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Good bye cheaters! :D

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Will the update going live today?


Not confirmed. Expect it any time within the next couple of days.

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Be advised, starting tomorrow DayZ will have a weekly maintenance period. Every Wednesday, at 0700 GMT servers will go down for 3 hours.


EDIT: This was posted the 4th. so i'm expecting the patch to be rolled out "Soon"

Edited by ThaMac

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I'm lazy when it comes to making memes.  "Brace yourselves!  'Y NO SERVER' AND 'HOW CUM I KANT LOG IN' Posts are coming."

Edited by BigMike

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We have to be realistic here, These new measures will no doubt annoy and inconvenience combat loggers and server hoppers, but it wont stop them all. would need much harsher penalties for that, but then legitimate players would start to suffer.


Its a step in the right direction and i expect the systems will be tweaked as the game progresses, just wont be expecting it to be hugely effective to start with.

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The combat logging i assume you could get around by just ALT+F4'ing.  But if you have a que to join a server if you disconnect within 30 mins is gonna be hard to get around. 

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People of course can still server hop.. It was not meant to stop them, just slow them down. 


Combat logging however, is going to be fixed, unless you are super far away and take more than 30 seconds to get to them after the lot out lol

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The combat logging i assume you could get around by just ALT+F4'ing.  But if you have a que to join a server if you disconnect within 30 mins is gonna be hard to get around. 

Even if you alt f4 or d/c, you still stay logged in for 30 seconds 

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I really, really hope a lot of combat loggers don't read the change log, feeling super secure while committing their combat logging/ ghosting while I shoot their suddenly moveless body. Hurray!

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Wouldn't it be nice though, if people just weren't such pussies.


I'm finding this trend in online gaming, across all games, not just DayZ and that is that there are more people playing a game to try and piss off the other people playing the game than there are players playing the game because they like and enjoy it. Why that ended up in this thread? I don't know, just throwing it out there.


Now something a little more on topic. Let's face it, even if a player isn't server hopping or ghosting he or she can still end up with an unfair advantage when logging in for the day/night. People can pop in out of nowhere at any time and it doesn't matter if it's right next door to you or 200m away, they weren't there 5 mins ago, but they are there now. What can be done about it? You have to let people login whenever they want and at the same spot they logged off. So what I suggest is to have a bit of an environmental alarm in the form of a loud, unique zombie growl play any time a player logs in within 100-200 meters of your location. That way it's something that still fits within the environment while being a loud enough sound to be heard a fair distance away. This zombie growl would not indicate the direction or distance the player is from you, but just as a heads up that there is a new threat to worry about somewhere in the surrounding area. The growl should sound pretty far way, echoing from over the hills, so that an area that is cleared of zombies doesn't have some unrealistic invisible zombie yapping away. I thin this would also be a great way of instilling fear among players, like in the case of a lone survivor looting a way when suddenly hearing 3 consecutive blood curdling howls. Oh shit!


And yes, the players logging in would also hear the screams, so they too know they are not alone.

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I really, really hope a lot of combat loggers don't read the change log, feeling super secure while committing their combat logging/ ghosting while I shoot their suddenly moveless body. Hurray!


While combat logging will be dealt a severe blow, I fear that ghosting will still remain as a serious problem.

* Sorry, but I doubt people will care about a 2min timer to jump between servers, people generally wait that long for a game on LOL.

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The combat logging i assume you could get around by just ALT+F4'ing.  But if you have a que to join a server if you disconnect within 30 mins is gonna be hard to get around. 

Alt+F4, Crap internet or concious logout are all treated the same. If you leave a server you will be hit by these measures. Believe me, I tested these provisions extensively on the Experimental servers over the last week.


You can server jump still, but it's going to cost you at least 5 mins downtime for each server plus time to loot. It's still possible, but not sure if it's surviveable.

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yeah, game crashes(expected in alpha) and this STILL hits you. you rejoin the same server and it STILL hits you... this OBVIOUSLY needs fine tuning... glad it isnt final edition :)

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Removing server hoppers has actually made me really sad, as this was how I geared up.... hear me out.


I used to be forced to server hop because I mainly stick to TBG server 2, sometimes I go to 1. Unfortunately that stuff was always looted, and more often than not by server hoppers. I would then have to run to some random down and maybe get a shotgun or magnum. I would then get a few rounds and rush back to Balota.


I would close all the doors to all the buildings and then wait. Sometimes it took 30 minutes, but eventually I would see someone come running out of the barracks or the jails, signaling they were a server hopper. Then the hunt was on. I would have to be careful, but with patience and a well placed headshot, I woudl now be fully geared off of one player. I would then find another spot and do the same, sometimes wracking up 15 kills in under an hour, and this generally meant all the food, water and ammo I would need for weeks from just a couple of dudes, assuming I didn't ruin all their stuff.


Now? Well, without server hoppers, combat has slowed down. That's fine, I like to explore too, but zombies still aren't really a threat, so other than exploring, this has kinda left me with fewer things to do. I guess maybe I'll  hang around the coast and wait to snipe up some new-spawn killers.

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anyone get on the .33 stable branch yet, how is it, any comments, hows the new stuff, are pussy server hoppers crying yet to nerf the log time?

Edited by PiLLZ

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Server hoper also known as "Smeagull"  is known by the "must have my precious" moto. This breed tends to combat log in fear of losing his "precious" and are alarmingly reproducing ! But keep your hope up we have been given information that our lead scientist in Bohemia lab's have invented a powerful spray to keep them at bay  :thumbsup:

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I think that it's a little early in development for some of you to be going "MWAHAHAHA TAKE THAT CHEATERS! CHECKMATE!"


It really only slows server hoppers down, and it does not prevent ghosting.


However, it's a step in the right direction lol

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Look for people who are logging off, (not hard to find in a forest) and hand cuff them during there 30 second log out, it will bug them and they wont be able to respawn.

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Look for people who are logging off, (not hard to find in a forest) and hand cuff them during there 30 second log out, it will bug them and they wont be able to respawn.


false. if you log out while handcuffed you die.


dick move lol

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false. if you log out while handcuffed you die.


dick move lol


exactly but the respawn button will be greyed out and every server you join will be the black "You are dead." screen. I've already got like 4 people.

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