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Need shopping advice...

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Now, please let me start off by saying to please stay on topic, no flaming between games, etc.


My question is, I want to pick up either stand-alone or RUST. Rust is a remarkably cheap right now for a game that looks for the most part, very very fun. On the second hand, I've waited for SA to come out for over a year, having been one of the first few to play the mod when it released all those months ago, and I lost countless hours of sleep and friendships over how many hours I spent on it.


The thing is though, should I hold out on buying SA until it receives more polish and more things are added?  I mean, at the moment, there's only access to about half a dozen different weapons if that many, correct? And the shoot on sight mentality is still there(which doesn't bother me, it was in the mod, it will surely be in the game). Rust kind of looks geared towards more casual, dare I say, "shits and giggles" gameplay with a twist of survival horror thrown in, and with very accurate weapons thanks to the engine it uses coming straight from source itself. DayZ kind of looks like, well...I can obviously tell the gameplay is tense, and staying alive looks much more difficult in the SA as it was in the mod(especially more so than all the mods like Epoch that eventually released)... and what I mean by that, is going so far as having to find blood from a viable donor before you can get a blood transfusion to get your health back up. It seems a lot more tedius, and I love that aspect of the game. Everything should be focused on SURVIVAL, in real world scenarios, without power, without access to medical personnel. 


Anyway, I'm almost done. Is the game in it's current state now, worth buying? Or is it worth it to let it go another cycle of months(say 1-2) and pick up RUST in the mean time as a "fix" for post apocalyptic gaming?



Thanks guys. 

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I cannot offer advice, only my opinion.


RUST looks a fine sandbox same as SA. I chose SA for the theme and less cartoony visuals. I cannot spare the time in two time demanding sandbox games, so... there you go.


Stay calm and flip a coin !

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Looking at vids of Rust, it just looks so crap to me.  Not my cuppa tea... much prefer a 20% finished realism / sim type game over an 80% finished game like Rust.  Dayz all the way.

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I have both, Rust is extremely fun. It gets pretty boring however after a while since it doesn't take long at all to get fully geared out. The only aspect that keeps it fresh is defending your house against countless people trying to constantly break in regardless of you being logged in or not. It has some good features that DayZ should have, but it would probably break the game. For example, for a lot of servers there is an option the server owner enables called "Sleepers". It basically means that after you log out, your character stays on the ground . This means you need to log out in a safe spot but players can still kill you. It doesn't have a master "hive" each server you play on is a new server and new character. DayZ however has way more updates than Rust has had. When Rust actually has done an update it's only a few things really added. DayZ has had way more patches and way more content and fixes in each one. 


In the end, you can't exactly compare the two games. They both have a survival aspect to it yes, but they just have different ideas to them at this current time. Just remember that whenever you buy one of these soon, the price is most likely going to go up for both games the more it gets completed.

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Same youtuber, both games.

Your choice.

I would take dayz, rust looks cheap. :P



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Rust seems like a game that is a little farther a long in its development when it comes to stuff to do how ever there are FAR more Hackers and people who use exploits to kill other players on Rust. 


HOWEVER, (just coming from my personal experience) I have gotten bored with Standalone due to it being in Alpha and not having much to do beyond run up and down the coast shooting new spawns. Also, they just turned Cherno/Balota into Ghost towns after changing the spawns. Currently Standalone takes awhile to find anyone else to shoot at and when you do the fight is over in less than 30 seconds.

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much prefer a 20% finished realism / sim type game over an 80% finished game like Rust.  Dayz all the way.




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Look at more reviews and game play videos.

Also make the same post on a Rust forum.


I have no access to your neurobiology so to formulate an anwer would simply be a guess at this point.

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I couldn't decide between the 2. So I bought both games...

Dayz = 66 hours

Rust = 2 hours


Nothing else to say.. 

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Now, please let me start off by saying to please stay on topic, no flaming between games, etc.


My question is, I want to pick up either stand-alone or RUST. Rust is a remarkably cheap right now for a game that looks for the most part, very very fun. On the second hand, I've waited for SA to come out for over a year, having been one of the first few to play the mod when it released all those months ago, and I lost countless hours of sleep and friendships over how many hours I spent on it.


