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Another death...

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So I was playing with my son's character to help him get geared up. I had just logged in outside the power plant on the north side of Elecktro. I was there maybe 1 minute and then was shot in the back by an unknown survivor. I was on the bottom floor looting the metal shelves when this occurred.

I assume this was someone that logged in after me in the same room that I was looting, although it could have been someone coming in the metal door and seeing me. I didn't hear a thing until the M4 burst and this is why I suspect the log and not an in game survivor.

I know this has been said before, but I would like to see a change in the game where you can't log in/out while inside a building. This would prevent these log created exchanges between survivors.


Edited by firstrock

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ok, so theres server hopping, combat logging, ghosting. and now fathers gearing up their sons character!!!!????


Son, I have some bad news for you. I'm going to make another KOS thread.



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 I didn't hear a thing until the M4 burst and this is why I suspect the log and not an in game survivor.


Shouldn't that read the other way around? If someone logged in near you, you'd have heard the reload sound as they joined. They probably heard *you* log in, and then decided to sneakily assassinate you.

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What server? I just killed a dude at the firehouse on north side of electro. He was with his friend who combat logged shortly after I capped his buddy.

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My only question is this: Why the hell did you log out in such a high pop area? You could have chosen the forest north of Elektro instead.

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That was us. 10 kos players camping electro. We kill all, change server, kill all, change again. If some one of us die, we dupe shit and continue our kos and server hop. We dont even take peoples gear.

What a grate game. We having such a good time. Everyone come to electro ;)

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