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no entry 'bin config.bin/cfgweapons.' error

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Hey guys,

So I´ve got this error when my character is loading:

no entry 'bin config.bin/cfgweapons.'

I noticed that after this error, I cant see any weapon loot. I had this error before too, but I just had it 30% of all times I was launching dayz. Now its happening 100% of all times :l

I've already tried uninstalling Arma 2, Arma 2 OA, Six launcher/updater, but still no results. Also tried to let steam replace missing files, but in the first try it made me have a invalid CD key error, and then I tried it again, but I still had the error.

Can someone pleeeeaase help me out?D:

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This is a normal error, happens for everyone. I don't think this is the reason why loot isn't spawning. Were there zombies in the vicinity of the area you were trying to loot?

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No they werent, and I think that's because if you spawn, all zombies in 50m(or 30m) range will be despawned.

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Where are you at? If you are in Cherno or Elektro or a big city like that and you see no loot and no zombies, there's a problem. If you're at a random building and you're spawning in it hoping to find loot, move to another building and see if that is spawning loot/zombies.

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Im at a deer stand near guglovo, and now Im trying to log out 50m away from the deer stand, then log back in on another server(On that way, the zombies do appear at the deer stand), and check if I can loot any on that way

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I'm assuming you are joining low population night servers, sneaking into the deer stand, moving back out to a safe distance, logging out and then rinsing and repeating?

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Yes I am' date=' well not night servers, just servers with low population


Any place that spawns high quality military loot is a target for that. It's very possible that there are 100's if not thousands of people doing the exact same thing in search of NVG's or a DMR. My guess is someone spawned in the server and hit the deer stand and then logged off. You log on and there's no loot because it hasn't been 15 minutes since the other person looted. The only thing I would say is go in the deer stand and wait 15 minutes (risky I know, but just to be sure). If no loot shows up after 15 minutes, there's a problem.

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Thank you for your help TheProphecy. I will try this.

Although now I logged in again, and got the error again, but I found an AKM with 2 mags in the deer stand :o Maybe I was just really unlucky

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Im having same issue but when I get that error its before I can even get in the game. It then loads me back to main menu. I have had this game for 3 days and still have not been able to play it. PPLLEEEAASEEE HEELLPP

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When i join a server message bin/binconfig\CfGWeapons appears and after that the server kicks me out of the game every time i try it. Dont matter which server!!

What to do?

Reinstall or sth. like that didnt help.

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You may ignore bin/binconfig\CfGWeapons for now, I get the same message and I am fine, you might be getting kicked for another reason, different version? wrong files? make sure everything is up to date, also try other servers.

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Sometimes i can join servers but then i just stand on an untextured landscape and see players running at the same spot.

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Hi there i wanna now why when i am going to enter a server the server kick me and then a message appears saying no entry please someone help me i want to play this mod :(

Oh and please forgive me if i wrote something wrong i don't write to good the english:D

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So, I've seen people with this error. I've seen people realize, "It's no big deal." Well, sorry to say, but for me this is game-breaking. My first 2 days of playing after getting this error (happens on EVERY server I log into) I didn't find a single weapon. Ammo would spawn, zombies, etc. I was trying to loot hunter stands. I read about the error and decided maybe this is why I'm NOT finding any weapons. Surely my luck can't be that bad, can it? So i verify integrity, run arma2: AO, exit, run six launcher, launch a server, no error, find a weapon @ the first deer stand I hit. Coincidence? No. Read on... While playing the game, heading for a town to loot, I get the error popped up on my screen: no entry 'bin config.bin/cfgweapons.' My gun disappears from my inventory.

I'm scared to even log into the game. I have an AK, and an m1911. Both of which took me over 3 hours to find and ammo up. I was having a blast but had to log out for whatever reason. I don't want to log in, get the error and have my weapons be gone. I'd probably never play again. I don't know what to do. Every time I run the game i have to verify integrity, and hope it works. It makes it a HUGE pain in the butt. Please try to offer me some fixes. I really don't want to have to re-download the game from steam. But if that's what it takes, I'm willing to do it. Why is this stuff even stored on our side. Hacks/cheating I feel would be stupid easy.

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What the hell are you talking about? Got that error like 50 times and I never lost single item.

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The Error message got no impact on your game, I've had this pop up several times without losing items.

I believe the error message comes from Arma 2 having a minor issue with the mod because some weapons is removed/Edited out from the game. (I'm NO tech expert).

I've lost a few items due to other buggs, switching Servers after eating meat didn't register. Sometime when I had 3 Bullets left in my clip and it disappeared and sometimes my clip where full on next login. Placing a Item in a Bag without enough space would destroy an item.

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The general thing seems to be that it's irrelevant, but I'm just going to check if this thing that happened to me with the error is possible:

I spawned near an airfield, went to the airfield and when I got there, I couldn't Find a SINGLE piece of loot that wasn't just old cans.

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ok, if you dont believe me, i dont really care, it happened. Now, every time I play i have to validate the files for OA or i get this error. Everytime i log in when this error pops up, my guns despawn. this directly impacts my gun loot/spawns for whatever reason. It's BS, imo.

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I get this message and then it just hangs on the loading bar. No luck in getting this game to load yet since I installed...going to keep trying

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