The thing is though, should I hold out on buying SA until it receives more polish and more things are added?  I mean, at the moment, there's only access to about half a dozen different weapons if that many, correct? And the shoot on sight mentality is still there(which doesn't bother me, it was in the mod, it will surely be in the game). Rust kind of looks geared towards more casual, dare I say, "shits and giggles" gameplay with a twist of survival horror thrown in, and with very accurate weapons thanks to the engine it uses coming straight from source itself. DayZ kind of looks like, well...I can obviously tell the gameplay is tense, and staying alive looks much more difficult in the SA as it was in the mod(especially more so than all the mods like Epoch that eventually released)... and what I mean by that, is going so far as having to find blood from a viable donor before you can get a blood transfusion to get your health back up. It seems a lot more tedius, and I love that aspect of the game. Everything should be focused on SURVIVAL, in real world scenarios, without power, without access to medical personnel. 


Anyway, I'm almost done. Is the game in it's current state now, worth buying? Or is it worth it to let it go another cycle of months(say 1-2) and pick up RUST in the mean time as a "fix" for post apocalyptic gaming?



Thanks guys. 


I'm an active participant in this forum, and I watch the Rust forums occasionally.

I would recommend DayZ SA on two factors:


Frustration ratio: Don't get me wrong DayZ can be extremely frustrating, BUT it seems that there's always something you can do better or different next time. The amount of posts I've seen on the Rust forums complaining about hackers, scripters, and all the things they get away with, I wouldn't expect your stuff to be there when you come back.

This is not to say DayZ doesn't have its presence of hackers and problem-makers now, but looking at where they both are in their Alpha state, I don't think the creators of Rust really care about the matter as much as the DayZ dev team does, and I wouldn't expect them to be able to prevent unfair play as well as DayZ will at release.

Secondly, content and overall quality. Granted I have not played Rust, but I've seen enough videos, and I can understand why someone might be drawn to this more complete game in the current time, but once DayZ catches up, not only will that happen quickly but I figure looking at it that DayZ will be about 50% complete when it has the content and quality that Rust will have at release.

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Considering that both the games put together equals the price of one standard triple A title, I don't see the dilemma. Buy both.


First of all, people who judge Rust based on it's "visuals" are a: shallow, and b: probably haven't even played the game. Let me break down the two for you very simply.


Rust is something like a minecraft/DayZ hybrid. Some people will kill you, yes - but if you are persistent and talk to people, chances are you will find some who are friendly and will group up with you. Gathering materials is the major curve. Construction is the major goal, and defending your base from intruders and raiding others makes it very entertaining. I've made good friends on there, with a Vent channel and everything. The enemies you make (and you will, trust me) can be frustrating, but over time you get the hang of it - besides, rivalries make the game fun. Once you know how to get around, dying is not such a disappointment. As for hackers - just stay off official servers and find community servers where there are active admins, who can ban hackers immediately. It makes the game much better.


DayZ is gritty, unpleasant, and mostly a solitary experience. It's significantly harder to find people who are friendly. Becoming a ruthless killer is the major curve. There is no construction at the moment, and the map is much larger than Rust. The rewarding aspect of DayZ is when you have a group of players whom you already know and trust, or when you manage to kill someone who is attacking you - that sort of thing. It's about overcoming the environment.


Basically, DayZ is much more challenging and immersive than Rust, but not as fun. One will often have you laughing hysterically, the other will have you swearing at your monitor. Don't get me wrong, I like DayZ for that reason, but they're just different experiences. Furthermore, I don't know where people are getting this "80% completed" crap about Rust. It's still early access.


"We feel like we aren’t making it clear enough that the game is Early Access. Rust is still in development. This isn’t 95% finished, like a regular beta. This is 10% finished. We’ve got the bare bone foundations of a game here. We’re still developing it." - That's from the official site. It's still being developed. People on this forum are naturally going to be biased - just look at the replies. Most of these people haven't even played the game, so don't expect a fair argument. Someone who "watched a few videos" and decided it looked like crap - well, they really have no clue what they're talking about.


I've spent 47 hours in Rust, I have a base where I live with like 15 other people (seriously, it gets hard to keep track) and we have a blast. I've spent 66 hours in the SA (don't even mention the mod, you don't want to know), and honestly, I'm waiting for more. Right now, it's a glorified pick-up-loot-and-then-free-for-all deathmatch. It'll be much better later.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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I have both and I'd have to say it depends on if you want to get bullied. Every Rust server I have played on is a KoS playground (worst than the coast in DayZ). It seems like most people on Rust are insecure bastards that just want to kill anyone to give them a hard time. I watched a group of 6 people keep killing the same player over and over again.

