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Big server optimization and more zombies incoming!

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I thought this was to discuss it since we cant comment on the dev tracker.


Nothing wrong with a bit of discussion is there ??


Actually i forgot i was on this terrible forum for a minute.


Of course there is something wrong with discussion, we only like childish insults and even worse memes pasted from the internet on this forum so if you want worth while debate look else where.


That was in response to the person claiming he couldn't find this information on the official forums.  :rolleyes:

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More zeds is good but hopefully a bit of tweaking of their AI so there won't be 5 of them walking through the walls of a building at me simultaneously. AI is tricky so I appreciate thats a fair bit of work, all in good time. Just seems odd to add more zeds while they are so broken.


And it would be nice if they could turn off rabbits till they have their own AI, they serve no purpose yet other than wasting server power and freaking out players.


Good news too that they identified some major bottlenecks, keep up the good work.

Edited by Gimpylung

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No, I dont want to drive orlok crazy (horse ;)) but this thread was already on page 2 (or3?) and new threads popped out, regarding the amount of Zombies, performance etc...


And I want to add something:

Not only more zombies but respawning Zombies are coming...






Just because half of the people seem to not see the DevTracker (even though it got its own Sub) and complain about things mentioned there...and as soon as I point to a Thread, no matter if DevTracker or "please use the search function" followed by dozens of links to similar threads people start ranting. Not that I care, but it's useless somehow. You show somebody that his suggestion/complaint has been made 10 times, he calls you names and on the next day 3 more threads on the same thing appear...



But back 2 topic: If the Zed-Respawn is close to be finished (the first try, I'm sure that there is a lot of tweaking coming but I'm a happy little Jack at the moment regarding this news^^) maybe the loot respawn, which is handled in a similar manner, as it was mentioned more than once, is also on its way...Yay :)

I just can't wait for the "new" Zombie AI to be added then and the Z-wall-glitch to be gone (and also to be seen on the DevTracker: The Desync issues may also be reduced with this optimization)...that would add an amazing amount of value to this awesome game ;)




And regarding the sewing kit:




There is not much appreciation what I read, especially the "If a part of the clothing gets 'ruined', everything in it also gets ruined" thing. What do you guys think?

From a programmers POV I understand this approach and I'm sure it will be handled differently in the future, but at the moment I'm glad we can repair clothes soon...maybe there will be something like a "Pristine patched TTsKO pants" that isnt so camo anymore because the only patches you had were from a violet cargo pant - and those patches are visible^^ I know it isn't necessary to patch clothes everytime where sewing is enough to fix it and I know its just an overt-the-top-extra but I just had to think about it ;)



So from now on remember: Before entering a town, always put all your valuable stuff in your "badly damged" assault vest ;)

Edited by LaughingJack

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Wohoo more....and respawning....and with better performance! See guys...a little patience lol :D

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