic of killing for the sake of killing. Read on from that, and you'll see I put a little situation out there for people to question, as to whether killing a certain person is justifiable, even if they're a psychotic murderer. Surely a psychotic murderer would be able to "spice up" his kills a bit, rather than just quickly zapping them down with a single pull of the trigger.. Who knows? I'm not a psychologist. Hence why I said "...carefully and with great thought."

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That was only one scenario...

here is a few more for your digest.


Ruler of the world: All those who oppose me shall die.

Humans are a virus: All humans must die, he kills everyone and then ends his own life.

Religious fanatic: Starts his own religion, commandments include only the god can live a life, he proclaims himself god and then kills everyone.


I could go on if you wish ?

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That was only one scenario...

here is a few more for your digest.


Ruler of the world: All those who oppose me shall die.

Humans are a virus: All humans must die, he kills everyone and then ends his own life.

Religious fanatic: Starts his own religion, commandments include only the god can live a life, he proclaims himself god and then kills everyone.


I could go on if you wish ?

That is why I suggested they have a good think before role playing this - how many people are going to go insane in an apocalypse? You could hardly argue that loneliness causes them to kill everyone, as surely they'd then try to cherish every bit of human contact possible. By your argument, roughly 80% of all players are psychotic murderers, which is completely out of realism, which completely throws off any argument of "correct role playing" you may have.

I also speak about morals in a non-role play sense, in that is killing a much less-fortunate player really worth it? I always take into account other peoples' game experiences before acting, because I want them to have just as much fun playing this game as I have had - this doesn't mean I never kill anyone, and hand out flowers to new spawns in balota, but it does mean I think before shooting them needlessly: would that player really be happy with me shooting them? More often than not, personally, I leave players alone, or put them in a situation where they must interact with them to show that I'm friendly (and most likely under-geared!). Some people play as twats!- and there will always be them - but what is the underlying reason for their nasty gameplay? Role play? Really? Or do they they just want to ruin someone's day?

Please don't think I'm bashing KoS - the whole purpose of this post was to try and get people to understand and accept it. But there are certainly aspects of KoS that is disagree with very much.

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That is why I suggested they have a good think before role playing this - how many people are going to go insane in an apocalypse? You could hardly argue that loneliness causes them to kill everyone, as surely they'd then try to cherish every bit of human contact possible. By your argument, roughly 80% of all players are psychotic murderers, which is completely out of realism, which completely throws off any argument of "correct role playing" you may have.

I also speak about morals in a non-role play sense, in that is killing a much less-fortunate player really worth it? I always take into account other peoples' game experiences before acting, because I want them to have just as much fun playing this game as I have had - this doesn't mean I never kill anyone, and hand out flowers to new spawns in balota, but it does mean I think before shooting them needlessly: would that player really be happy with me shooting them? More often than not, personally, I leave players alone, or put them in a situation where they must interact with them to show that I'm friendly (and most likely under-geared!). Some people play as twats!- and there will always be them - but what is the underlying reason for their nasty gameplay? Role play? Really? Or do they they just want to ruin someone's day?

Please don't think I'm bashing KoS - the whole purpose of this post was to try and get people to understand and accept it. But there are certainly aspects of KoS that is disagree with very much.


What argument of mine relates to a percentage of the players being psychotic murderers ?

Also I did not argue about "correct roleplaying", my point is that there is not correct way, and you are free to roleplay any role you wish to imagine.

Your OP made no mention of morals in a non-roleplay sense.

You say some people play like "rude word" well that is simply your opinion mate and many dont share that.

If the purpose of your post was to try and get people to understand and accept KoS, then why do you argue against some very good reasons that people do it for ?


If you want to put forward an argument about justifyable actions in a roleplaying scenario, then you must consider all roleplaying options.

If you change your mind now, and want to argue about justifyable actions in a game, then paying your money justifys any action that adheres to the rules.

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What argument of mine relates to a percentage of the players being psychotic murderers ?

