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You think that's the games fault, or peoples fault ?


I think you will find it's the same way in RUST.

Edited by zaphodity

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you watched videos of rust and think it looks like a much friendlier game? 

did you watch videos of Dayz aswell? 


people need to grow the fuck up, not everyone wants your help. It's not like on one of the video streams where the players are either lucky, or smart about how they approach someone, or both. 


PvE servers DO NOT EXIST, sick of hearing that one, stop being surprised when you get a shotgun facelift. Next time, if the guy you're speaking to's only reply is to load a gun, fucking kill him you idiot. 


If you want people to play with, make a post on the forums, don't run around in game expecting to meet your new best friend, because that's not gonna happen.



I am entirely sick of these retarded new players insisting that the game is wrong because their preconceptions and reality do not match up. As a new player, you're going to die alot, and you're either going to learn from those deaths, or you're going to have a big girly sulk on the forums.


Come back when you've figured out how to play the game, not as in shooting everyone you see, but approaching people in a way that doesn't make you a big fat annoying impotent target. 

Edited by Capo
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I made a similar post the other day in frustration with the KOS in the game and I got some really good feedback from a few players.

Pretty much, don't trust people and don't get into a situation where you aren't in total control. What makes this game fun is that you have no idea what the other player is up to. Don't give people the benefit of a doubt and if they start acting sketchy, shoot them.

Recently, I've found that it's just as rewarding to cap a shady dude in the face as it is to give a fresh spawn a can of beans.

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Son, think a bit. Use your brainpower, when they shoot you. 99% of the gear you got is destroyed. Good logic, shoot me and get useless gear...

Actually I kill a lot of people mainly headshots and it does not damage their gear, it is all locational son.

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Could it be that you cannot get your own way all the time as you do in game and therefore get frustrated ?

Hahaha what?!? No. I never even TRY to get my way. I don't need to. I already have it. The game is nearly perfect how it is.

The forum is just filled with a bunch of crying wieners that frustrate me. Always complaining and wanting more more more.


My problem is that there is hardly any constructive topics or discussions anymore. It's all complaints and attacks on the dev team. Makes me hate this place.

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Hahaha what?!? No. I never even TRY to get my way. I don't need to. I already have it. The game is nearly perfect how it is.

The forum is just filled with a bunch of crying wieners that frustrate me. Always complaining and wanting more more more.


My problem is that there is hardly any constructive topics or discussions anymore. It's all complaints and attacks on the dev team. Makes me hate this place.


Shooting someone in the face is getting your own way mate.

I suggested that because you cannot do that in the forum, it would allow for a different point of view that yours and that it could frustrate you.

You obviously do not have much experience on the forum because there are alot of people who dont complain and dont want more, aswell as the kind you pointed out.

Also when you say "all complaints and attacks" do you mean "all" or some ?

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I looooove it when people threaten to leave this game and go plau Rust.

Rust has a surprising amount of hacking going on right now, and you WILL be beat to death with a rock by any and everyone you meet.

Either way, have fun in whichever game you choose to stick with.

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But I like this community :c

Sometimes I log into DayZ as a maniac. Other times I play friendly. Fun times are had either way.

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The reason the community is the way it is is because there are no consequences to being a bandit or just straight up killer.  In rust, when u get close to the player, you can see their game-tag, if they voice chat, it says the name of the person talking, if they kill you, it is in the map chat, they cant combat log because their body will just drop to the floor, if they kill everyone they see, the whole server will turn on them and raid their house.  There are ACTUAL consequences to being a bandit in rust, being a bandit in dayz gets you everything you need, you don't have to worry about anything.  No one knows who just killed a player no one has any way on communicating besides running up to you, which obviously no one is gonna do, killers can just log whenever, there is a lot the dayz team needs to do to fix the community, but don't give up on the game yet man, they'll get to it.

I'm sorry but i think ur seeing things from a wrong perspective, i've never tried rust, and i don't think i will, cause of the reasons i like this game, let's make an example, the world comes to a point similar to Dayz, if i'm alone and bump into someone that has resources i think usefull, and i kill him gathering the things i need and than leave,  when i meet someone else, there is no possibility unless he saw me, that he can find out i murdered someone and stole his things, so there is no point in complaining about it, there is nothing wrong in cold blood killing its part of the game itself, and is what makes it fun to play, the only thing that i think its not realistic or in line with the game is killing fresh spawns, cause there is no logic in it, you give away your position, waste ammo, and waste the other players time, cause he loses nothing and than respawn, and plus you put yourself at risk of beeing spotted having no reasons to do it, cause the bambi has no resources, like food or weapons.

