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Terrible way to die.

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finally found all of the gear I needed to survive until the next day (when my friend was getting the game).  had enough gear for the both of us.  I left the gas station and was held up by 5 guys all wearing gas masks.( scary part 1 of 4).  the 5th guy was a handcuffed guy in nothing but his underwear and a backpack- I think he was their pack mule, props to him for not logging (scary part 2 of 4)  doing the smart thing I put my hands up as soon as I heard the first voice.  I was immediately handcuffed and forced on my knees with a rifle  pointed at my head (scary part 3 of 4)  they search my back and took everything but a broken compass and a jacket I had for my friend.  the pack mule guy ended passing out- probably from blood loss- and they start questioning me.  the basic things like am I alone, how long have you been alive, etc. then I hear the pack mule guy saying he's about to log off for the night- about 9:45 or so.  before I can process what he said, I hear a shot and flinch thinking they shot me but the shot the poor guy who was carrying all of their stuff.(scary part 4 of 4)  this story was about his death, not mine.  for a joke the 4 guys say that if I can answer a math question, they would let me go. thankfully I have a 98 in algebra so they let me go with 2 cans of tuna, 2 bottles of water, the clothes I was wearing, and a pistol with one round- the same pistol I had on me. 



This.... is my story.

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