But, DayZ you will probably get KoS'ed too but you can make friends much easier on DayZ.

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Now, please let me start off by saying to please stay on topic, no flaming between games, etc.

My question is, I want to pick up either stand-alone or RUST. Rust is a remarkably cheap right now for a game that looks for the most part, very very fun. On the second hand, I've waited for SA to come out for over a year, having been one of the first few to play the mod when it released all those months ago, and I lost countless hours of sleep and friendships over how many hours I spent on it.

The thing is though, should I hold out on buying SA until it receives more polish and more things are added? I mean, at the moment, there's only access to about half a dozen different weapons if that many, correct? And the shoot on sight mentality is still there(which doesn't bother me, it was in the mod, it will surely be in the game). Rust kind of looks geared towards more casual, dare I say, "shits and giggles" gameplay with a twist of survival horror thrown in, and with very accurate weapons thanks to the engine it uses coming straight from source itself. DayZ kind of looks like, well...I can obviously tell the gameplay is tense, and staying alive looks much more difficult in the SA as it was in the mod(especially more so than all the mods like Epoch that eventually released)... and what I mean by that, is going so far as having to find blood from a viable donor before you can get a blood transfusion to get your health back up. It seems a lot more tedius, and I love that aspect of the game. Everything should be focused on SURVIVAL, in real world scenarios, without power, without access to medical personnel.

Anyway, I'm almost done. Is the game in it's current state now, worth buying? Or is it worth it to let it go another cycle of months(say 1-2) and pick up RUST in the mean time as a "fix" for post apocalyptic gaming?

Thanks guys.

Rust is not as casual as the visuals would lead you to believe.

As an example, I picked up the game last week, and spent a few hours becoming aquatinted with the system, the survival aspects, and so on.

The KoS mentality isn't as apparent as it is in SA, but it's still there, and the divide between a well-geared player and a new one is greater. The medical system is fairly standard arcade fair: medkits heal you. Use one when damaged and/or bleeding.

The survival aspects are more immediately apparent, and more dangerous to a new player. Ever step you take, every time you swing your rock (whether in combat, in harvesting), you burn calories. Calories tick down with time, as well, and do so faster when you're cold. Which, being utterly naked, you are most of the time. My first dozen deaths were about an even split between starvation and death to other players.

However, once you have a handle on the game, know how to reliably get your hands on a bow and some arrows, this issue is essentially solved.

The real "hardcore" aspects come from the building system. Or rather, from defending your fortress, and yourself, from raiders.

I lost my first hovel to a raider who was hiding in a bush outside. As soon as I opened my door, he shot be and helped himself to my meager collection of wood and metal.

I lost my second house when I logged in to find someone had broken down my wooden door, killed me in my sleep (when you log out, your avatar remains, "sleeping," allowing others to kill you) and looted my stash.

My latest playthrough, I worked my ass off to create a large house. It has three floors, multiple, stronger, metal doors that segment the building, and my bed and belongs in one central room. It took me about four hours to gather and craft everything I needed, alone as I was. It's much harder to raid, but it is still absolutely possible for any well-equipped raider. And when they do, I'll have lost all that time and work.

It's that time requirement, that need to invest, heavily, into the game to avoid constantly starting over, that makes the game more hardcore than it appears. I haven't had time to log in in two days, and your guess is as good as mine as to whether or not I'm a fresh spawn when I get the time.

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Rust is just minecraft with guns. Its rather built around building a base and crafting than surviving in a post apocalyptic scenario. And if you ask me it looks rather silly. Not my cup of tea to be honest.

Edited by overdosed

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If you like staring at other peoples dongs for hours on end get Rust. If not get DayZ, but be warned it is still in Alpha.

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If you like staring at other peoples dongs for hours on end get Rust. If not get DayZ, but be warned it is still in Alpha.


Nudity is disabled by default.


What's with this fanboyism? Let the man make his own decision.

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Nudity is disabled by default.


What's with this fanboyism? Let the man make his own decision.


What part of warning him about the Alpha stage is fanboizm? :huh:

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I've played both. 


My opinion, Rust is just as incomplete as DayZ.  The animation is bad, there is no other skins for guns, people look like plastic shiny barbie dolls and the game is very very easy.  DayZ, IMO, has a lot more going for it than rust but if you like minecraft, you'll like rust.

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To be honest, both are good games at different things. I couldn't decide by watching videos. I had to buy both. Both are cheap enough as it is :-)

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