But i think that the devs should come up with something that incourage all the players to interact cause it would make the game more fun to play, even beeing robbed and killed is far more fun than getting sniped while running as a fresh spawn.

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So this game is shit in my opinion, and it isn't the games fault. The people are fucking retarded. I only had some small fun when I was with a group and we were helping new spawns on the beach.


I mostly play solo and from 10., 9 of them shoot me on sight. I don't have any weapons, and even when I am armed better then they are I holster my gear and go all friendly. Boom head shoot, I mean come on?!


I try to join only NO PVP, Friendly server, be good bla bla and its the same shit.


Today I was doing my running around, found "bambi" and say HI, friendly. No asnwer from him. Ok, who cares. And I got a gun in my hand i hear him piciking a gun, putting bullets in it. He does all of that slowly, no need to rush. Comes back down to me, I see him boom head shot on me... Nice, very friendly server.


I want to gear up, go in a fire station. Some fucking psycho logs in next to me. Scream's die bitch die bitch hits me with a axe, I start to bleed like hell. But somehow the stupid asshole fails to hit me more then ones. I pull out my axe and hit him back. So he starts to bleed also, the pussy that he was full in gear starts to run away. I say to myself ill follow you damn bastard. Start running behind him. And after 20sec combat logs out of the game... Hell yeah son, good job! And that was in a NO PVP, very friendly server - The fuck?


You still don't have shit to do in this game and if the people are stupid as hell, the game starts to be very boring...

I would really like to see someone handcuff me, force feeds me some junk, rape my ass, etc - do something interesting, use your imagination. Let's make it interesting. But no, just when they notice you. Boom shoot anyone on sight.


So I got 55H of Dayz and I can say only bad things about the players. In all of those 55h found like 3-4 random people who were cool.


So I was thinking to pause a bit, but saw how RUST has a lot more friendly community. All of the youtube vides I saw were very interesting. I was like wtf? You got a m4 and you didnt shoot all of those random people, how nice to see something like that...


Wish Dayz could evolve and not be a big asshole.

It sounds like y-.... No.. You know what?  No.  Just no.  Not even gonna bother.  This post gave my friend's brother's sister cancer.

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There's no such thing as a No-PVP server, so that's just not going to work.


Sounds like the OP isn't too good at surviving. Maybe this survival game isn't for you?

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you watched videos of rust and think it looks like a much friendlier game? 

did you watch videos of Dayz aswell? 


people need to grow the fuck up, not everyone wants your help. It's not like on one of the video streams where the players are either lucky, or smart about how they approach someone, or both. 


PvE servers DO NOT EXIST, sick of hearing that one, stop being surprised when you get a shotgun facelift. Next time, if the guy you're speaking to's only reply is to load a gun, fucking kill him you idiot. 


If you want people to play with, make a post on the forums, don't run around in game expecting to meet your new best friend, because that's not gonna happen.



I am entirely sick of these retarded new players insisting that the game is wrong because their preconceptions and reality do not match up. As a new player, you're going to die alot, and you're either going to learn from those deaths, or you're going to have a big girly sulk on the forums.


Come back when you've figured out how to play the game, not as in shooting everyone you see, but approaching people in a way that doesn't make you a big fat annoying impotent target. 



Your so fucking mad aren't you.


Go outside can get some fresh air you silly keyboard warrior lol Hahaha


wah wah wah I'm on a public forum and don't like what other people write WAH WAH WAH......

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So this game is shit in my opinion, and it isn't the games fault. The people are fucking retarded. I only had some small fun when I was with a group and we were helping new spawns on the beach.


I mostly play solo and from 10., 9 of them shoot me on sight. I don't have any weapons, and even when I am armed better then they are I holster my gear and go all friendly. Boom head shoot, I mean come on?!


I try to join only NO PVP, Friendly server, be good bla bla and its the same shit.


Today I was doing my running around, found "bambi" and say HI, friendly. No asnwer from him. Ok, who cares. And I got a gun in my hand i hear him piciking a gun, putting bullets in it. He does all of that slowly, no need to rush. Comes back down to me, I see him boom head shot on me... Nice, very friendly server.


I want to gear up, go in a fire station. Some fucking psycho logs in next to me. Scream's die bitch die bitch hits me with a axe, I start to bleed like hell. But somehow the stupid asshole fails to hit me more then ones. I pull out my axe and hit him back. So he starts to bleed also, the pussy that he was full in gear starts to run away. I say to myself ill follow you damn bastard. Start running behind him. And after 20sec combat logs out of the game... Hell yeah son, good job! And that was in a NO PVP, very friendly server - The fuck?


