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Experimental branch, login to black screen?

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So just wondering if anyone else is having an issue with this, I logged out in a building, and now, a few hours later I logged back in to a completely black screen, not able to walk or move, I can do direct communication and I can access my main menu, but nothing else.


I'm in experimental, not one the main hive.. 


When in my main menu I can see that I am somewhere in some woods...  is it possible my character is in some hellish limbo?  could I have been cuffed and bagged in that 30 second logout time and somehow didn't die, now I'm doomed to eternal blackness?


I'm slightly amused about it right now, but it is a little frustrating that I don'T really know what is happening, I'd give you a screen shot, but it's just blackness...  so, imagine that.



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My game updated to 114926 and now have the same problem. All servers on experimental are older version 855 and the one thats 926 is full. Think its a problem with differant versions

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Hey black-screen brother!  looks like it's not just a case of glitched handcuffing then, I'll just wait for something to happen, I was hoping my friend could find me and kill me or...  whatever, so i could reset, but I don't even know where I am, I've been calling out on direct for the last ten minutes hoping someone comes to relieve me of all my gear.. but no... no bandits when you need them huh? And i' not even sure where I am...


bummer.  Anyone else with this?

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ah ha....  this would be the problem then...  I didn't realise and it still lets me into the servers that are 855, I'll wait for a while..  problem solved!

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