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Reward system

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It would be nice if the dev team would consider some kind of system that rewarded players for being good.. I'm so sick & tired of being shot in the back by people claiming to be friendly... :(


Maybe even some kind of permanent profile that exposes a person for being untrustworthy? It's one thing being a survival game where you need to be careful but another entirely when you're "one shoted" by some asshole, losing everything you've spent the last 48 hours working for.


Not sure if you're reading this Rocket/dev team, but I know I speak on behalf of a lot of people. Help us bro!

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No, definately not! Discussed at length in multiple threads. Search in the Suggestions section.

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Personally I think the sense of reward comes from choosing to be good of your own accord.

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The game will add something to ENCOURAGE people to play in a more friendly co-op survival way, they will not PREVENT KoS, but definetely will decrease the ammount of idiots. Seeing achievemnts or a global profile that show how many survivors you've shot. After several shots you become a bandit only on the profile, not in your avatar and killing bandits do not add a number to the survivor death counter...or shit like that, idk...we just gotta wait cause it will happen

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the reward should be group-based crafting - such as bases and vehicles. The materials should be very tedious to collect and process for manufacturing the final product. 






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