You still don't have shit to do in this game and if the people are stupid as hell, the game starts to be very boring...

I would really like to see someone handcuff me, force feeds me some junk, rape my ass, etc - do something interesting, use your imagination. Let's make it interesting. But no, just when they notice you. Boom shoot anyone on sight.


So I got 55H of Dayz and I can say only bad things about the players. In all of those 55h found like 3-4 random people who were cool.


So I was thinking to pause a bit, but saw how RUST has a lot more friendly community. All of the youtube vides I saw were very interesting. I was like wtf? You got a m4 and you didnt shoot all of those random people, how nice to see something like that...


Wish Dayz could evolve and not be a big asshole.


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So this game is shit in my opinion, and it isn't the games fault. The people are fucking retarded. I only had some small fun when I was with a group and we were helping new spawns on the beach.


I mostly play solo and from 10., 9 of them shoot me on sight. I don't have any weapons, and even when I am armed better then they are I holster my gear and go all friendly. Boom head shoot, I mean come on?!


I try to join only NO PVP, Friendly server, be good bla bla and its the same shit.


Today I was doing my running around, found "bambi" and say HI, friendly. No asnwer from him. Ok, who cares. And I got a gun in my hand i hear him piciking a gun, putting bullets in it. He does all of that slowly, no need to rush. Comes back down to me, I see him boom head shot on me... Nice, very friendly server.


I want to gear up, go in a fire station. Some fucking psycho logs in next to me. Scream's die bitch die bitch hits me with a axe, I start to bleed like hell. But somehow the stupid asshole fails to hit me more then ones. I pull out my axe and hit him back. So he starts to bleed also, the pussy that he was full in gear starts to run away. I say to myself ill follow you damn bastard. Start running behind him. And after 20sec combat logs out of the game... Hell yeah son, good job! And that was in a NO PVP, very friendly server - The fuck?


You still don't have shit to do in this game and if the people are stupid as hell, the game starts to be very boring...

I would really like to see someone handcuff me, force feeds me some junk, rape my ass, etc - do something interesting, use your imagination. Let's make it interesting. But no, just when they notice you. Boom shoot anyone on sight.


So I got 55H of Dayz and I can say only bad things about the players. In all of those 55h found like 3-4 random people who were cool.


So I was thinking to pause a bit, but saw how RUST has a lot more friendly community. All of the youtube vides I saw were very interesting. I was like wtf? You got a m4 and you didnt shoot all of those random people, how nice to see something like that...


Wish Dayz could evolve and not be a big asshole.


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I know that this is part of the game, I understand that the game should have bad, trash players who want to be bad ass. But like everything in life, there is always balance. If you don't have balance everything turns into shit. So I would just like to see a bit more positive people in this game and not 90% trash...


I'm pretty sure that after a world altering catastrophe with zombies on the prowl the remaining survivors wouldn't simply gather up, hold hands, and sing We Are The World under the moonlight.


In the best case scenario even the non-KoS people would be very leery of anyone they don't know personally; and that plays itself out in the game. I personally avoid interaction as much as possible in the game; probably very similar to what I would do during the real thing.

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I'm pretty sure that after a world altering catastrophe with zombies on the prowl the remaining survivors wouldn't simply gather up, hold hands, and sing We Are The World under the moonlight.


In the best case scenario even the non-KoS people would be very leery of anyone they don't know personally; and that plays itself out in the game. I personally avoid interaction as much as possible in the game; probably very similar to what I would do during the real thing.

I highly doubt even one bullet would be fired at another living human on a real life Chernarus over a years time with a 100 survivors on it.

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I highly doubt even one bullet would be fired at another living human on a real life Chernarus over a years time with a 100 survivors on it.


What ??


Are you actually serious ??



naaaaaaaaah, hahah good joke dude.

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I love how people on this forum manage to convince themselves that Rust is the exact same as DayZ. 20 hours into that game and I formed a town with 30+ people, all of us making a ruckus and generally failing at organizing ourselves - it was still hilarious. Granted, some people attacked us and whatnot, but that only increased the bond within our little township. Like it or not, that game does compel a much higher degree of teamwork than this one.


No matter what the anti-Rust crowd says, they can't remove the half a dozen people who have joined my Steam friends list because of that game. Friends from DayZ? Zero. Numbers don't lie.



