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Where is going Dayz ?

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Hi guys,

I'm playing this game since 3 weeks now and I would like to listen your idea of what the game will be.

Actually i feel is quite boring.


As on of the author said you can be geared up in few hours of play instead of some days and that's boring.


As soon as you have  a fire gun zombies are not a threat anymore. Actually they are not a threat even if you don't have a gun because you can run faster than them.

At the moment the only thing that slightly increase the difficult managing the zombies is the fact that they can run through the walls. So zombies are sostantially boring.


Water and food are not a problem. Just leave the coast and you will find everything you need in great quantity. And that's boring.


Combat with other players is fun but buggy in my opinion. It's not always a matter of how good you are and how good the other guy is. You can die because you fell off a wall, stairs will running away. The shipwreck is dangerous for the stairs instead of the other players/bandit. Sometime you're chasing someone and you see him disappear in a wall while you're shoting. He will avoid the bullet in this way. Than he will appair again and kill you just like that. And that's boring and annoying.


Said that i know it's alpha but exactly because w're still in alpha stage how do you suggest to fix these things? Do these things bother you ? Is only my fault related how i play this game ?




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Very alpha. Just wait, it will get more fun. Also, your title is messed up. It made me think it could also be name "Is Going Where DayZ."


lol I make myself laugh.



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I dont know if you follow dean hall in youtube..


But he clearly said.. and he have a pre-look how citys going to look with the zombies.... It will be extremly hard to get out of those citys because they are going to be exploded from zombies.


And at the latest patch he rocket said they going make new zombies model and etc..

anyway its just alpha... 


I can ensure you its the best simulation/ video game I've have experianced.

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Said that i know it's alpha but exactly because w're still in alpha stage how do you suggest to fix these things?


...by, umm. Well. By not being in Alpha anymore?


Is that the answer?

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I appreciate your concern over certain aspects of the game and you also seem to understand that it is alpha.


There are places that the devs have spoken on several issues, perhaps you can find these, possibly on this site..

There is also a suggestion forum where a lot of these topics are covered, which sometimes spills over to this forum too.


So do a little research and if you are still looking for answers then Im sure we can try to help or discuss a solution.

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I am very interested in finding one of these "fire guns" you mention. Pics or it aint real.


Also, since when do stairs run away from people???? Again, pics or it didn't happen...


NOTE: just poking fun, OP. I don't actually care that English isn't your first (or more likely not even your second) language. All in good fun...

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All the weird combat things you mentioned are probably due to the server FPS or whatever Rocket refers to. I remember him saying that when the server goes below a certain FPS (or whatever) that weird things happen, so basically the desync your seeing with zombies and players going through walls. 


For me, the combat is (when theres more weapons) unbeatable when compared to any other shooter. The balance of a firefight can switch between either side in seconds due to mistakes or just peoples actions, and having a tactical mind that can adapt very quickly can help you win those battles. I find it some of the most tense and gut retching experiences in a game, something that I can't get enough of. 


As for the actual game itself, there is still a lot of to come. Just to name a few things; diseases, wildlife, vehicles and vehicle customization, bases/ hideouts/ tents, a lot more zombies and zombie hordes, more crafting options, more variation in weather, server and client performance, more loot types and weapons. And thats just a list of things coming from the dev side of things. We as a community and a player base have the options to take this sandbox game and create things within it that we want. For example trading outposts, currency (in one form or another), medic and mechanical teams or policing groups. This is something that would be soo much better if we ourselves setup in-game, rather than the devs doing it for us, and is something quite easily possible if it was advertised enough. It started to happen in the mod, and we can or will be able to do it quite easily in the SA. 


Thats my vision of what DayZ will become based off the intentions Rocket expressed from back in the mod, and also in the development of the SA. 

Edited by Yorkie065
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I dont know if you follow dean hall in youtube..


But he clearly said.. and he have a pre-look how citys going to look with the zombies.... It will be extremly hard to get out of those citys because they are going to be exploded from zombies.


And at the latest patch he rocket said they going make new zombies model and etc..

anyway its just alpha... 


I can ensure you its the best simulation/ video game I've have experianced.

I went on Dean Hall youtube channel but the last video is 1 month old and it's a Dayz teaser. Anyway i read about the fact that zombies are going to increase when servers will be optimized. I only hope that they are going to be A LOT !


...by, umm. Well. By not being in Alpha anymore?


Is that the answer?

That's not what i meant. There could be other answers like i.e. : problem x is not going to be fixed because is not considered a problem by the authors. Because apart from the player walking throught the wall the rest are gameplay adjustment and not real bugs

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I am very interested in finding one of these "fire guns" you mention. Pics or it aint real.


Also, since when do stairs run away from people???? Again, pics or it didn't happen...


NOTE: just poking fun, OP. I don't actually care that English isn't your first (or more likely not even your second) language. All in good fun...

Yeah, very funny. I'm still laughing. I was going to answer you but than i read your signature ...

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Yeah, very funny. I'm still laughing. I was going to answer you but than i read your signature ...



I really was just poking fun op. No more and no less. And as for my signature, don't take that out of context. I rarely KOS, and if I do, its only when I am HUNTING, to which I add in a lot of preparation and ritual to make it challenging and engaging. My signature is more about the fact that I don't believe KOSing should be limited or punished in any way. I firmly believe that ALL players should be allowed to play however they want, and that INCLUDES killing a player the moment I see one for no other reason than the fact that I saw them, if I want to, which I rarely do at all (usually I lone wolf, watch, observe, and generally avoid player interaction at all).

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so to sum your post up:


- lack of zombies

- ease of gearing up

- lack of challenging survival aspects

- ladders

- buggy collision detection

- desync issues





so no, these things dont bother me, as i know they are going to be addressed. which has been discussed in length in many threads on these forums.

Edited by e47
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