Also I did not argue about "correct roleplaying", my point is that there is not correct way, and you are free to roleplay any role you wish to imagine.

Your OP made no mention of morals in a non-roleplay sense.

You say some people play like "rude word" well that is simply your opinion mate and many dont share that.

If the purpose of your post was to try and get people to understand and accept KoS, then why do you argue against some very good reasons that people do it for ?

If you want to put forward an argument about justifyable actions in a roleplaying scenario, then you must consider all roleplaying options.

If you change your mind now, and want to argue about justifyable actions in a game, then paying your money justifys any action that adheres to the rules.

Do you not think that there's a definition between "good" and "bad" role play? Good role play being, for instance, choosing not to be a psychotic murderer when the rest of the community is?

On the basis of "justifying" KoS, whether it be morally, in terms of role play, or in terms of what the game's rules are. Reading back on my post, it is clear to me that I'm talking in terms of "morals" - so, if you wish to argue as to whether killing someone on sight is justifiable morally, I'd stop right there, as more-often-than-not it isn't.

My post was to aid people in understanding why people may KoS, and to try and help people accept it. I even make it very clear in my post that when I say something shouldn't be accepted that it is MY opinion - not once do I say "the community sees this as unjustifiable" or "the community thinks this is against morals."

To sum up my whole chain of complicated thoughts on this vast matter, I say: KoS will ALWAYS be acceptable on a certain level (like you said, they've paid money, they can do as they wish), but there are boundaries on what should be accepted by the community. The nature of "Rules" is that a person, or a select few people, see things as unacceptable and wish to stop people doing those things - just because KoS isn't defined as something they "cannot do in this game" does not make it "right" as such, but more so "available as an option" - this is a sandbox, after all. My post aimed to explore whether some (and I say SOME with great emphasis, as I gave plenty of examples as to where KoS should be seen as acceptable, and perhaps even welcomed) instances of KoS are just plain game-ruining for people in a non-roleplay sense. To be killed needlessly by someone because they role play a psychotic killer, just like a majority of the community, does eliminate fun from the game.

Please don't take anything I say to mean I wish for KoS to be gone, at all. They can stay, and in fact I hope they do because they do add an element of constant unrest to every player you meet; one way of putting this is that I, personally and in my own opinion, disagree with some religious beliefs - I find them needless, unjustifiable, and in some cases ridiculous - however I would never try and put rules in place stopping people's beliefs, as it is their life and they may believe in what they want - just like this is a game that people have paid for, and they may do as they wish as long as it adheres to the rules. If anything, my comments on "disagreeing" with people's KoS actions were intended to have people think about something before they do it, in instance a subjective request of mine making its way into an objective post.

Before I finish this comment I'd like to suggest you approach people trying to, in all, HELP the community (which I see constantly complaining about KoS) to accept KoS, and shed some light on the subject so that they may enjoy the game, with a little less hostility.

I hope people see the right side of my post, as it is no lie that you've jumped at the first instance to "defend" Killing on Ight when, essentially, that is what I'm trying to do also! I just merely disagree with some aspects of it.

Edited by OldGreg

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Yes, well if you had intended to mean morals, then you should have not written justifiable. As you can probably tell it is quite confusing.

Also I might point out that the reason for someone killing another person does not make it game-ruining or not. That would be more the actual action of killing someone.

You may appear to see people constantly complaining about KoS, when in fact I suggest that you see a lot of threads about it. While if you happened to look inside those threads, there are far more people telling them to shutup and deal with it.


Also could you point out the part where I was hostile?

I disagree with your last point also, I have not tried to defend KoS, I have simply suggested that your OP may be lacking in certain areas, while giving a few examples that came to mind.

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Its always 100% your own fault when you die ;)

Don't be a target.

Edited by KarbineR
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Its always 100% your own fault when you die ;)

Don't be a target.

This; people who cry about KoS are crying that they suck at the game or are idiots.

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because* they suck at the game or are idiots.


The sentence makes perfect sense without the word "because" in it.

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