As for the OP - well, welcome to the Hunger Games the Video Game + 10 whole zombies. Maybe it'll be a little more balanced once the environment changes, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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I love how people on this forum manage to convince themselves that Rust is the exact same as DayZ. 20 hours into that game and I formed a town with 30+ people, all of us making a ruckus and generally failing at organizing ourselves - it was still hilarious. Granted, some people attacked us and whatnot, but that only increased the bond within our little township. Like it or not, that game does compel a much higher degree of teamwork than this one.


No matter what the anti-Rust crowd says, they can't remove the half a dozen people who have joined my Steam friends list because of that game. Friends from DayZ? Zero. Numbers don't lie.



As for the OP - well, welcome to the Hunger Games the Video Game + 10 whole zombies. Maybe it'll be a little more balanced once the environment changes, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

My question is....


Rust is waiting for you, don't get him mad.


Edited by Joker83

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What ??


Are you actually serious ??

Based on the assumption that you've got children, women, elderly that need care and some other things, yeah. Were not talking about a post-nuclear landscape like Hiroshima and Nagasaki (do a photo search for some sobering images. i did the other day...holy shit... been awhile since i saw those in school) where the land is a barren wasteland with nothing usable. Groups would form around taking care of these people. Theres plenty of food in most places to cover the period of time needed to get set up and secure, security involving in the simple closing of a door in most zombie movies... Weapons are scarily simple to aim in real life for short ranges and would be easy to pick off.  (This is why i think 28 days later zombies are an absolute must)


What i think would happen is that tensions would be higher. You wouldn't see KOS, but if three guys out camping in the woods, drunk, were pissed off by some other drunk guy they didn't get along with who repeatedly insulted them, etc....

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Based on the assumption that you've got children, women, elderly that need care and some other things, yeah. Were not talking about a post-nuclear landscape like Hiroshima and Nagasaki (do a photo search for some sobering images. i did the other day...holy shit... been awhile since i saw those in school) where the land is a barren wasteland with nothing usable. Groups would form around taking care of these people. Theres plenty of food in most places to cover the period of time needed to get set up and secure, security involving in the simple closing of a door in most zombie movies... Weapons are scarily simple to aim in real life for short ranges and would be easy to pick off.  (This is why i think 28 days later zombies are an absolute must)


What i think would happen is that tensions would be higher. You wouldn't see KOS, but if three guys out camping in the woods, drunk, were pissed off by some other drunk guy they didn't get along with who repeatedly insulted them, etc....


It must be nice living in a fairytale





and this... is just a sweet example....

Wake up dude, life its not a bunch of facebook filosophy quotes.

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Based on the assumption that you've got children, women, elderly that need care and some other things, yeah. Were not talking about a post-nuclear landscape like Hiroshima and Nagasaki


So you need a post-nuclear landscape for people to shoot at each other?
People are murdering each other every day in Detrot and that's just a post-recession city in one of the richest countries on the planet. No nuclear bombs or zombies necessary. Just a bit of economic hardship and man's inhumanity to man.
Your concept of the goodwill people would show each other in this situation is hilariously naive.
Yes, some groups would form to protect and help the sick, weak and poor.
Other groups would form to absolutely pillage, rape and murder.
Anyway, if you want to form a group, go form a fucking group. Nothing is stopping you.

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It must be nice living in a fairytale





and this... is just a sweet example....

Wake up dude, life its not a bunch of facebook filosophy quotes.




I think your forgetting that those people would be zombies. Right?

Edited by Thane

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My question is....


Rust is waiting for you, don't get him mad.



Yeah, seriously. I'm here because I support this game - it has potential. However, it is lacking a lot. The interesting thing about Rust is that it isn't so different from DayZ, and yet the way people behave in that game, on the whole, is very different.


Moreover, why do you care? You joined like, yesterday. You don't get to kick me - or anyone else for that matter - out of the forums, so why don't you fuck off and mind your own business? Gonna throw more caps-lock my way? You're actually just proving the OP's point by beings such a prick.



It must be nice living in a fairytale





and this... is just a sweet example....

Wake up dude, life its not a bunch of facebook filosophy quotes.


Every one of your videos show people grouping up together, even if it is against other people. The guy in the second video is talking about how he is protecting his children. So basically, you just defeated your own fucking point - Thane is correct. Families group together. The real human drive to survive and reproduce is constant, otherwise, you wouldn't exist right now. 


You should wake up. It's spelled "philosophy," genius.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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